Mothers of Sup Forums

Do you give bare bottom, over the knee spankings?

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Not bare bottom, but over the knee, yes. It's the safest, most effective way.

Tits or gtfo

what the fuck is this time line

Plz spank me

be my mummy!!!!

>your mom gives you "the talk" when you turn 12

>son, your father and I think your old enough to be made aware of The Frankfurt School and Marxism now.

Nope. Only needed to spank one of my kids, and only twice (two separate occasions) at that. She was upright and fully dressed.

In their teenage years my "mean mommy look" is MUCH more of a threat that a spankin'!

you violated the NAP prepare to be nuked scum


Proper spanking is bare bottom, alternating series of hard smacks and gentle soothing rubs.

wtf Don't spank children unless they're retarded animals.
Teach them.


You mean spank niggers?

im not sure how i feel about this anymore

Spanking reduces IQ.
Research shows negligible difference between "spanking" and beating.
If you love your child, you want them to be intelligent.
Don't spank your child if you love them..

>you are now aware that all anti-anime, anti-porn, anti-vidya, and "why don't you man up and go get a job and have kids" threads are posted by lonely roasties and single mothers

>Spanking reduces IQ
Citation fucking needed.

When my son acts up, he knows it's pants down, across my lap

t. Spoiled brat

Do you put on a pair of nylon stockings beforehand?

There was a post on (((t_d))) with a bunch of moms. Most said they just lurk because they don't understand how to format and don't want to be called faggots. I think it's funny as fuck.

>tfw no redpilled mummy to warn you about cultural marxism

what the fuck this is the most surreal shit ive seen all day.

who else lurks here


Pics of mean mummy look


God damn, you lot are degenerates.
Half of you are referring to this shit as if it's sexually arousing. That's incredibly unhealthy and immoral.
Spanking is notoriously prevalent among blacks. Every time you resort to violence, you're acting like a fucking nigger.

I'm an A list celebrity. Sup Forums is the most popular right wing website on the internet you fucking retard

T. Retarded spank baby

More like B list amirite

post yfw it's Clint Eastwood

pol isnt a website you Hollywood puppet, its a board of a website made to discuss Japanese cartoons


holy shit I just bust out laughing
good job user

>Mothers of Sup Forums

The only mothers on here are degenerate coal burning single mothers looking to troll people


t. Misbehaving child

>psychology is now considered science

I used to get the wooden spoon for being a little shit. Im sure most euro kids remember this.


It's a fucking IQ test. If you deny this research, you've also got to deny the intelligence differences between races, because that's all based on IQ testing as well. You fucking twatwaffle.

>I'm an A list celebrity
Is it true what we say about jews in media and their satanic stuff? Ever experienced something like that?

My mom would stick her finger in my asshole so I got her back by fingering her cunt fucking bitch

IQ tests don't tell you how someones IQ came to be what it is, it just tells you their IQ.


her property, her rules

The study establishes a strong correlation between spanking and a loss of IQ.
>inb4 correlation doesn't equal causation
There's no other way to measure the potential effects of spanking other than through measuring correlation. Either way, the correlation is demonstrably only in one direction: more spanking => less IQ. Read the article.

Disgusting replies.
Spanking is appropriate discipline for safety violations and outright defiance.

T.white mom of 5 white children
Too old for the tits or btfo thing, you don't wanna see em

I was rebutting your assertion that your study is infallible because it uses IQ tests.

>never gets a bare ass spanky

Yes I do. Post them. Who's going to know? Your face won't be seen. It'll be your dirty little secret.

>denying the iq test means you have to accept that all races are of the same intellect

I never made the claim it was infallible.
Post a refutation or shut it.