Everyday feminism author Hadiya Abdelrahman proves that there is nothing more contradictory than the social justice movement, except maybe the term Muslim feminist
The oxymoron of Muslim feminist
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just more leftist obfuscation, nothing here but lies.
Christian feminist included too?
There is the acknowledgement that the feminist movement really has nothing to do with Women and is only used when they need to incite activism to push marxism or whatever flavor of progressive ideology they want that day.
Criticizing Christianity is not a counter-argument. Islam brought rights to pre-Islamic Arab women. So Muslim feminism is not an oxymoron.
Aisha has been quoted mentioning that Pagan women had it much better than Muslim women.
كتاب اللباس (The Book of Dress) No. 5447 - Narrated 'Ikrima:
Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. 'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!" When 'AbdurRahman heard that his wife had gone to the Prophet, he came with his two sons from another wife. She said, "By Allah! I have done no wrong to him but he is impotent and is as useless to me as this," holding and showing the fringe of her garment, 'Abdur-Rahman said, "By Allah, O Allah's Apostle! She has told a lie! I am very strong and can satisfy her but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifa'a." Allah's Apostle said, to her, "If that is your intention, then know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa'a unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you." Then the Prophet saw two boys with 'Abdur-Rahman and asked (him), "Are these your sons?" On that 'AbdurRahman said, "Yes." The Prophet said, "You claim what you claim (i.e.. that he is impotent)? But by Allah, these boys resemble him as a crow resembles a crow,"
So where's the quote? Because I somehow doubt being killed at birth for being born female is better as a Pagan woman.
See Specifically: 'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!"
And the Prophet listened to Aisha, and intervened between them. There is no commandment from the Prophet for instance that Muslim women ought to be treated worse than Pagan women.
Regardless Islam came to bring balance, not "feminism" nor "meninism". Islam stopped abominable practices like the killings of baby girls as we still see today in countries like India and China, gave women rights over finances and land, gave women more rights in marriage, and at the same time reigned in ultra-degenerate practices like polyandry where a woman was shared between 10 men. This is why Islam refers to itself as the middle path, the balance.
He did not intervene, he did not listen to her. He straight out told her that she deserves it.
Muhammad did not admonish her husband, but instead ordered her to return to him and submit to his sexual desires. It is right there in the passage.
He listened to both sides of the argument and in this one case, he favored the man's side over the woman's side. And there are other instances where he favored the woman over the man in such disputes.
Your comment presupposes some sort of systematic discrimination where they were treated worse than the Pagans, which is simply not the case.
You want Islam to be like the feminist courts in the West, ruling against men for simply having genitals? Don't be so cucked.
Do you truly believe that pagans killed their daughters at birth? Arabs would have died out without women thousands of years before Muhammad.
That book is fairy tale.
Her man beat her up because she didn't allow him to rape her and satisfy his perverse desires, and he straight up told her to go submit to him. Aisha also makes the observation that Muslim women suffer much more than Pagan women, which you still haven't explained.
Of course not every daughter would have been killed. It wouldn't have been some insane number, but the practice went on and was common enough that even some of the closest companions of the Prophet had, before their conversion to Islam, participated in such acts.
Even today in societies like India and China, you have female infanticide with hundreds of thousands or millions aborted or killed every year. So it doesn't seem too implausible to me that the Pagan Arabs also practiced it before Islam banned it.
This is entirely false, possibly the product of indoctrination. Your appalling historical illiteracy is showing.
1 men testimony = 2 women testimony
fucked over inheritance
can't be the leader of anything
have to cover their hair
have to obey to the husband and stay at home
husband is allowed to hit them
muslims are allowed to take sex slave
How the fuck is this defending women rights?
Which is false? That female infanticide is still prevalent in the world? Because international health organizations disagree with you. Or that the Pagan Arabs practiced female infanticide? For which there is historical record.
Now you have to answer my questions:
Do you believe in fag rights?
Do you believe that trannies are some sort of civilizational right?
Do you believe in the right of other civilizations and religions to have their own values and morals?
Female infanticide was not practiced widely in pagan Arabia. Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't, because you are objectively wrong
You still haven't answered why Aisha claimed that Muslim women suffered more than Pagan women. I understand that you cannot, so you are now resorting to sand nigger aggression.
>Do you believe in fag rights? Yes
>Do you believe that trannies are some sort of civilizational right? No
>Do you believe in the right of other civilizations and religions to have their own values and morals?
I tolerate all religions, but I pray daily for literal Muslim holocaust. I'd be joyous to see the blood of your children flowing on the streets and every single one of you suffering a slow painful death
Lol typical faggot civic cuck nationalist. Come to the Islamic world and talk this shit here. We'll see whose blood will flow you little homo-loving bitch. Now run along and attend your fag parade, you sodomite piece of less than human shit.
Sand Niggers are brainless animals. When they cannot defend their abhorrent dogma they resort to baseless shit flinging and insults like the apes they are.
>civic cuck nationalist
Do you know what civic means, Sand nigger? Civic means nationalism based on culture/beliefs. Islam is by definition civic nationalist, as it promotes a universalist cultural approach, but I don't expect you to know that you pathetic subhuman bitch.
Did you know that Islam and faggotry are part and parcel? Pic related, do read it :)
Also read this
Into archive
Pic related
Now, I also don't expect you to understand, but you can never get rid of homosexuals. Every society has had them, throughout human history, and many of them have proven to be useful members of society. Michelangelo, Tchaikovsky, Alexander the great, Da Vinci, Turing and hundreds more.
