Hey guys, have we cancelled Colbert yet?
Le two scoops, amiright? :^)
Hey guys, have we cancelled Colbert yet?
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may as well just admit you're a brainwashed globalist cuck if you watch that show on a nightly or weekly basis.
Didn't it used to be called the Colbert Report? What happened to that? No, I haven't watched TV in years.
Just admit that you sank down to leftist tactics and failed miserably
keep watching Colbert and Oliver, I wouldnt want all my ammo to go to waste
ehhh not really. if you think colbert is funny and worth watching, good luck to you. Enjoy your neuritic echo chamber of lies / propaganda. He's not getting millions upon millions shoved up his ass for nothing. it's to trick little hip melinianls like you into believe whatever the news' narrative is. While you exclaim:
"OMG he's so funny and right, i know so much about current affairs/happenings"
Remember kids, it's only A-Okay when a lefty / communist / elitist does it
They should just rename it the DRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMPPPPFFF show
I don't always propaganda the masses, but when i do, it's 5 days a week and i usually have the former heads of CIA/Intellegiance agencies on to help!
Oh and i communicate back and forth in order to set up promotional pieces for the clinton foundation.
You're right Sup Forums didn't sink down to leftist tactic, they sank down to Tumblr liberal standards. A socialist or anarchist would never sink down to bitching and moaning like you bunch of faggots did.
kys snowflake
snowflake = pointing out colbert is garbage? Got it.
another libtard that doesn't even know the definition of simple words they use. Typical.
No, Conan and Jay used to talk about about Clinton blow jobs and MJ touching kids. Colbert is just doing his job.
no they praise bread lines and places like vanuezla 5 years ago and then say nothing when the entire economy collapses to socolism while continuing it's promotion ** COUGH *** BERNIE SANDERS **** COUGH * * * * *
John oliver is a little bit funny, this shit is boring even to meme at, leave him be, his show will die
He's talking about how Sup Forums tried to get Colbert fired over calling Trump a Putin dick sucker
every single night? no.
There's a clear agenda and comparing him to two other celebrity talk show hosts having millions shoved up their butt doesn't prove your point either.
And Jay's opinion on the matter, since you brought him up and all:
Snowflake is someone so offended by someone possibly having a different opinion that they will actively try to sabotage someone's right to free speech.
So yes, you are a snowflake
Republicans are to good at comedy.
he should be fired, he's garbage and is poisining society's well .
He only got the job because he takes the knee to his globalist masters
I'm 99% sure this is just shit posting and you can't actually be this stupid, but nobody ever tried to shut down colbert's show by making fun of him for being a hysterical cuck. TV networks don't cancel shows because someone becomes a joke on Sup Forums, and we know this
you're still wrong, try again. And it's hardly free speech if you're activiely promoting lies and propaganda on a scale as large as his. If he wants a platform to bitch about trump all his life, he should have started a different show.
Why don't you go blog on your alt-right Tumblr faggot, snowflake
Also Venezuela isn't socialism
>you sank down to leftist tactics
>le fat, orange, clit dick, autistic retard, cock holster faggot
Sounds to me like you sunk down to Sup Forums's level, m8.
How new are you? Or just retarded?
>Snowflake is someone so offended by someone possibly having a different opinion that they will actively try to sabotage someone's right to free speech.
No its not.