why do western people not know how to raise their children to be civilized?
why do they think freedom = degeneracy without boundries? it's a lame fucking excuse to ignore are moral virtues.
why do western people not know how to raise their children to be civilized?
why do they think freedom = degeneracy without boundries? it's a lame fucking excuse to ignore are moral virtues.
Fuck your pedo thread. It will now be used to investigate Schreiber further.
Skip to 3:40 - youtu.be
Photo evidence this guy is ruining the identity/sexuality of his sons - archive.4plebs.org
Sage and report all pedo spam
If anyone wants proof the guy is a weirdo, check the birth dates of the sons. That tape was recorded when they were 7 and 9, and he STILL bathes with them a year later.
hollywood is the devil's playground
how is this a pedo thread when it's a thread talking about what's wrong with shitty parenting?
>starting a thread with little girls
it's a boy
I don't know whether you're larping, but judging from your flag you have your share in it.
>Willy dance
>Trusting anyone owned by Jews not to be a pedo.
Wew Lad
>the helicocktor
>western people = uncivilized
>freedom = degeneracy
You're not thinking about why this is the case for SOME people. Because of kikes and their behind-the-scenes actions, people in the west are being corrupted. Remember to do your research next time you make a thread, dipshit.
nigger Schreiber IS jewish. Also slavic. Communist mother.
I know. no one in the USA can be trusted
>Even better.
jk, fagget
the girl is not fucking his you idiot. see:
Time to do the Willy Dance!
the kikes strip anything of value away from the nonjews.
european tradition of raising kids. utterly forgotten.
classical education (trivium & quadrivium)
utterly forgotten, only husks remain, such as the name "language arts"
nobody knows what anything means anymore, not really.
and people wonder where all these insane leftists come from. even the most redpilled of people today are completely lost when it comes to culture.
the culture is what's valuable, and kikes have taken it away from the goyim.
that's what they do.
you ever go to a jewish restaurant? they have invented absolutely nothing. everything on the menu is just a bastardization of a dish native to wherever in europe they settled.
that's also what yiddish is. it's a corrupt, creole version of german.
This is the wrong place to ask. Sup Forums wants to "save western society" (insert "save" for "revive", "bring back", etc) and Sup Forums is autistic and near schizophrenic in their struggle with degeneracy.
On the one hand, they pay lip service to hating degeneracy, yet on the other hand, they realize how utterly depraved and corrupt the west is, and Sup Forums feels they need to defend this degeneracy since this degeneracy quite literally is the "heart of the west", unfortunately.
It's a sad tragedy we may never escape from.
talmudism is at the center of that degeneracy which really only began in the 1910s.
They think raising their children without restraints, boundaries, support, or guidelines will help them develop in a more free/healthy environment. It does the opposite. Children look for boundaries. They want to know the limits of their misbehaviors and are attempting to construct, in their child-brains, what society's norms are so they belong. These assholes are doing a huge disservice to their children and are often just making excuses for lazy parenting because it's too difficult for them to enforce structure in the lives of someone that isn't THEM.
Hell is for ever!
Tobey no. You were supposed to be outing Hollywood pedos.
>be american
>be maximum degenerate
freedom does mean the freedom to degeneracy without boundaries, you fucking moron
but honestly folks, why did God create jews?
so they could kill his son
They are god's chosen people[ of destruction.]
>people[ of destruction.]
israeli samson option?
>samson option
But what will they bring down?
read wiki.
Dude that's a boy.
I doubt jewpedia would have an article critisizing kikes for destroying society
You will be purged.
Am i gay for not wanting to fuck that?
Nobody knows what Miley is.
I have good news though!
It's something.
this is the most horrifying thing ive seen
>western people
Another anti-Western Kremlin propaganda thread for the feeble-minded
It disturbs me to think it means something worse.
Alot of people fail to see past the massive amount of propaganda. They are fed shit constantly and have no time to stop and think about what they are doing.
That and social media has created generations of attention addicticted recognition addicts who will do anything including using their children as props to solicit a few worthless mentions on the internet. Media influence is the most powerful weapon they have.
Leiv sheiber is probably a satan worshiping pedo kike tho
The pics were enough for a 'probably'. Telling the world he doee the helicoptor with his sons made it a definite.
They erased our history our philosophy and our ethos.
They made being a human illegal.
They subvert our children.
The erasure and censorship is so complete that most aren't even aware any erasure took place let alone the value of what was stolen.
We talk about dark ages. We are in the midsts of one.