Why am I to kill them when they are just as capable of being useful assets to the national structure? As a Fascist, it is my belief that worth is determined through one's contribution to the national collective. If a homosexual contributes to the national collective, I don't give a fuck whether he enjoys the company of another man.
The "dogma" has survived 1400 years while your civilization collapses in a vortex of degeneracy. You could choose to become Men again and embrace Christianity, but instead you faggots decide to be fedora-wearing cuckolds raving about gay rights and feminism and all this other nonsense trash.
Look at Russia for a better Christian society than the worthless shit you Westerners have turned into. Unless you prefer to keep turning little boys into little girls you fucking freakshow rat.
Civic nationalism goes beyond race. Civic nationalism advocates for faggotry, transgenderism and all other sort of deviant shit cos "muh freedumbs".
As for fags, sorry bud, Islam doesn't tolerate or promote homos, and fags are "dealt with" in Islamic societies. In the West they are openly paraded around and stick their dicks into little boys because oh so progressive. :^)
A fedora-tipping fascist faggot. Probably a dirty fag as well which is why you advocate for homos.
>The "dogma" has survived 1400 years while your civilization collapses in a vortex of degeneracy.
Define degeneracy, also define "my civilization". Would you classify Poland as degenerate, for example? Ireland? All of these countries follow a very traditionalist moral approach that would appeal to your average religious individual. Then again Islam is a violent death cult, so I can't be sure. Is everything that does not fit into "death cult" category classified as degeneracy in your view?
>Look at Russia for a better Christian society than the worthless shit you Westerners have turned into. Unless you prefer to keep turning little boys into little girls you fucking freakshow rat.
The fruits of Marxism and Atheism, slowly creeping into your beloved Islamic utopia through Kurdistan :) It will only spread to consume you, I assure you.
>Civic nationalism goes beyond race. Civic nationalism advocates for faggotry, transgenderism and all other sort of deviant shit cos "muh freedumbs".
That's not civic nationalism you absolute retard. Civic nationalism goes beyond race, but focuses on culture. Islam is 100% civic nationalist and culturally imperialistic because its only aim is to spread a particular form of culture throughout the earth without any other regard for race or ethnicity. If your nation is founded upon faggotry then civic nationalism is also faggotry, if it is founded upon Islamic savagery then civic nationalism is equally savage.
>As for fags, sorry bud, Islam doesn't tolerate or promote homos, and fags are "dealt with" in Islamic societies.
Why does the posibility of a homosexual living a regular, chaste life trigger you that much? Western homosexuals are merely a reflection of western society, and every bit as sick as your AVERAGE westerner, be it gay or straight. Your average westerner is a hedonistic subhuman, so your average western homosexual is as well. A healthy society not built upon marxist and post-modernist principles
would effectively force homosexuals to comply with its cultural norms, thus distancing them from promiscuity and hedonism and making them monogamous and productive to the national collective. A healthy Fascist society would erase identity politics altogether, which would in turn erase the need for such identifications. All would be identified as cells within the nation, with equal responsibilities and duties towards it regardless of what they happen to enjoy in the privacy of their bedrooms.
Degeneracy is godlessness, promoting homosexuality, encouraging trannies, and all the other general decadence that the West has collapsed.
Poland is somewhat degenerate in certain ways, but not as degenerate for example Sweden, or Germany. This is because Germany is almost totally consumed by the atheism and Marxist faggotry that you advocate for. Poland is less atheist, more religious, more Catholic, so it's less degenerate. The more religious you are, the less degenerate. The more of a fedora-tipping atheist "Fascist" faggot like you, the more degenerate.
As for Kurdistan, President Assad and Iran will crush your Western proxies soon enough, just as they crushed the rebel and ISIS terrorists that you Westerners funded. Westerners will be crying many tears when "oh so ebil child gasser xPP" Assad ruins your little faggot Marxist utopia.
>That's not civic nationalism
So which is it? Are you a racial nationalist who is somehow a faggot as well (which would put you at odds with the vast majority of Sup Forums), or some T_D civic nationalist faggot like Milo who strayed on here? As for Islam, it transcends all nationalism, so it is not civic nationalism in the least.
>Why does the posibility of a homosexual living a regular, chaste life trigger you that much?
It doesn't bother me. I just don't want fags in my society, send them to live with the Western cucks like you thank you very much.
>Poland is somewhat degenerate in certain ways
Much less so than every single Islamic shithole under the sun. What does that say about Islam?
>So which is it?
Get your shitty mudshit brain to work subhuman, it is not a fairly simple concept, not that difficult to grasp, but I will elaborate further just for you, being as special as you are.
"Civic nationalism goes beyond race, but focuses on culture. Islam is 100% civic nationalist and culturally imperialistic because its only aim is to spread a particular form of culture throughout the earth without any other regard for race or ethnicity. If your nation is founded upon faggotry then civic nationalism is also faggotry, if it is founded upon Islamic savagery then civic nationalism is equally savage."
civic nationalism = NO RACE, ONLY CULTURE
*a fairly simple
I'm Shia so I don't identify with what Sunni degenerates do you dumb faggot. None of that shit goes on in Iran so STFU you worthless fag. In this country fags like you get hanged in public, which is why Western cucks like you hate my country so much. Stay assmad you little worthless faggot.
So you are posting from the shithole of Iran, that's interesting...
The Persians are equally subhuman to Arabs, it seems. You haven't addressed any of my points with anything other than baseless shit flinging, quite reminiscent of your average Arab apologist.
Keep blindly worshiping your islamic shithole until the nukes fall.
>fags like you get hanged in public
You mean turned into trannies and then fucked by "not fags"
Top fucking kek