Dona'd Trump's solution to the opioid crisis... don't use opioids.. how can someone be so clueless...

Dona'd Trump's solution to the opioid crisis... don't use opioids.. how can someone be so clueless. It's like he thinks everyone is just shooting up heroin and prescription drugs have nothing to do with it.

then to follow up.. he thinks we can "win" the opioid crisis by just stepping up security at the border where he thinks all of it is "coming in" completely ignoring the perfectly legal heroin we have in pill form produced by US pharmaceutical companies. What you gonna arrest people for taking prescribed pain meds too?

inb4 archive bot. I don't give a shit.

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I have no sympathy for pathetic fucks that turn to drugs because there depressed. Hope they die, they'll do everyone a favor

Let them die. Addicts are not welcome in a healthy society.

have you tired to get multiple refills on prescription pain killaz lately? docs have become jewish as fuck about giving them out.

it's not 2007 anymore.

Because that's the best fucking solution, you nu-male cuck

Opioids are for people with excruciating and intolerable pain, or for people with terminal illnesses, but doctors give them out like skittles to every whiny pussy with a headache.

Even people that come out of major surgeries don't need opioids the majority of the time.

They are massively over prescribed, same as antibiotics, and it's hurting everyone

What I'm talking about is the tons of people who get hooked on pain pills because they have some chronic pain condition like back pain or degenerative arthritis and their doctors give them long term scripts for opioids. Ramping up enforcement and securing the border does NOTHING for that.

Yes, they ARE overprescribed. That's the MAIN FUCKING PROBLEM. Overprescription, not enough alternatives for chronic pain. States that have legal medical marijuana as an option for chronic pain have found opioid overdoses go down up to 25% This is a public health issue and the way we solve it is to find alternatives to opioids where we can, physical therapy, acupuncture, maybe surgery in some cases. Some doctors delay surgical intervention on some back problems and just prescribe them pain pills and see if they can just live with that. Wtf? Why not solve the source of the problem in their spine instead of getting them hooked on legal heroin?

addiction is a choice

>Taking a pill that lets you work and do things vs being laid up in bed in severe pain all day is a choice

It is , but do you honestly think anyone's going to choose to just be laid up in bed and in pain constantly?

You link to CNN and Trump is supposed to be the brain dead faggot?

it's not addiction if it's pain management

Why is the president being asked to fix this? Shouldn't state governments fix this? Tell doctors to fuck off and stop prescribing opioids, or fund research for less addictive equally effect drugs

Everyone agrees prescriptions is the gateway and doctors have been caught handing it out like candy on purpose to suck them into the healthcare system. Stop using opioids can extent to the healthcare system too.

It's a national fucking crisis being spearheaded by the Jews. Look at how many doctors are kikes. Do you think it's just a coincidence that we fought a jewish war in Afghanistan when they are the #1 poppy grower? After the war started was when the streets started to get flooded with pills. This shit goes deep.

But emotional pain doesn't count?

Because the states are obviously failing and all the states are asking for federal help and resources to help combat it We need a multidisciplinary approach. Asking people to just suffer isn't a solution and neither is just giving them opioid pills.

To your body there's no difference. Just like to your body there's no difference between Oxycodone and Heroin. One's just slightly weaker heroin in a pill.

If your doctor suddenly cuts your prescription without proper detox after you've been taking them for years, or if your prescription doesn't keep pace with your tolerance buildup.. you're still addicted, and now you're going to look towards illegal means of sating your addiction, but by that point there isn't really a choice. The withdrawal is bad enough that you'll do anything to stop it.

Garbage source.
So he's supposed to; cooperate on a Russian investigation, worry about Korea, find new candidates for his cabinet, find a new press secretary, tweet national policy change, golf, worry about climate change, fix Obama care, deal with Russia and China saber rattling, fix his broken party, defend himself from hundreds of sexual assault cases that supposedly happened in 1970, deport illegals, stop all the leaks in the White House, talk nice with the EU.
Yet you complain because he doesn't have time to coddle addicts?
Do what China does. Drag these people into the middle of the street and shoot them in the head. Execute doctors that over prescribe. Limit the number of pills that can be manufactured.
That will stop it. Fucking world is over populated anyway. Killing a few thousand worthless people would be a blessing.


