Holy fuck its happening

How can one man be so high-T?
>The United States and our allies have the demonstrated capabilities and unquestionable commitment to defend ourselves from an attack. Kim Jong Un should take heed of the United Nations Security Council’s unified voice, and statements from governments the world over, who agree the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] poses a threat to global security and stability. The DPRK must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people.

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No it's not happening you fuck this is the Cold War all over again

>North Korea has nuclear weapons
if you believe that then your a nigger
>can't produce aircraft
>can't produce an automobile
>main export is cheap clothing
>cant produce enough food to feed their population
but somehow they have nukes... if they have nukes, then they were given nukes.

Archived the no-content blogspam from lil Benji

it's definitely not happening and you're 100% on target
but it's refreshing to have leadership willing to stand up to foreign threats, is it not?

Holy shit

2016-2024, the BIG WHITE DICK era

What if the
>Nukes aren't real
conspiracy theory is actually true...but North Korea really did develop atomic weapons.

Its almost like bill clinton gave it to them

The United States IS the foreign threat and has been since all the Jews moved there after World War 2.

Obama did that even better.

there's a crazy amount of infrastructure required to house ICBMs, and that only get worse when they have nuclear war heads. And to keep them battle ready on a moment's notice.

meanwhile we have conventional weapons that can cause just as much damage but without the fallout

It does feel good to have a leader with a backbone, just wish something would happen already, the norcs deserve to be wiped off the map already

during the apology tour or after he backed down from his red line policy?

>Donald and Mattis BTFO North Korea without any attacks in USA
>2nd term secured
Post yfw

Nukes are the solution to all our problems.

Nuke these fucking gook faggots already. I'm fucking tired of it. I promise I will vote Trump again if he just kills that fat little shit Kim.



Obama destroyed so many Syrians and Libyans, he was a true warrior.



Let Best Korea nuke the Bay Area then retaliate and establish permanent base in Asia right next to China and Russia.

Also during the war, allow embedded journos from CNN, BBC, et al to get a little too close to the action. Tragic, but war is hell!

>NK fires missile
>lands harmlessly in the Pacific
>still gets invaded

This. Even if they accomplished a nuclear capable icbm in 15-20 years there is no way they accomplished this without help.

Someone is giving them this tech

B.b.but they signed a piece of paper saying they wouldn't go nuclear......I don't understand.....it was a piece of paper!

I'll take "Who is China?" for $200, Alex.

could you imagine if this statement was accurate? that your nothing country had a real foreign threat just below it on a map?

i'd submit that it would do you guys some good. harden you a bit. right now you are the effeminate-male-led, culture-less nation with no military worth half a fuck. if this was a videogame we would take you within minutes. it's weird to not have any balls as a nation but it's so much weirder that having no balls would become a founding principle

people dont actually understand the strength of the US military

They never signed on to any atomic treaty.
Well they kind of did.
They started their nuclear program without approval from the IAEA so the US shit their pants.
So they went and got approval from the IAEA so the US sanctioned the fuck out of them to the point that they ended up in a state of perpetual famine, and then they stopped letting IAEA inspectors in. But still respect the atmospheric test ban.


Send them all

I have no idea what your retarded schizo ass is trying to say you fucking faggot. But your country is responsible for 100% of all military aggression since the end of World War 2. your country is shit. And it pains me that you will never get the nuking you deserve.

We should just nuke Cali ourselves and blame it on the norks.
Declare martial law, establish a new commission on unamerican activities and clean house in the media and on university campuses.

US nuking poll.

>if you kill your enemies, they win.

Kek, fucking leaf.

and so what? are you just missing that piece in your brain that can process what a superpower can do and spit it back to you as a feeling of pride?

oh my god your country is aggressive hahahahah i guarantee you a soft fucking faggot

If Hillary won it would be the Russians

Cucked leaf doesn't realize his county's security is based upon sharing a border with us.

It would be a compliment to describe your "command" of the English language as 'nigger-tier'

america did actually

I'm perfectly aware. But your country is still an antagonistic pile of shit full of hamburger worshiping faggot useful idiots like you that do nothing to stop it.

>that fucking pic related
Next time do image search

Any one else find it weird that we may be exiting the War on Terror and moving towards to a Cold War 2 era?

How the fuck would the world get more peaceful if the most aggressive and insane country got hit with a nuclear strike? Americans will literally torch the entire planet to defend themselves if it came down to it

This is more retarded than muh ebil Assad regime

"Who is Iran?"

Tell that to your retarded braindead plebbit tier countrymen in this thread.

He is quite right though, faggot. Everytime some other country thinks, maybe we should do something this way, you faggots come and fuck shit up. Is there oil? You fuck shit up. Is there drugs? You fuck shit up. Are you actually somewhat powerfull? You fuck it up.

You're a cancer on the world, I do tolerate it somewhat though.

it's really not worth it
this is what i means to be American. honestly i get a crisis in my head about even responding to somebody from canada. i think on balance it's not worth it

LEAF. tell me this: is "canadian history" studied in every civilized country in this world?

>can't produce aircraft
>can't produce an automobile


they have plenty tho





they were given nukes by china
they were given missiles by china

>HEU was transferred to NK via airliners in Germany.
>Air China has flights to North Korea
>Air China has flights to Germany
>Many of these planes will fly both of these legs
Materials were sent to Germany with them properly logged on the Chinese side
Materials were then deliberately mishandled on the German side and loaded onto the Air China planes that would later fly onwards to NK.
This created a plausible deniability scenario for China as these are controlled materials. It can all be blamed on "someone else" and China's numbers all balance out for any inspection that may happen.

