Goddammit google
Theres the question of historical accuracy but that was never the game.. Only tjing new is white folk arent the ad product theyre after anymore.. Its kimdve a blessing in disguise. The battleground for truth was never in advertising?
Fuck google so much
Okay, this is the deal:
The results come from Reddit (duh)
pinterest and a website called "afro-europe"
Nothing of higher credibillity.
I think its because some web site had European depictions of black people in art. Not defending googles kikery but thats the truth.
Google "important historical figures in america"
and screen cap the images please because idk how to screen cap
The nose knows
Upload Europeans to Pininterest.
We need a real alternative to Google.
>the translation "gente europea en la historia" "personas europeas en la historia" and personajes históricos de Europa"
Fuck these commie faggots.
>only white people shows up
really makes you think, doesn't it?
startpage nigger
As a black man who loves his country. I am sad that I have to scroll down to see at least Washington.
Abraham Lincoln was great and all but more of our found fathers are more important then the people they had before.
We WuZ KaNgZ FaM! King Tu-Ta-Tu wAs mY GrEaT GrEaT GrEaT gRaNdFaThEr
So the blacks kiiled the native americans and did the holocaust?
>tfw it's actually real
but then..
>yfw Bing is just as cucked
check it.
Yahoo is still around and viable, they just revamped their online news operation a year ago
Calm down, this must have nothing to do with Politics, just some retards uploading garbage way too much.
At least they've got Honest Abe
Imagine if he was blacked tommorow.
We could call him "Honest Ape"
this legit
Google white women baby
fuck me..
google image "average american" and have a good lulz...
too lazy to screencap