Also, I thought leftists wanted drugs to be legal.

The only states that have ever completely banned certain drugs are ZOGs. Look up the drug laws of the third Reich.

With the exception of Golf, yes. That is what he campaigned to do, do the job of president, the hardest job in the world where you have to address all of our problems both foreign and domestic that have gotten too big for anyone but the federal government to handle and have the resources for.

He campaigned he'd work his ass off and not leave the white house and golf and criticized his predecessors from taking vacations and golfing now what's he doing?

Besides he has a cabinet, a big part of the President's job is delegating power to other people to do things. It's the executive branch, he's chief executive. His job is to determine the course of action in which to help deal with problems. If we have a major hurricane or earthquake that outstrip's the municipality or state's resources then he has to help tackle that as well.

If he can't handle that, he shouldn't have campaigned.

Who gives a fuck what you think leftists want? Do you plan to spend the rest of your life hedging your ideas on a given issue against whatever you perceive leftists are saying?

He got into office promising emergency action on a crisis that's going to kill something like 3 quarters of a million American people in the next decade, and so far "drugs are bad mkay" / DARE 2.0 is his fucking solution.

taking opioids for emotional pain is what leads to addiction because it's purely an emotional feedback loop
>but by that point there isn't really a choice
of course there is
you either take it or you don't

Weed maybe, well, at least medical, medical psilocybin for cluster headaches maybe if they can find a microdosing regimen that is effective but doesn't make people go crazy (at the very least they should do clinical studies on its action in cluster headaches and maybe develop a drug that mimics that action without causing hallucinations.. and.. hopefully making it a reasonable price. If the price isn't reasonable you might as well just give them shrooms which are cheap). Opioids are already legal, and that's the problem. The shit that'll kill you is legal and alternatives that might be effective but won't kill you are illegal.

Every person abusing this shit can slowly get rid of it, nobody talks about cold turkey.

Stop blaming others for your mistakes.

I haven't been an addict, but considering how much of a problem it is, I don't think it's that easy to just say "Oh, I'm addicted to my pain meds, but my doctor won't prescribe me higher doses anymore and my tolerance is too high, I guess I'll just quit cold turkey" At that point their brain is hijacked and they no longer make rational choices, all they know is "I don't want to feel this pain, nausea, cramping, diarrhea, and insomnia anymore, and the only way I know how to stop it is to take more pills or do heroin"

The real solution to the addiction crisis in the United States is to build back up our social capital (family/community/civic organizations). People have become completely emotionally disconnected from each other, leading to loneliness, narcissism, and harmful escapism.

Exactly, and when people run out of perscription after they get hooked, they seek drugs on the street to get their fix. This is how most people get on heroin, because their perspecription runs out but they are already addicted.

I told you. Take them all and shoot them in the head publicly. It cured China's drug problems.
Twenty cents will cure each one.


if you care about the plight of niggers and genelets you need to get off this board its that simple

>open federalized methadone clinics
>make opioid addiction less stigmatized
>give 2 options when caught: jail time or mandatory detox
>of course program is white only
>niggers and spics found selling will be given immediate on scene death sentence of shot execution style by police
>whites selling will be beaten, taken to jail, and detoxed if addicted
>all borders will be sealed and anybody running the border will be gunned down
>opioid in whites goes down and dirty niggers and spics are too afraid to sell or speak out

Rinse and repeat in Europe
Whites become great again
Sieg heil

>shooting people in the head for having medical problems that need pain meds.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Detox yes but we need more alternatives to opioids so we can prescribe them less in the first place.

Mao had a solution for his opoid crisis and it worked.

Look it up :^)

That's fucked up. In the UK if you break your arm the give you IV paracetamol

We also have to get the Jews out of media and medicine. They glorified opiates in their music/movies all throughout the 90s. Then when pills exploded after the wars started you saw "xtreme" skater and jackass stunt culture take off. Half of the dumb teens back then broke a bone and were handed Vicodin like candy, along with all the returning injured vets. It's not a coincidence that all that shit happened at the same time.

