Jared Taylor - "Has the White Man Turned the Corner?"


>Jared Taylor begins by saying that during his first 25 years of white advocacy, there was so little progress he sometimes felt he was just leaving a record. As the great Frenchman Guillaume Faye said 17 years ago, “There are some things that must be said so that future generations will know that at least some of us were aware, and that our generation was not entirely composed of cowards and fools.”

are we winning?

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This is why we need the ALT-RIGHT and LEADERSHIP

Wait for Moarpheus to tell you how pro-Jewish he is


HAHAHAHA this thread got BTFO an hour ago and now shill OP is based shilling his Jewish kosher eceleb!

>pic related


he's pro-jewish and so are you ;)

Jared Taylor claims that the Jews look white to him, so he considers them white and that he'd have no problem with them living in our white ethnostate. Is this something that's accepted by most of you? He also thinks it's "ignorant" and "stupid" to blame the Jews for most things, that we could easily blame other smaller sects of Christianity the same way.


SAGE this jewish kosher cancer lel

>muh based Guillaume Faye


/leftypol/ is here

Look they have their epic memes lmao

Hello Moarpheus, or that like-minded faggot who better announce his name or we'll give him a shitty one. Stop shilling, Jared Taylor has a niche and that is white advocacy for the modern governmental system. I'd say to look at Andrew Anglin as an example of what happens when someone is anti-Jew but you've called him a Jewish shill, so that'll be a waste of time.

ANGLIN is ethnically a Jew.
So is Weev.
Taylor was married to a kike and has connection to the ADL. Taylor also defends Jews and Israel.

If Jews are the arch-villain of the Aryan race (and they are), how can anyone who defends Jews be a "white advocate?"

Jared doesn't advocate forming an ethnostate, dumbass. He's a white advocate, in his own words, not a white supremacist or ethno-nationalist. His ideas are needed before achieving a full ethnostate, but your disinformation is firmly against that.

Do you do this shit all day? What a sad and pathetic life you live

this post reeks of pathetic buffoonery

so? let him awaken the masses to white consciousness, and we will handle redpilling them on the kikes.

do i do what all day?
disrupt jewish shilling and drink sweet semite tears for fuel?


why dont you awaken the masses to white consciousness while at the same time redpilling them on the kikes? why must people hear the message awakening them to white consciousness while simultaneously hearing that Jews are just fine?

is it because this is a jewish trick? ;)


>why dont you awaken the masses to white consciousness while at the same time redpilling them on the kikes?
that's what I just said you idiot

Did you say that? Did you really? Or did you make an excuse for Taylor being soft on the kikes? :)

i think i could listen to him talk all day

>Did you say that? Did you really?
Yes, I did nigger.

why cant your ecelebs, like taylor, awaken us to white consciousness WITHOUT telling us how awesome Jews are? :)

why can't you just do it instead? why do you want someone else to do everything for you?

Taylor doesn't have to attack Jews as a group- he makes white nationalism more palatable. He's a soft redpill, but a very well-informed and well-spoken. Notice how his answers to Jewish questions are flimsy- "Oh, they seem fine". This is because once you enter full White Nationalism, the Jew's plots are obvious.

you avoid my question and deflect?
i accept your defeat.

I answered your question with a question, a complex concept I am sure.

Can someone redpill me on this guy called "Moarpheus" everyone keeps mentioning?

I noticed strange posters that might be shills but I'm not sure if they are.

Is it true that he's trying to destroy the alt-right because he's communist?

dont jews already called people like Taylor racist and "neo-nazis?" can you explain then why taylor would have to pander to the jews so he doesnt encounter their "plot" to smear him as a racist and a neo-nazi? ;)

>muh PR!

fuck off kike.

>I answered your question with a question
stay defeated.

Here is his twitter


He's not pandering to Jews. He's pandering to Whites who aren't redpilled yet and will be pushed away if he talks about the JQ. This is also why nationalist parties in Europe are Jew-friendly.

fuck off jew

>He's pandering to Whites who aren't redpilled yet and will be pushed away if he talks about the JQ.
how can whites become redpilled about how evil the jews are if all the white nationalists are saying how based and not evil the jews are? ;)

>the right answer is shilling!
He doesn't attack Jewry for the whites, to to appease the Jews. If some white normie heard Jared Taylor was an Nazi racist, and then listed to Taylor talk about Zionists, he'd automatically assume they were right. But if he hears Taylor talk about white pride intellectually and say the Jews are 'okay I guess', they'll be much more open.

