Any anons in around the whitehouse? We need to slep a MAGA hat and lock her up sign on this chicken. Pic related.
Any anons in around the whitehouse? We need to slep a MAGA hat and lock her up sign on this chicken. Pic related.
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>2k for a balloon
Send in the Donald Ducks! We'll surely stop him from getting his hands on the nuclear codes this time!
Anons need to get over there and violate that chicken! Its the next capture the flag challenge
2 hours away and I'm not moving.
Why not light it on fire, you absolute pussies?
It's a fucking balloon. We just need to pop it with a stick or something.
Take one for the team user! You lazy autist. If i were that close id get there
We need a happening. Pol has been invaded by shills lately. Bump for happenings
I'd do it but I'm too far away.
I like it
>We just need to pop it with a stick or something.
Fuck you, that chicken is kawaii
NE DC user reporting in.
What seems to be the case here?
what do you want me to do? shoot it and deflate it?
make it fly a kekistani flag?
i need ideas.
a tiny hat doesn't seem worth the time and i'm not 20 feet tall.
A chicken meant to mock our God Emporer has landed next to the whitehouse lawn. It needs to be trolled. He needs a maga hat and a sign that says "Lock her Up"
Kekistan flag and pepe face would be good. Brainstorm Lads!
>what do you want me to do? shoot it and deflate it?
>shoot it
>near the white house
user you will go to federal prison if you try that
Bump. This being slid.
Kekistani Flag sounds good, just make sure it's big enough.
hmm, make a big pepe sticker and attach it to the stomach
Keep bumped for habbenings!
The chicken will probably be gone by the time the sticker arrives.
Its the middle of the week and this is what they're doing? Don't they have jobs?
Print a big pepe and put a flag. Time is limited! We must ruin someones day!
i'm thinking
it has to be worth it
I can't tell if a giant inflatable chicken is pro or anti Trump.
honestly i don't think we'll do anything without the secret service shooting at us.
Anti-Trump. It's calling him a "chicken".
They got it there somehow
If they can get a giant chicken there, we can get a flag there.
true that
I think it's pro trump. I like it.
so this was a chinese operation?
Its not pro trump its anti trump mocking him.
What is the context for this anyhow?
>President in nuke-waving match with foreign leader
>call him a chicken
Is this from (((them))) trying to further egg on WWIII?
>using "kekistani" unironically
Can you guys please fuck off to rebbit?
Is this fake news?
>Its not pro trump its anti trump mocking him.
I'm pretty sure Trump is used to being called a cock/dick. And probably enjoys it. He is a troll at heart.
1. Find user who can make a big hat (either REAL or paper mache"
2. Make contact with someone in the White House (WH user reveals himself, or contact the communications team through some conservative front)
3. Arrange to have hat user exchange with WH user who has proper clearances to complete #OpChicken
hillarys head on a stick and stick it up the chickens ass
i don't think that word means what you think it means
Too complicated, and would take too long. The chicken's probably temporary.
It was on a live feed video
why for not nuking norks? leftists are weird.
It would be orange or have a stupid face or something if it was anti-Trump. It certainly wouldn't have gold all over it with a coolguy face.
It's not pro or anti, it's just a Trump.
We could still do something. Gotta troll and take advantage when an opportunity like this presents itself
Its anti trump people sharing it all over social media
At least its not a $200,000 duck
Coincidence to coincide with Russian jet flyovers (if true).
Those look awesome how could that be a negative?
Owning chickens is a sign of self sufficiency and not eating big city food laced with chemicals and preservatives.
We have to do something, just something more simple.
It's year of the Fire Cock dummies. Not a bad thing
If you were to "accidentally" kill a random adult in DC, there is a 98% chance that person would be a liberal democrat faggot. Pretty good odds, for an accident.
We need to take advantage of this! Make a list of pro trump candidates or a message to our shitbag GOP over obamacare. Itd be all over the news shaming them
those chinese chicken trumps were not made to denigrate trump. 2017 is the year of the rooster. It is also the year of trump.
tell them it's just a prank
Nice gyno
i can easily just slash it w/ a knife
Weve gotta ruin this guys day by turning it pro trump.
>muh tax returns
>muh muh russia
These people are fucking boring.
Typical shitskin not knowing Asian astrology.
If someone had a manniquin to look like hillary in cuffs and orange jumpsuit that be funny.
if only someone had a blow up or cut out of hillary or obama in cuffs
Anything works.
Slingshots kill chicken ... remember ?
I bet such subhumans like mccain, pelosi, or that enen nore retarded democrat niggress have initiated that chicken. Might also be a deep state project teasing trump to finslly start a war ...
That chicken must go.
uggghhhhh I am in the process of becoming Capital Police...otherwise I would totally go tjere and spray paint some anti-snowflake stuff on it
It means Trumps honest
You can get super close then. Youve been recruited user. You gotta help now
Should just stab it. Or throw something sharp at it
It's definitely trying to provoke Trump.
>Kim Jong Un has it installed.
>user pops it.
>Goes to jail
>Is bunk mates with DC antics
>rapes them
Which user has the HWNDU flag? Thatd be funny
don't shoot me tonight.
in the cover of darkness.
This guy is stuck in the past narrative
He didn't get the memo update on what words to call trump
Pepe or kekistani flag, make sure you do it at night though.
or do bill clinton is a rapist or lock her up or something similar
Splatter paint rainbow with a rainbow swastika like on those tshirts lulz. But i think a blow up doll or mannequin in orange with cuffs would be best
yeah you will do SERIOUS prison time for shooting a gun within 20 miles of the whitehouse. honestly they will probably just kill you if they see you aim a gun at the whitehouse. Secret Service doesn't fuck around at all.
Nah, spray paint "BLM", you can cause a false flag, and turn two groups against one another.
The chicken might be temporary is the only thing. We need to act fast before we lose our chance.
Bill clinton is a rapist kek
Someone put this one up in front of obamas yard
You can take a black or red marker and write "Bill Clinton is a rapist!" across stomach. But it would be difficult to do without a ladder and some time though.
i like that.
bill clinton is a rapist and lock her up.
time to get to work.
Holy shit libcucks are fucking retards. This is 0% funny and a horrible idea. Bad optics
>point something that mildly resembles a gun near the whitehouse
>go to prison or get shot by SS or Capital Police.
This! Holy kek thatd be savage
Big sign saying bill Clinton is a rapist and lock her up
CNN is fake news
Lots of glue on the back of sign
Slap it on the chicken
Let CNN cover it
Laser it with a high-powered laser as to not get fucked by the secret service by shooting at it.
Thatll take time wont it? Gotta hurry anons
Also, here's all the ideas so far:
1. Simply pop the chicken. Try to make it look like it was on accident.
2. Kekistani or Pepe Flag
3. Write or spray paint Lock Her Up, Bill Clinton is a Rapist, or CNN is ISIS on the stomach of it.
This is a fast hwndu
Act fast! Weaponized autism assemble
Okay nix the kekistan faggotry but I like the pepe idea. Pepe triggers the fuck out of liberals every time
Pop it with a bow or crossbow