Rape is a big problem worldwide. I don't think it's that easy to just say "Oh, I'm really horny, but it's illegal and absolutely morally reprehensible to just pin down a little girl and have my way with her. I guess I'll just control myself"

Literally you.

it's well known that ending substance abuse is most effective at an individual psychological level.
trump saying don't use opiods is exactly as effective as spending billions on the existing prevention and care model that is failing us miserably
ending abuse is on the individual, and no amount of money or medicine can fix that

winners don't do drugs user, have you learned nothing from Trump? the only people that need opiates are the terminally ill, the rest can live with their "burdens"

Black tar heroin is a real problem, as is normal heroin. Yes, people get hooked because of percocet and oxycontin, but nobody can afford to maintain an addiction on a 10 dollar pill

I have long term prescriptions for opioids because I have cancer. Not once have I abused my massive doses of fentanyl, some people are just stupid degenerate fucks who lack any semblance of self control

I'm honestly not too knowledgeable in pharmacology
The methadone clinics are so addicts don't go into organ failure or shock from withdraw
And usually detox clinics can get them off
As for alternatives to opoids I'm not sure.
Opoids are almost the go to for stronger painkillers. We would have to heavily invest in pharmaceutical research for alternatives.
Or try to dole out more extended released opoids so the high is there as much

Isn't there as much

some people have depression, anxiety and personality disorders. they deserve help

anyone who thinks drug addicts don't deserve help is probably a sub 100 iq retard who lacks empathy

>main problem is overprescription
that was the problem, now if you have serious pain issues you are fucked.
>you just had MAJOR surgery?
>here are 7 Vicodin
>don't you dare ask for a refill you dirty junkie
>what's that?
>you can't sleep and have horrible pain?
>get out of my office

the knife cuts both ways user. unless you are dying of cancer or are currently IN THE HOSPITAL no doctor will give you much of anything.

It's like you've never had a paleocon phase. I mean have you even read dalrymple?

Bruh, he's as close to /ourguy/ as we've ever had in the WH but he owns massive shares of Sanofi and Bristol-Meyers Squibb. Help in most assuredly NOT on the way. Sometimes, we have to pretend we're not just a bunch of lighter complected niggers and fix oiur shit without Daddy Don and the U.S. Gov't.

Let's use this thread to create solutions rather than whine to the Government like niggers, shall we?

CTR bot slide-thread, please do not respond!

>made up disorders pushed by jews to turn white males into women boosted by drugs

we don't care about genelets, and sure as hell won't help artificially creating more of them all you need is lifting sunshine sleep food and jesus christ, go back to plebbit you fucking faggot

Alternatives have existed for ages but have been suppressed, especially for low-dose painkillers like Vicodin.

t. someone who's never been in severe chronic pain. It physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausts you, kills your will to live, makes you incapable of leaving the house.
There's non pharmacological things that can be done sometimes too. Sometimes physical therapy can help, sometimes weight loss can help, I've heard for some headaches and nerve based pains accupuncture can help., and sometimes surgery shouldn't be put off. Like I said earlier there are some people with severe chronic back problems who could benefit from surgery, but the doctors try just giving them pain meds first because it's cheaper and easier, even if those pain meds are addictive and can kill them.

Its not people in severe pain that are OD-ing, at least not in my state.

Its the "usual suspects" of party people, useless junkies, and drug culture losers who are buying pills from other inbreds that fake an injury to get pills to sell.

The foreigner doctors also play a big role. They are the ones essentially selling prescriptions.

Funny how the only oversubscribed pill problems we used to have with waspy and jewey Doctors were what, valium?

People can get addicted to opoids from having to take morphine in the hospital for a serious injury
>hurdur we are strong and winners don't do drugs
Retard circumstance and the human body can create addiction like what I said above.
To deny this or say buck up and live with it got is here in the first place
>I'm more of a natsoc as I want to identify the issue and cure our people

Not even in the same ballpark nigger. Addicts don't think rationally anymore. The chemical messengers in their brains are all fucked up.

