are israeli jews our guys?
Are israeli jews our guys?
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i think this manlet was fucking with this "lahav"
No. Israeli Jews are responsible for the liberal Jews outside Israel. Their trick is to pit the world against the liberal Jews while encouraging world-wide support for Zionism, because Israel is also struggling with liberal degeneracy, goy! The entire globalist plot was designed to promote Zionism LOL
Point and laugh at him.
Yes. They are nationalists. All nationalist are basically libertarians on a global scale. Don't fuck with me I won't fuck with you attitude.
Real problem are internationalist cabal.
absolutely fucking not
gas the kikes
>worrying about Jews in Israel
>not worrying about the Jews in America
You've got some bad times ahead brother.
Fun fact: Israel is the only white Nationalist nation on Earth. They had a nazi collaborator PM that sported a Hitler mustache for crying out loud.
Shut up, subhuman. Israelis are BASED nationalists that take care of their own. Better than your prostitute of a country.
Jews aren't white.
>Israelis are based
Oy Vey indeed
can an australian descended from a mix of aborigines, kangaroos, and prisoners really talk about racial purity at all?
Just go back to fucking reddit already you kike loving neckbeard
The Euro Jews are indeed genetically white, they established Israel, and are Nationalists. Hence, they are white nationalists. Kind of 2+2=4 level stuff
Kikes get it done. I respect any nationalist country that tears ass and gets what they want.
How.much is a pretty shekel worth in usd?
>share european genes
>this makes you european
>share banana genes
>this makes you a banana
sorry your logic is fucked mate
Ironic coming from you Mr. 40%
>Aussie can't talk
And le 50% can?
They're OK to a point. When it comes to other white nations they violate the NAP to serve their own interests.
>this makes you european
I said "white", dipshit. They have more Euro DNA than Semitic by far.
At a glace they're outwardly more white than you hotdog-colored bogans.
Jews are not white you fucking ass licking kike
Yes, much like us Anglos, they are the wests greatest allies.
Of course the kikes that are invested in claiming a minority victim status while being the most powerful clique of whites of the planet, and constantly engage in divide and conquer tactics against Gentiles, maintain that they're not white.
DNA doesnt lie.
Israel is monoethnic and national socialist. That's why the globalists are constantly trying to d&c with us and them
>a fucking blog
I bet if you werent hiding your location we'd see
>a fucking leaf
>I said "white", dipshit.
>links to an article claiming jews have european DNA
really balled my melons you sub IQ mulatto
Israel is the west's greatest ally in the mid east.
There is a clear rift between the degeneracy pushing globalist jews and the socially conservative nat-soc israelis.
Come at me bro.
Srsly. go fuck yourself you kike loving slut
I don't have a problem with Israelis is they keep out of our business. I have a major problem with how diaspora Jews treat their hosts though.
It's stupid. I don't want to hate anyone but these kikes force me too.
>europeans arent white
You certainly dont possess the IQ of a white man, and you're a nation of supposed euro descent, so maybe you have a point. I accept that aussies are wiggers.
Yeah the kikes blast the most degenerate multicult at our shit because they have a walled off ethnostate in desert to escape too. History proves that Jews go from country to country, destroying the gentiles and pilfering their wealth.
They literally have right wing death squads to beat up Arabs, fags and leftists. Go clean your moms basement you mouth breathing cunt
>multicult at our shit
Oy vey!, A whole 40 SHEKELS!? What a fucking shoah to his wallet! That shirt is only worth 20 shekels.
I like this thread,
Like it every time it comes around
Can a flag from Israel remind Americans the fact that Israelis actually fucking hates California and other liberal states because they see them as threats to financial aid given to Israel?
Whether you like it or not, liberals waving "death to Israel free Palestine" posters doesn't go unnoticed by their radar.
The flip side of course is not liking the capital given to Israel by the U.S so there are upsides and downsides to both.
Maybe you want to link me directly to a video of lily-white Schlomo saying why he deserves preferential treatment and how he's an ally against whiteness.
He spent $11. Clearly the Arab jewed the Jew.
Kill yourself my man. Israel commits more espionage and war crimes than even the us
Just keep up the baseless assertion that having some European DNA makes you European.
Maybe that will make you feel better about grandpa Ramirez & Jamal, half-breed.
Israeli Jews have cost the USA some $6t during the wars, at least $500b in bribes to its neighbours over the last 70 years and god knows how many hundreds or perhaps even thousands of billions in direct and indirect aid to the state itself. We're taking $25-50k per American man woman and child just in principal, each American has already paid a few grand in interest on this debt that surely won't be paid off for a century or two, if at all.
Israel also takes in former spies and pedophiles. If you shit on the goyim you can always escape to Israel. I don't buy this d&c stuff to be honest. All of you need to go to your ethnostate and then after a decade or two Europeans can decide if you can share this planet with us.
If yes we should protect Israeli borders for a substantial fee. If not we should let the Muslims get their revenge.
Well, they mock Christ and despise Christians with a passion, which suggests they are not, dare I say it, /Our Kikes/
CNN's farcical nature bringing together Arabs and Jews in Israel, well done CNN
Haretz is nearly, but not quite, as queer as your asshole. I know Israelis who at 20 have already killed more Arabs than you will in your entire pathetic life
>some European DNA
That's an odd way to say "majority European with insignificant levels of Semitic admixture"
Not surprising coming from convictland.
Jews are not European.
