'All white women are good for one thing': Chilling outburst of member of 18-strong Asian sex gang - including a white...

>'All white women are good for one thing': Chilling outburst of member of 18-strong Asian sex gang - including a white woman - who groomed vulnerable girls as young as 13 with M-Cat before raping them
>A total of 17 men and a woman have been convicted of sex and drugs offences
>They plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at sex 'sessions' in city
>A total of 461 people were arrested and police say there were 278 victims
>Police say they have 'thrown the kitchen sink' at bringing the gang to justice
>Convicted rapist informant was paid £10,000 by police to spy on the sex gang


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All over the world, Muslims seem to have these large male homosocial gangs which go around raping women. I used to live in Saudi Arabia and UAE when I was younger (no not a mudslim, dad was an elec. engineer there to make bux). In our compounds in KSA we always used to hear weird as fuck stories of Saudi guys roaming in cars to kidnap foreign women (mainly Filipina and Indonesian but also some whites) and they were gang-raped in the most disgusting ways imaginable.

UAE was a bit more civilized but not much. Every day in the news there was always some shit about "maids" (i.e Filipna/ Indonesian slaves) being raped by their filthy Arab masters, Always some story about some locals getting some white girl from a club and then gang-raping her and getting off because apparently she "seduced" them, and the woman gets jailed because seduction is a crime in the UAE. In other words, gang-rapists can get off by simply saying their victim "seduced" them and viola, the victim is jailed.

The saddest story I knew was of an American girl in the UAE who was in a hotel elevator and some Emiratis got in and violently raped her in there. She had serious psychological problems after that, and after she went back to the US she was so upset that she slit her wrists. Poor girl. Apparently one of the Emirati boys was the son of a high-status Emirati guy who owns hotels there, so nothing happened.

Gulf Arabs can get away with rape and gang-raping easily. I presume it's the same for Pakis / Bengalis and other South Asians. In Muslim and especially Arab culture, it's the woman's responsibility to prevent rape; if they don't wear modest clothing, then its their fault for "seducing" the Arab and getting raped. As someone who lived in the Middle East for a decade or so, things like Cologne didn't surprise me or even phase me, I knew that would happen as soon as the sand niggers came. Anyone who has lived in the ME would. Apparently not politicians, journalists or other subhumans

I know these are mainly Pakis and South Asians with a few Iranians and Iraqis mixed in but this is common all over the Muslim world from Morocco to Bangladesh. Organized gang-rape is a very big thing in the Arab world. I used to live in the UAE and SAudi Arabia and I promise you, the locals there openly go around in cars searching for foreign non-Arab women to rape, mainly Filipinas, Indonesians and even whites (some are put off because whites have more diplomatic influence in the UAE, but it doesn't deter most).

The reason it's not spoken of much is that the West doesn't want to offend their Gulf Arab masters. There are so many cases of Saudi diplomats in the UK attacking little girls, but it's almost always covered up. They have diplomatic immunity so get no punishment and are quietly deported after a persona non grata status.

Even non-Gulf Arabs like the Lebs in Denmark and Germany have had cases where they conspire to gang-rape a girl. Hell there was even a case in Sweden where some Syrians captured a woman from the street and kept her as a sex-slave in the basement of their kebab shop. It's very organized among Arabs too, not as much as Pakis because they haven't been here as long, but it's coming. When Arab set their roots here, trust me it will be even worse than the Pakis.

Prepare to hear of Syrian and Iraqi gang-rape crews in the next decade or so, I guarantee you it's already happening

>Even non-Gulf Arabs like the Lebs in Denmark and Germany have had cases where they conspire to gang-rape a girl.
Yeah there was a problem like that here in Aus once with some Lebs.

Bet the whitey was the ringleader

So they drank and did drugs, which is haram, and they raped the girls, yet you Islamophobes will insist that the raping was religiously inspired.

Please delete this racist thread.

Thank you.

What we've been saying is that it's a prevalent part of the culture of Muslim nations. Whether it is allowed in the religion is irrelevant, they are bringing this behavior with them into our nations

we arent stupid. we know you guys have rule in the Quran that permits sinning towards non-muslims

Sounds pretty hot actually

>murrifats have literally no idea how feral the white chav underclass is

I don't blame the pakis but i do blame decades of class war and dispossession by the ruling classes,

Lovely. Remember, Europe. Diversity is your strength. You see rapists in these mugshots? I see doctors and lawyers.

Sure thing, Ahmed. Just like a Hollywood movie right?

I always knew that there gonna be more rape gangs, we all fucking knew.

It's funny how Sup Forums - one of the most misogynist boards on the internet - suddenly jumps to the defense of women when they're raped by brown men.