You know which country had fantastic treatment programs and didn't throw addicts in prison? The Third Reich. The worst they'd do to chronic addicts is sterilize them, but only after treatment failed.

Was this before or after they used their free will to take substances they knew that be harmful?

Where is the scientific evidence which shows long-term addicts have no free will?

>muh withdrawal symptoms

They can't ween themselves off?

Almost cut myself on teh edgyness

god damn i have you faggot junkies who get hooked and then blame other people for your problems thus fucking shit up for responsible drug users who aren't faggot pieces of shit. fuck off and die already.

how shitty is europoor that they don't teach their childern the side effects of drugs.
when i was a kid they taught us, meth and heroin were like super bad mkay. they also taught us marijuana was bad, but everyone knew better.
so yeah anyone with a iq above 100 has no sympathy for drug addicts

>opiates are bad
>but ignore that the great orange is eating himself to death

not even edgy at all. all junkies should die. the world would be a better place.

Donny isn't begging for gibs

"their free will"

>I'm in severe pain to where I can't even leave my house walking or driving sends lightning bolts up my spine
>My doctor prescribed a pill that he says will help with the pain
>Yeah I'm not going to take it, It could be addictive, I guess I'll just suffer.

said nobody ever.

>Addicts don't think rationally anymore
good reason to duarte them

this is a super small percentage of opium addicts. i personally knew a guy who was addicted from when the military gave him some. but he chose to get hooked on them in the civilian world, and then chose to ween himself off. so yeah fuck off dude


Trumps biggest mistake on this non-crisis is giving it any money at all. Fucking hate that my tax dollars are going to help these worthless sacks of shit.

I'm not an addict....
I'm a nurse. and the hospital I work in sees a lot of people with really fucked up chronic pain. I live in a state with legal medical MJ, but because of .. reasons, the doctors here can't recommend it.

>Only 10 mgs

>The only addicts are the ones who are in severe pain

Epic. I bet you're one of the useless creatures that fall over themselves to cry about rape and incest whenever abortion is discussed

You're one lucky motherfucker to never have gone through any of that then.

For every drug but opioids you are right.

Read Erik Striker's article about the Sackler brothers and Purdue Phrma.

>people with really fucked up chronic pain
if they have chronic pain then they need the drugs and they aren't actually addicts. limiting access to necessary drugs is insane. but most of the people who are abusing this shit do not have real underlying conditions. they are just junkies. they are fucking it up for everyone who just wants some decent meds when they get a tooth pulled all the way to people with chronic pain.

if people can treat with cannabis that is great.

if doctors would prescribe raw opium instead of synthetic shit it would probably be healthier too. but the medical industry is fucked five ways from sunday any way.

these junkie sob stories are just another racket to fuck the system up even more though.

You think there's an easy answer for why someone decides to take that first pill which can soon spiral into addiction. In reality there are a number of factors at play. The main one being the breakdown and destruction of western civilization. Mark my words, drug use and overdoses will only go up in numbers. Our civilization is lost and now people are looking for an escape from reality. Some find it in sex, some find it in religion. Others find it in opiates/opiods, which i dont blame them, doing high doses of Hydrocodone is like touching the face of God.

weak minded individuals.

you realize that even people with chronic pain become physically dependant on opioids and struggle to cease consumption after the source of the pain has been treated right?

get rid of the opiod crisis? kill the deepweb. where do you think all these suburban white kids the news is reporting on are getting their heroin from? hint: it's not from jamal or carlos

>>Only 10 mgs
damn. need dem 80's boi.

>opioid crisis
Any time some druggie overdoses and dies, the problem solves itself.

>aren't actually addicts
Yes they are. I don't think you know what addiction means. If you have withdrawals you're an addict.

Thanks will check it out

Literally 98% of the countries adult population has no fucking clue how to use the deepweb you fucking basement dweller. Get some sunlight.

When you tell a nigger to go to pain management for spinal injections to manage their chronic pain they look at you like you insulted watermelon and fried chicken.