NK Engineers were all trained in China at Chinese universities
Missile tech was given to them directly, as was final assembly.
Chinese engineers went to NK to assist with final problems, overcoming much of the missile failures.
We had infiltrated their supply chain, putting in faulty components that resulted in missiles failing. Notice how that stopped happening? Thank the Chinks for that.

Guam is a massive thorn in China's side, it cannot be directly attacked and it watches over the entire 1st island chain while forming a lynchpin of the 2nd island chain.
China has been pushing local politics in Guam for a while with "independence" movements, but their timeline is too short now. Their economy is fucked and any Trump success is their failure. They cannot afford US success without dominating APAC as a tradeoff.

NK is their gambit.
>If the US cucks, then US power is over and China can assume leadership roles in the region without a fight. All US treaties are worthless.
>If the US fights, then the US is a "bully" and Trump is unstable and cannot be trusted, all disasters are blamed on the US and China gets to play "good guy" while soaking up reconstruction contracts as a dump for all their overcapacity, which they desperately need.

It's lose lose unless we expose China for what they are doing.


maybe I am missing something but does he really want to start a war with a country that's not a real danger to the west and counld result in a conflict with china just because he can't handle the banter?

He's literally not doing anything but threatening retaliation if the norks decide to actually chink out

>How can one man be so high-T?
>He doesn't know Mattis sucks cocks on a daily basis with his faggot lisp


Probably just the USA being USA and want to show off how powerful they are - Completely in line with D.Trump. Fk with us, eat a fkn nuke.

Correct that you'll keep tolerating it because we own the websites you bitch on.

Top kek, specifically your mongrel serf ass doesn't own anything, mutt.

>LEAF. tell me this: is "canadian history" studied in every civilized country in this world?

Is American history?

We didnt do American history at school


We could flatten the whole landscape of North Korea with our 500lb GBU's alone.

Do you people have nothing better to do than make up fake quotes and fear monger about literally nothing?


I strangely enough, believe this a bit, certainly plausible

So you are telling me all these years of not doing anything about NK and its nuclear program, which was regarded as fantasy and its leader a childish fat fuck and now suddenly they are not only capable of making them but launching them over 10,000km lmao are you serious burgermen?

> (((we)))

>Their economy is fucked and any Trump success is their failure

China's economy is fucked? Doesnt it grow at about 7% a year and is already the largest in the world on the PPP index used by the World Bank?

>But your country is responsible for 100% of all military aggression since the end of World War 2.

Europe wanted the US to police the world, and we did. Maybe you guys should nut up and take on similar global responsibilities and see how well you handle them.

>We could flatten the whole landscape of North Korea with our 500lb GBU's alone.

If China lets you and can you really afford it?


yup. 7%. 7% exactly every year

>Europe wanted the US to police the world, and we did.

Europe asked you to bomb the shit out of Iraq and invade it?

That's why France vetoed the Security Council Resolution authorising the attack, right?

>yup. 7%. 7% exactly every year
Ive seen it higher and lower than that. Clearly it is growing at a massive rate given their wealth and the devlopment taking place

Or they don't have any of that other stuff because 100% of their attention went to making nukes

>talks shit about big cock military general
Go say this to his face and see what his old ass will do to you, you faggot. Do you know how many sand niggers have died at the very hands of this guys knife hand?

yes, it is

I have a few websites now because it's pretty easy, hell with the technology coming out of Silicon Valley right now even you could do it.

Probably as many niggers as he's called 'pretty boy' before making them suck his dick. Whew so alpha.

Wake up to truth, join us brother.

America gave norks nuclear power.

clinton and bush gave NK 1.3 billion fucking dollars from 1995-2008

>yes, it is
Well not in mine.

>what is buying a nuke or the components required and have som mad hat scientist put it all together

a bootleg nuke is stilla a nuke user

>a random faggot fantasy of men sucking each other off
Typical crooked tooth tea nigger

neocon boomer faggot

The numbers are only ever given by the chinese government, so most of chinese growth isn't real - the communist bureau is purposefully fudging the numbers to make growth seem much greater than it really is.

If it were, chinese investors would invest domestically, not gobble up property abroad.

you know he calls them pretty boy
tell me, 100%, that he hasn't sucked a dick before


Not that guy, but calling someone pretty boy is basically calling someone a faggot.

>you know he calls them pretty boy
>tell me, 100%, that he hasn't sucked a dick before

of course he sucks dicks, most Americans do, especially those army boys

>If it were, chinese investors would invest domestically, not gobble up property abroad.

they invest in overseas property because (a) property in a 1st world country is a stable asset to put your money, and (b) property rights in China are only meaningful until the local CCP official decides you are corrupt and takes possession of all your assets.

your most powerful military leader has voluntarily ingested male semen

this as fuck

>The numbers are only ever given by the chinese government, so most of chinese growth isn't real

Nonsense. The World Bank does its own assesment.

>How can one man be so high-T?
Rattling sabres (or if you're gay "swordfighting") with that little shrimp leading NK is not exactly a measure of anything manly.

The smart move would have been to deescalate the situation, but the Trump admin never makes the smart move.

Neck yourself commie.

You're saying the British military isn't gay?

>your most powerful military leader has voluntarily ingested male semen

And asked for seconds

he is trying to get a coup to happen

>You're saying the British military isn't gay?

It's pretty gay, yes

>Rattling sabres (or if you're gay "swordfighting")
Yep, sounds like Mattis alright.

Fucking kek, you mean "theconds". Faggot fucking lisp giving it away.

america first btw

not anymore

That's an insult you dunce. Hes had a 41 year old Marine Corp career and lived through 3 coalitions. The dude could probably shovel your whole city block with his iron cock

>Americans will torch the entire planet to defend themselves if it came down to it

Yes, we would. And I would fully support such a thing if it meant my family and countrymen got to stay safe.