It's a gradual process. You start off as a liberal or cuckservative, become "alt-light" and then become an ethnonationalist ignorant of the JQ, and then you finally come to understand the JQ. You need educators on every rung of the ladder, all talking at the same time.


This mongrel is flustered because he knows Jared is on the right path and is actually getting to normies by not scaring them off. The era of gibs is coming to an end ;)

>1 retweet

LMAO this guy unironically thinks he's influential

the gradual process includes going from

>Jews are based!
>Jews are the devil!

hows that process work exactly? ;)

not an argument to anything ive said itt ;)

>when you realize spencergate is one month old
>is followed by the American Nazi Party
>is followed by Dr. David Duke
>is followed by Renegade Media
>is followed by et al.

lolol i havent even started yet m8.
so laugh it up ;)


The process works like this: there are plenty of people who advocated for white interests while also talking about the JQ. It's very easy for them to convert Taylor's followers. It's just a small jump from there.

And hell, they may become aware of the JQ on their own just by seeing how Jews react to their "Jews are based!" variant of nationalism.


Yeah it's "followed".

1 retweet will propel your 5 dollar wordpress blog into the complete obliteration of the alt-right. White nationalism won't even exist when you're done.


1 retweet a day keeps the Spencer away

t. leftypol

can you show us all a few examples of people who went from Jared Taylor and thinking Jews are based, to Richard Spencer and thinking Jews are Satanic? :) If no..you lose. If yes, I lose. Which is it?

its a free wordpress blog actually.
while TRS goes for quantity, I go for quality.
the few followers I have right now are highly influential, arent they? i can tap into that whenever i want, and I am even if you dont realize. so kvetch and mock now if you want. when my hour comes i will arrive like a thief in the night ^_^

Whats going on with the ACLU today?

Not me.
Marxist then anarchist, then left libertarian, then I learned of the JQ, now nationalist and libertarian with a mixed bag of conservative and liberal viewpoints on various issues.

I understand the appeal of national socialism but i cant help but feel that power is naturally corrupting, the state is incompetent and the solution is not to give the state more power, no matter how righteous it appears to be

I'm destroying the alt-right.

Help me out though, I only got one retweet on my best meme. These TRSodomites man.


Why would he call out Jews? IIRC a few Jews actually work for Amren

Take your unironic Nazi shit and fuck off. Jews are most definitely not "based," but they can serve our interests as well.

>but i cant help but feel that power is naturally corrupting
you sound weak.

Jews look White to me

>i will arrive like a thief in the night
Your research is terrible though and you can't even admit when it's wrong. Like with Richard Spencers grandparents name, Lauren Southerns name, and Tommy Robinson saying he was Jewish when all it was is a joke.

>why would he calls out the Jews he works for?
>but they can serve our interests as well.
how so? :)

Just about everyone. Very few people jump from typical liberalism to 1488 overnight.

>tommy isnt a jew it was a joke
>youre bad at research

LOL if theres one thing I actually am, its self-aware. i know my strengths and weaknesses. its why im so effective.

>pic related

Yeah bud, David Duke is waiting on your latest anti-Enoch meme.

In fact he is the guy who retweeted your tweet so it's not stuck at 0.

You have about the same amount of influence.


>just about everyone

thats not an example. give us an example then if there are so many people to choose from? or you lose :)

Yeah nothing there proves he's Jewish, he's a zionist, he likes Jews, he's always said he isn't a racist even when the media called him one. That's what i'm talking about. If you called him a Zionist i'd agree with you but he isn't Jewish.

I'm so effective.

Next time I'm getting 2 retweets! Good night alt-right!

Fuck off and die you cretinous shills, you will never win no matter how much you shit up these threads.

bump to trigger leftypol

>all this disinfo
"Fine" is a neutral opinion. Jared only talks about Jews when he's forced to, and he neutral- he never says anything like >Jews are Based!

Support moartears on twitter!

Help the man get 2 retweets so he doesn't commit sudoku. Follow moartears on twitter. Good night alt-right!