I always laugh at this shitty/thin argument. It's like saying if you sin you aren't a christian. It's fucking idiotic.

From a country that elected a coon as president and gave birth to (((multiculturalism))) that is a bit rich m8

Not to mention that in America they would all be considered 'white'.

Well the simple fact is that you guys don't belong in Europe in the first place so the fact that you are doing a disproportionately large amount of the raping is particularly enraging.


dam orientals! these asians cnt keep getting away with it.

What is funny about it, in fact its predictable if you pay attention

No one I know would consider those men white.

>implying they didn't know
They just don't give a shit, as long as it isn't happening in Williamsburg or Knightsbridge or Grünewald.

British are getting raped and used like cattle by bunch of easily controllable savages, if only they put some effort into it as much as they put effort into spying on internet for curse words.

The authorities do.

Tell me who else is raping children in mass amounts in comparison to muslims within England.

yeah it's almost like we're capable of nuance and contextualization

England declared a hijacked state when?

>"kill all jews"
>"deport all brown people"
>"all muslims are terrorists"
>"all women are whores"

Comparing women's actions to children's forced actions.

Arabs are sub human. Only Greater Israel can save the world

Genocide of the Canaanites is a mitzvah

>butthurt brown person detected

Have you actually seen the culture of white Imperialists?

>Read Columbus's diaries.

The revisionism is hilarious.
Is American culture bombing and raping poor dark people?

Nice try yank.

Reminder that this is considered "white" in America.


hate this bullshit

they're fucking muslims

one of their names is even mohammad


>STOP you might say but Don't

The film or Pizza underground casting sessions?

This meme has to die.

In Britain we have always called Arabs 'asian'. Its not a political correctness thing or an Orwellian doublethink trick. That's just what we call them because they are from Asia. When we hear 'asian' we think 'muhammed'

We need to bring back the fucking gallows already.

Those stupid women are still our women and no british girl deserves to suffer even the mere sight of an inbred goat fucking haji shit like you.

Kill yourself you mudslime, oh wait, you might.

>Working class BASED user

You realise that Islam isn't an ethnicity right?

What are the horses going to eat now that you've used up all the straw?

Crhistopher Colombus was Italian not white and comparing present day action of your people to the past action of people in the 1480 compared to now is very pitiful.

>our women
They're not 'your' women. They're just women.


Hundreds of years of tradition Burger boy.
How long ago was Iraq?

You focus on these horrific crimes - and they are horrendous - as it suits your narrative but you ignore your lard arse foreign policies that kill and rape millions and have done for the past hundreds of years.

>But muh gave ya freedom.

Uh huh

>ayo bix nood muhfuggah imma tell u which which parts of da world be white nigga

So do you want the police to ask people what God they believe in when they compile crime statistics now?

You realise how dumb you sound right?

Can we have a robot for everytime a non-brit doesn't understand localised words.

Asian = South Asian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri lanka)

Your comparing the actions of the past government and their people to people who presently have nothing to do with it, and then justifying your action in another country because have nothing to justify as an individual.

>Muh Columbus not white

The darker a person it is the hard it seems for them to comprehend lighter skin does not mean white.

Hey, at least they actually got convicted this time
Here I was writing the UK off as the next in line to the cuck shed behind Germany and Canada

yes they are your women - your daughters and sons and members of your people.

We need to stick together. No leftist deletion.

Well meme'd my friend, you do know there are like 200,000,000+ non-Hispanic whites in the United States right

Listen up faggot, you know what I meant

stop being a stupid cunt

>278 British children were victims of multiculturalism

Oh boy

Not bothered. That's what Britain deserves for raping and pillaging across continents and killing their own kin. Gott strafe England.

How are they "my" women? I don't even know them. They're just women.

You're the stupid cunt. We don't keep crime statistics on people's religious beliefs so obviously the papers aren't going to call them "muslims".

Everyone can see their names and faces, that's enough for people to draw their own conclusions. Not everyone is a simpleton like you.

>your women
lmao fuck off

>Is American culture bombing and raping poor dark people?
yeah, in weak stupid countries that aren't our own. begging to be let into a country as a useless migrant and then raping your host is completely different than conquering shitskins and taking the spoils of war. stay mad, ahmed.

Shoot through their knees, then throw them to hungry pigs. Publicly. Live like a subhuman, end like a subhuman.

Yeah and about 200,000,000 non-whites as well. Good luck with that.

hey faggot, why are you going so OFF TOPIC on this?

you know what i meant, stop trying to make an argument out of nothing, you small dicked wanker

No you absolute weapon of a retard.
I am saying that this is horrific.
And that if you then say this is cultural, then surely the last 70 years of American Imperial rape must be cultural too, no?