>Ironic coming from you Mr. 40%
At least our other 60% is still part of the sapiens species, and not novaehollandiae.
>I know Israelis who at 20 have already killed more Arabs than you will in your entire pathetic life
What exactly are you trying to say here? How many have you taken out, pathetic kiwi?
whiteness is a social construct.
You mean a bunch of downies dont look like normal people??
Geez, how many "Jews are our guy" threads are we going to get a day? It's really pathetic how hard you try to convince us goyim to like you. "Masterrace." Know your place, I know mine.
>I don't buy this d&c stuff to be honest.
You are right to be suspicious. It's Jacob and Esau all over again. If every single Jew was in Israel that would be one thing, but having a nation-state and being an alien diaspora at the same time means that one can be the "relief valve" for the other, while scummy diaspora behavior continues unabated.
>Just keep up the baseless assertion that having some European DNA makes you European.
At least you're finally listening.
I don't disagree that the
why is it that the percentage always gets lower every 10 microseconds when it's actually in the 70 percentile?
Even if it was 10 fucking percent that would be more Non-Hispanic white people than some Eastern European countries.
Fly to Tel Aviv and it you will immediately understand why the Jewish press calls hard working Americans inbreds. Even the ratbag Palestinians act and look more European than the Israelis.
This is why American-Israeli tours take you through a tech city full of Havarra agreement German Jews deported by Hitler and Eastern European Christians that tricked the government a few decades ago. Gavin McInnes seen the real Tel Aviv and everyone has his type of reaction.
Yeah how many based Jews do you see go after the ADL for shutting down the right? The new censorship coming for YouTube is in the hands of Jews now. Our greatest ally? The ADL are Israel dogs.
Mate you can drop me in the middle of the jungle and I'll still be pale as fuck. Objective facts aren't spooks.
>why is it that the percentage always gets lower every 10 microseconds when it's actually in the 70 percentile?
This is what Americans actually believe.
No. Israelis pretend to dislike American Jews. You're an idiot if you fall for the based Israeli meme
are some of these dudebros? some of those hairs look fake as fuck
summer pls end
I remember that Irv Rubin shit on the ADL and Abe Foxman as a matter of habit
>I don't disagree that the
Exactly. We need to deport all the Jews to their ethnostate and only then can we see if coexistence is an option. If we can coexist peacefully then they can pay us a substantial protection fee so we'll keep them from being pushed into the sea by muds.
Everyone wins.
The last official census has America at 76.2% white.
Granted, that was in 2010, but we only do them every 10 years.
Do you sweet talk 'em in latin before you fuck them or what?
What is the latin name for goat?
Generally, Israeli jews won't betray their own. They don't understand punishing criminals within their ranks like whites and asians do. It goes to the tribal superiority espoused by judaism and their obsession with victimhood and solidarity. This is why you historically can't trust them and why every solution ultimately snowballed into collective punishment. It was the only way to deal with them.
This might change as more globalist jews advocate anti-Israel policies like Soros did and piss off Israelis though.
It's 61% non-hispanic white and this figure includes Jews, Turks, Arabs, Berbers, Persians and most of the Soviet halfbreeds in the stans.
>why is it that the percentage always gets lower every 10 microseconds
Neither are Australians
Not true, Israel is has the highest corruption level in the OECD both perceived and convicted. That's the argument most people make, that the parasite cannot exist without a host. They also have more foreign investment than Spain and Italy combined yet it's the only country on earth where immigrants are poorer after ten years.
Israeli Jews are even worse than diaspora Jews.
Based Jew
This is why there was a slight bump in white babies no doubt. It's not Europeans rather the other middle eastern groups considered white by the USA.
You're flying a Jewish flag ratboy. Try harder.
Yes and when looking at the 61% remember this
>and this figure includes Jews, Turks, Arabs, Berbers, Persians and most of the Soviet halfbreeds in the stans
>why is it that the percentage always gets lower every 10 microseconds
All the "people" in this picture are White Americans.
>while encouraging world-wide support for Zionism
>Encouraging support for a nationalistic movement.
Good goy.
Yes, the best ally we have against western jews
>race is a social construct
society is a racial construct
There's more to Zionism than just nationalism. Something about dominating the goyim, ending the white race, etc
>Jews aren't white.
>Jews invented the concept of wanting limited government
>Not giving ben garrison his credit
keep trying.
Looks like you already conceded, rabbi.
You really wanna keep digging the hole mate.
Your original statement was "how does the number keep decreasing lol ur just memeing!!!"
And in your past five posts you have already lowered your initial figure down at least 10%
Do we really need more proof you're a low IQ mulatto?
is that why you conveniently ignored the post above you?
>Le 33.3% face.
If you want to compare by absolute number there are like 4.4million Muslims in the UK which is less than the amount of Jews in the USA.
11, give or take. You?
Are are they jumping ship?
40 bucks for a t shirt? Guy got jewed.
My family came here in the 40's from potato land, I wasn't here for the rest.
look, I know its just a meme so I wont keep reee'ing but at the very least if you honestly believe I couldn't come up with a subset of the us population that is 98%+ white by pulling up the amish that still speak German to this day and run blood tests on other secluded communities out of 198 million people to at least MATCH the equivalent population of Australia then I can't do much for you there.
I understand using the meme against American superiority retards but I would at the very least like to call it a draw.
I'm just fucking with ya dude the percentile is less relevant than the total amount at this point.