>his own words are a joke
>his many visits to Israel are just a joke
>his many jewish associates are just a joke
>his secret meeting with rabbis is just a joke
>his work with muslim terrorist groups is just a joke

>Jared Taylor working for Jews
This is where your line of logic falls apart. Why would the Jews want a white nationalist spokesman with no audience instead of yet another lefty shill? Think for two seconds about how the religion that Islam is the most asshurt about may be useful for white nationalists.

taylor works with the ADL you shill

Reminder that this poster is Moarpheus and he loves based niggers. He thinks IQ comes mostly from environment, not genes.

>jared taylor is a leading white nationalist spokesperson
>jared taylor has no audience

why cant you kike shills agree on the speel?

hey luke

>moves goalposts
>unnamed source
Shit, I've been beaten.

This guy is just a lame shill who's hell bent on destroying the alt-right, he doesn't care about any of the shit he's arguing.

Just look at his failed memes.

He almost never responds to a post without an image. So he's not "discussing" anything, he's carrying out a shilling campaign.

>his own words are a joke
The reason he said he was Jewish is because Tottenham Hotspur has a football hooligan firm called the Yid Army Hooligans and is known for having lots of Jewish supporters. Tommy Robinson supports Luton football club and he was in the Men In Gear football hooligan firm so when someone asked why he was there he said he was Jewish as a joke/banter.

>moves goalpost by giving more evidence Taylor is kike friendly
>unnammed source
the source is on the opposite page of the book in the header you uneducated illiterate low IQ semite LOL

why did he go to israel so many times? why does he shill for based jews? :)

Wew, I just checked the archives. He really is a shill


>why did he go to israel so many times? why does he shill for based jews? :)
Because he isn't a far right person, has never claimed to be, and when the far right tried to join in with the EDL he kicked them out. You literally don't know anything about him.

see How do we help Moarpheus?

Should we retweet his memes collectively?

David Duke is following his wordpress blog. He sounds important to me. What does Sup Forums think?

>21 posts by this ID

If you can't appreciate what Jared does, then you are clearly the enemy. He doesn't need to call out Jews.

lmao look at his twitter! It's fucking sad. All the anti altright memes are his doing, he has no life




So he goes to Israel...
Loves Jews...
Is a self-admitted Zionist...
Is a self-admitted Jew....

but we shouldnt think he's a kike? LOL no.

>jews are mankind's eternal enemy
>jews are actively working to conquer the globe
>we dont need to call out the jews tho
t. kike

>All the anti altright memes are his doing,
yeah, he's been spamming threads for about 2 months now, the richard spencer threads, lauren threads, etc. all him

Lmao I bet he started deleting his tweets now that we shamed him for getting no retweets

The delusional subhuman

Are we winning?

Ask yourself the following questions

>Do I lift weights?
>Am I at a healthy bodyweight?
>do I know how to spar?
>How many books do I read a week?
>When people ask my hobbies, am I at a loss for words if I can't include video games and anime?

If your answers are embarrassing, no, we aren't.

What did they mean by this.

>Is a self-admitted Jew....
no he isn't a self admitted Jew. It was a joke. One that you're too retarded to get because you aren't British, don't understand banter, and are probably retarded.


>I'm so influential, I destroy the alt-right, David Duke loves my shit
>Gets 1 retweet on his best meme after 10 hours

Bump for soft pills


i notice you ignore the other points, like hes a jew lover. why is that?

Moarpheus exhibits delusions of grandeur because he has 300 twitter followers (in his mind he probably has 300k) and because one user at some point might have been convinced by something he said during his 10000+ post history.

>Take your unironic Nazi shit and fuck off. Jews are most definitely not "based," but they can serve our interests as well.

There was a video of this bitch at a bar a few days ago, she was unsuccessfully hitting on a Chad or something. Pretty creepy

He also believes that alt-right is a satanic communist cult.




so much character attacks but so little arguments. the jew is afraid :3 why? because he sees the potential

>implying you didn't move the goalposts
>implying hearsay from a dead guy is a source
Okay Khazar.

it is ^_^ are you pretending like I'm not familiar with the Current 218 or are you sincerely oblivious to whats habbening?

are you denying taylor is jew-friendly?
that is the point isnt it? whether he is a friend to jews or not.
so which is it? :)