>Your comparing the actions of the past government and their people to people who presently have nothing to do with it,

No I am using your logic; if these bastards represent Muslim culture to you, then ergo your culture is represented by your murdering establishment.

>But muh bigger levels don't count
Your country rapes and tortures people and funds and supports others to do it for them.
Your country has one of the highest value markets for child trafficking
Your country thrives on exceptionalism.

I hope all the kiddy fiddlers get the rope.

They're inclined on a genetic and cultural level to act like savage chimps. Islam is merely a religious expression of dune coonery.

If you're older than 15 then your post and logic show why you're a declining power.

>you know wot I mean bruv innit?
No. Fuck off faggot.

>this small dicked beta male who is making a mountain out of a mole hill because i said muslim
>he's still posting


Ahmed our country does not have culture, these "bastards" are muslims who have and are destroying gifts their host gives instead of adapting you all act like niggers and resume the mentality with muh oppressed past when guess what other countries have gone through it too, I can't go back to Yugoslavia in result you do not see me act like a child but act in hope for the future.

>How are they "my" women? I don't even know them.

if you're a brit, they have similar traits like you have, you share common history and are compatible, so that's why they are "your" women, even if you don't know them, you have some connection to other brits

if you go to sand land and screw some sand princess, you were illegetimately appropriating a woman they bred and brought up, they need women to continue their legacy, and you just fell over her because of degeneracy and moral relativism. It's the same for brits.

Of course, this is not the end either. Our nation is being raped, its people being raped are just a symptom of that.

>lefty literally criticizing Sup Forums for abhorring rapists
cant make this shit up, you're basically defending rape, how feminist of you

This may be really hard for you as a dumb Muslim to understand but here there is a huge difference between religion and government.

>you have some connection to other brits
Even black and brown ones?

I share a passport with them, that's about it.

They're from Asia though and we've said it for decades. In Britain Asians are generally the sandpeople and Orientals are who Sup Forums refer to as Asians.
Not that I don't disagree with your point and this shabbos goy/kike/baiter/Muslim/whatever is still a cunt.

Go back to Pakistan, nigger.

This is happening in England, not America. Reading comprehension is another reason why these people shouldn't be let in. It has nothing to do with religion, it's the fact that they make no effort to learn our language or adopt any part of our culture whatsoever.

How is the UK fucking up this bad?

>Even black and brown ones?

No, only ethnic britons. I didn't read the whole reply chain.

Fuck off john

>cant make this shit up, you're basically defending rape, how feminist of you
How am I defending rape? Plenty of Sup Forumstards do that though. I've seen threads where people are saying things like "rape isn't that bad" and "women secretely enjoy it" yet for some reason when brown people are the ones raping it becomes the most heinous crime imaginable.

Let the Muslims have them. I don't care, not my problem.


(((Authorities))) aren't white. We're under the thumb of the jew.

> ctrl + F
> "part and parcel"
> no results
you disappoint me

Go back to Liberia.

Okay so if the girls that were raped aren't ethnic Britons I shouldn't give a fuck?

You are comparing satire to real child rape and suggesting it is purely race based when these victims are children regardless who is assaulting them.

>278 victims
Dont worry a video of one Syrian girl making puppy eyes in front of a camera and begging to let in "refugees" and some candles will fix this!

>Okay so if the girls that were raped aren't ethnic Britons I shouldn't give a fuck?

the communities they are from are the ones who should feel responsible.

ethnic communities

I'll put my money on her being a slag that fell in love with one of the more attractive Pakis.

Are you ass blasted because your cousin got arrested for trying to rape one of those hideous British school girls? Don't worry, I'm sure the food they will serve him in prison couldn't be anymore God awful than the curried goat's anus your mom is making for dinner.

No, I think all rape (i.e. non consensual sexual intercourse) is bad and that child rape is particularly disgusting and reprehensible.

Trump and Pence aren't Jewish as far as I know.

Now if only the police can focus on actual relevant matters like all these MP's and high ranking officials being paedos or having their own grooming gangs.

Italians are white faggot only southern Italians arent

None of these girls are from my community though. I live in central London, this was Blackpool wasn't it? How are they from "my community" even if they're white and English?

Your post actually made me laugh. But seriously though go back to Liberia.

They aren't from your community or mine. Don't worry about it.

The same people that caused us to start fucking shit up in the Middle East are also enemies of the American people, I think you know who I'm talking about

You should feel some level of comradery with the people of your nation.

It's basic tribal nature and it serves a purpose. You don't allow another tribe to come into your land, live off what you have created and abuse your children. Whether it's a global, national, or neighbor community