>take that first pill which can soon spiral into addiction
it only spirals into addiction if you are a worthless faggot with no self control. in which case the flood gates should just be left open so you can kill yourself.

> high doses of Hydrocodone is like touching the face of God

whatever faggot. ive done plenty of oxy, hydro, coke, crack, meth, and all kinds of shit in my day and it is all good but i am still not an addict and i dont need any higher power 12 steps bullshit or any faggot ass rehab to manage my own life.

As a doctor that is fucking hilarious. No wonder your healthcare system is fucking crippled by costs. IV paracetamol as mono-therapy for a fracture MY FUCKING SIDES

hurr durr its the deepweb
wow you are retarded, anyone over 25 knows damn well where the opium is coming from, its Afghanistan the CIA has been shipping it into the states almost immediately after we invaded. you want to blame someone for the huge supply of opium/heroin its the fucking CIA

>don't abuse drug
>don't get addicted
He's not completely wrong though

>t. High-tolerance partier who got bored and assumes everyone has the same reactions to drugs

>If you have withdrawals you're an addict
wrong. if you have withdrawals and you are too much of a faggot to ride them out for 2 or 3 days then you are an addict. withdrawals have fuck all to do with it. pussies.

opioids are not like typical drugs.
Opioids are the secret master receptors. whatever they do runs downhill to the usual neurotransmitters.
It is one of those situations where regulation/force is needed. tell me ancap fags wwyd.
Ron Paul-If we legalized heroin who here would do heroin, I bet no one here would.
o boy

I honestly never thought of this.
You're right. Many people become addicts because of certain conditions.
I know of many people with back issues who can't afford the surgery or their condition isn't "severe" enough to warrant the surgery.
So they've become addicted to pills

If we can make surgery more affordable and the requirements less strict we could curve the addiction rate somewhat


Don't fall for the moral panic, you turds. There's a new one of these campaigns a couple times a year, and I'm shocked Sup Forums of all places hasn't noticed the pattern. Addicts are addicts. They aren't new and they aren't a crisis.

If you want to do something positive about addiction, help yourself or help a family member. Don't buy into the hype and let (((them))) meme you into supporting whatever new law they are trying to pass.

I'm not arguing that point, but the definition of a word is the definition of a word. If you show signs of physical dependence you are an addict, period.

You can't have it both ways Sup Forums. If you post
>Let them die, survival of the fittest, these weaklings need to be culled
but in the same breath bemoan white genocide, which is the culling of the weak at its finest, and desire an intervention to save white demographics, you're not being consistent.

>>t. High-tolerance partier who got bored and assumes everyone has the same reactions to drugs
that's half true, but all this faggot "rehab" "addiction" shit is just mind rape to keep people disabled. falling into the trap of believing that shit is worse than the drugs.

Make hydrocodone OTC without a prescription
Make heroin legal and set up state stores
Make analogue opioid drug possession such as fentanyl and carfentanyle a life sentence or death penalty offense
Find a way to cultivate Kratom and opium here in the states
Put the facts out about opioid drug use and emotional health. - most addicts have emotional problems, and a physical injury is just the gateway to their use and abuse

>he thinks everyone is just shooting up heroin and prescription drugs have nothing to do with it.
Pretty much.
You're a junkie because you chose to be.

I live in Seattle, we've always had druggies but now there's needles on every street, junkies nodding off on every corner, and huge fucking tent cities full of addicts popping up in every park and overpass in the city. It wasn't ever this bad before, not even during the grunge years

>garbage subhuman makes garbage thread
>opinion: discarded

>If we can make surgery more affordable
Just like with climate change, the (((solution))) usually proposed to this real-world problem is actually a way to fuck things up worse. Stay away from muh socialized healthcare, instead we need to be attacking the professional organizations that strictly limit the number of health professionals being trained. Stop the artificial scarcity, and medical costs will drop.

waaaaaa im a fat fuck american too fucking lazy to quit being a degenerate piece of shit drug addict waaaa waaa cant handle three days of flu so i guess ill just overdose and fucking die.

>amerishart self control