Google Spent Nearly 300 Million on Diversity Programs

And it barely changed the demographic make up of its workforce. How much of that small change is due to employment in those diversity outreach programs? Probably most.

People need to realize that SJWs are literally campaigning for their own useless jobs.

Whoa if true

Who wudda thunk cunts and niggers cost money

obviously that money went to propagandize google further

If true, whoa.

this is why the US needs all those doctors and programmers from Syria

How many of these "Latino" execs are >90% European? Probably most.

I went to good schools and met many "latinos". Typically their mom's were castizos and their dad's where white. They were literally like 1/8th Native if that.

I knew blacks and women were stupid and useless

But are Latinos also?

What is the right-wing alternative to Google?

Oh wait there isn't one because right wingers are rural and suburban retards with no college education and are about 2 million years behind neoliberals in terms of evolution.

we need to make our own anti diverse version of goolag and blacklist SJWs

people hate diversity

spend it where? a slush fund?

See Some latinos are completely white. Or it is like "my Mexican grandmother" where their Mexican grandmother was mixed race. 1/8th, 1/6th, 1/32nd native people who look completely white get diversity points because their forefathers had low standards.

>Google spends a bazillion on diversity
>b-but we can't afford a higher corporate tax

I don't know how an entire workforce composed of beta males, trannys, and lesbians is "diverse", but ok.

I would be a race traitor for a qt castizo.

So are native latinos stupid, is my question

Everything needs to be in terms of european now to stop normies from getting so confused.

It's funny, you know, I'm an engineer, so I have a lot of engineer friends. I know and have known many unemployed male engineers, I've never met an unemployed female engineer. Is it at all possible, even conceivable, that demand for female engineer jobs is being amply met by the industry already?

Seriously. CEO of a former company I worked with was a 'Latino exec' and he was half white from a family of millionaires in Monterrey. I'm sure that's what the xooglers mean

Typically yes, but they are way less violent than blacks, so they cause less problems. There are exceptions. I think the average Mexican American in CA has an IQ of 90.

If 4 people were interviewing for a high paying job, all college educated with experienced backgrounds and the 4 people were: a black woman, a latino man, an Indonesian woman, and a white man. The black woman would get hired every time. They are literally as rare as finding a unicorn.

We should jump on the diversity band wagon. The more 'diverse' google gets, the quicker they will fall. I think all white males should be fired immediately.

Diversity is literally a scam

"diversity is our strength"
b-bbbut we need to pay some more for it to show its true strength

it doesn't make any sense if you think of it as what it says it is
it makes a little more sense if you look at is as a marketing campaign to single college-educated women (who are prolific consumers)

Yes. It is. The only demographic that actually benefits is executive white women which is why they immediately attacked the memo.

They know they got their positions partially because they weren't white men.

whoa if factual

It is.

or duckduckgo

Remember kids,



That's because the diversity program itself is a tax scam.

Next Sup Forums op should be to become a professional diversity consultant and give bad advice.

I hope they hire more Black people.