This thread is for discussion on IQ.
What is IQ, and why does it matter?
FYI, looking for intelligent responses only, no shitty ones. You're competing against Sup Forums here.
It doesn't matter as much as Sup Forums claims.
According to (((Google))) this is what IQ stands for and its definition.
I'm in the shower
I.Q. - the ability to learn, process and apply information.
Without that ability you literally do not have a human.
Animals are loyal, but they will never learn calculus.
Animals can learn some language, but they'll never communicate an abstract idea.
Humans with low I.Q. can do menial tasks, but they don't contribute much.
Just look at I.Q. and how it relates to life outcome.
Alternately you could just talking to low I.Q. people and see how they live.
You know - "field research."
Sobering stuff.
how come?
An assertion is not an argument.
You're a fucking child molester.
It's an assertion with nothing to back it.
That's how you sound.
how, in your opinion, do you factor in the 'different' types of intelligence into the equation?
jewish invention to make nonjews look bad
this im only 80 iq but more redpilled than the stupid normies and thats the only thing that counts
People don't understand that IQ doesn't Measure how smart you are, but rather your capacity to learn.
>ignoring the troll post, 0/10
They're just different cognitive preferences. IQ matters for all of them
are you trying to sage your own thread?
Shill made the same thread on Sup Forums
Came here after getting stumped, posted here in order to more easily pick posts apart.
here is an interesting question. Why are certain people so interested in stifling the discussion on IQ? That's not to say there aren't valid points that can be made against the importance of IQ. But there seem to be a number of people looking to disrupt the discussions.
I encourage people to go look at Sup Forums for the real story.
People get all worked up about IQ thinking that its the be all and end all of life success. Nope.
Conscientiousness and industriousness.
People made points, just not the points you desired them to make.
wrong though. you misrepresented what happened on the Sup Forums thread. nice try. i also asked for no garbage comments.
IQ, or even more imprtant, the g-factor, basically measures intellectual/economic potential. A person with high IQ can achieve intellectual achievements much easier than a person with lower IQ. While few examples will never be achieved by low IQ people they still can in theory achieve the same levels as high IQ people. But to do this, they have to have higher motivation and put in extreme levels of time invested.
In a society that is driven by intellect, it is one of the key factors on how such a society looks like and how it works. Since IQ basically just measures potential, it automatically means that you have high IQ people that do jack shit and are dumb as a rock.
The direct result can be seen in Africa where a large part of the continent has an average IQ of 65-75. While there are some niggers with IQ above 100 there, also of course above 120 etc... since it's a gaussian distribution, there are too few of them to drive civilization. Hence, Africa will always stay in it's barbaric state when it is not ruled by whites or maybe asians. Only way for them achieve a higher form of society on their own would be tens of thousands of year of evolution raising their IQ/g-factor.
I tried one of those IQ tests, but it was just abstract reasoning crap.
I don't care anyway, I'm smarter than the average, maybe too smart to win.
You need to have the capability of logic to solve problems. Math is logic. Once you get good at it, you can fix anything, including making the USA smarter and richer with LESS SUFFERING. High IQ is heaven. So idiots, criminals and poor out of the USA. Send them packing.
>abstract reasoning crap.
like the stuff needed to be smart?
IQ is basically like the type of hardware features you have in your computer and what version they are.
The more features and higher the version, the more likely you are to be more productive on said computer.
Likewise with your brain, the ability to understand complex spatial awareness, recall useful and pertinent information, logical operations and so on. Your ability to answer questions correctly is like the version number, in that example above.
What it does NOT measure, however, is the speed at which these things are done.
Most people confuse that. IQ is not meant to measure speed, just feature-set and the level at which you can do them, whether it is slow as a snail or instantly.
Why not measure speed as well as ability?
Fuck if I know. It'd make elitism in "intelligence clubs" insufferable as fuck, even more than it is now.
There likely is some test out there for measuring both speed and ability.
What does it mean in general?
Like the computer example, it opens you up to being able to do more jobs.
However, it is not a guarantee. You STILL need to learn said knowledge of those jobs. High IQ != high knowledge, just the ability to absorb and use knowledge better than brainlets.
You can still have a low IQ and high knowledge, it just takes a lot longer to gain the knowledge in question and be able to apply it to real world scenarios.
But most education systems don't even bother with that, and rightly so.
They educate them to a decent enough level and let them decide if they wish to continue in tertiary education like college, uni and so on.
At best, they will be able to live and work in society at a basic level.
Is it an end goal for evolution?
Nope. It's just an end goal for us. End goals are abstract.
The only goal evolution tends towards is giving birth, everything else is secondary, even the life of the ones giving birth in some cases. (some parents die at pregnancy... shit life man)
I've done all the online tests and now I have literally become Mensa
IQ doesn't matter as much as people think.
I am a dumb fuck but by doing shit like reading or programming and general exercise of the brain people mention I'm "clever" when its just your brain plasticity is a little better because you work it a little.
Einstein had a very low IQ score but because he worked hard and IQ scores a not fully able to analyze insight/intelligence.
Put it this way - how about somebody with a high IQ does the same stuff as you - will they not still be even smarter? ie. you will need to work extremely hard, and have very rare determination powers in order to move up to a level of higher IQ.
I'm a member of Mensa and the only difference I've noticed compared to other people is my long-term memory
If I have to call a number I see on my screen I'll probably look it up every 2 digits, but if you ask me what each of my friends ate when we went out that night 8 years ago I'll remember.
Not very useful.
High IQ doesn't guarantee they have high drive.
High IQ types can be just as lazy as any other people.
of course they will. Same way as NBA players exercise... but thats one in a billion. I think genes matter as much for inteliigence (don't fire me google). You can be better than most people if you work on yourself.
>You can be better than most people if you work on yourself.
That's true. The true master race is one who is determined AND has a high IQ at the same time.
and it defines the progress of your nation.
given that education means everything for any country.
is an IQ of 118 good?
if you are 15 yo probably.
so what is your's Pedro?
can this explain why certain countries are more developed than others?
not much higher than yours Ahmed, 122 .
>low intellgence
>blacks make up 13% of the American population
>can this explain why certain countries are more developed than others?
of course.
Having more people with high IQ can produce better things, minds sharing ideas and making them reals, literally it takes you to space.
you can compare Africa and 1st world countries and their average IQ.
>muh racism
I got 117 on an official test. My working memory is shit
IQ is a number representing your ability to solve certain kinds of puzzles. It doesn't mean a whole lot beyond that.