Friendly reminder that if you watch porn, you are training to be a cuck.

Porn involves two people having sex while you WATCH with your dick in your hand and get off to it. This is an exact image of the act of cuckoldry where you WATCH another man with your woman, and get off to it. The ONLY difference between cuckolding and watching porn is that with porn, you are watching it from behind a screen (and only imagining that the woman is yours).

The media pushes it, culture pushes it, and most of all, ((((they)))) push it. It’s also tied into migration. You are being ((((trained)))) to watch other men have sex with women and get enjoyment out of it. Think about it: why is porn free? Nothing is free. Water isn’t free. Clean air isn’t even free. You have to buy a ((((filter)))) to have clean air. So why would you assume that porn is “free”?

It’s being provided to you for a reason. There are many, many reasons beyond training you to be a cuck, but they are too esoteric for me to go into here. Suffice it to say, watching porn makes you into a weak, passive little bitch who can be easily controlled. You can never be a full man while you are viewing pornography. End of discussion.

The good news is that you don’t have to participate in your own cuck training. Simply stop watching porn. Ideally, stop fapping, but if you MUST fap, do so only to your imagination or single images of women alone.

>inb4 Christcuck
>inb4 moralfag


i agree
but that girl in op picture is fucking beautiful

A lot of porn now has incest, which seems to simulate child abuse. I wonder if they're trying to promote that, too.

>watch only solo stuff


Jokes on you, I only read hentai manga.

...I never thought of it like that user.

You could say there's still sort of a cuck conditioning in those pornos, because you're getting off on a hot girl who's not available.

Can't get laid so I'll carry on watching. Sorry, its my only form of sexual enjoyment.

Watching porn at all, or even fapping, is a degenerate activity.

I've heard that semen has vital nutrients and even spinal fluid in it. If you were losing that stuff any other way than by ejaculating, you'd probably be pretty worried.

what about jpegs?

He's right you know

>porn is free
expect for all those dick pill and local cougar advertisements on the websites







or simply masturbate to anime

what the fuck did i just read

are you from utah or something

>watching porn with men in it
I exclusively watch amateur videos of women masturbating.

I get grossed out by another dick fucking her, not because "omg muh dicks!!!" but because I don't want to fuck something that's been/being fucked.

>not self-inserting as the guy

Sorry but I like to cum about 2 x a day and the wife can't quite meet the demand.

What porn really does, like an action movie, is satisfy an urge. I am horny, I watch pros have sex, I am satisfied.

I'd call you a moral faggot but there is nothing inherently morally wrong about watching consenting adults have sex.

All these post reek of losers who can't get laid.

Just looking at naked pictures of women should be okay then. Fap away!

How does something seem to simulate child abuse? It either does or does not.

>All these posts reek of losers who can't get laid
I really don't understand why people post stuff like this. First of, you're on Sup Forums, literal Virgin haven. Secondly, more and more men are checking out, going MGTOW etc because they can't get laid or feel disenfranchised and finally, why are you flying the Swastika when you're insulting your fellow man? Take that fucking flag off, you aren't a National Socialist.

>You could say there's still sort of a cuck conditioning in those pornos
no you couldn't say that

Why is YouTube free? Oh yeah advertisement. They want to push it because it sells. It's gross and I don't watch it because i feel bad for all of those women.

Slide thread. Disregard.

>not self inserting as the girl

Jokes on you, I only watch first person POV vids of xev bellringer

If that's the case chop your dick off
I could argue having a dick makes you more likely to play with it therefore tempting you into cuckdom

watch Japanese mother daughter lesbian porn

problem solved.

>If you were losing that stuff any other way than by ejaculating, you'd probably be pretty worried.
But we've evolved to ejaculate so it should be fine. Lots of healthy fathers.

It's often a young woman who looks and acts even younger in a coerced setting with blackmail, etc.

i watch cartoon bondage from pre-2000

>you are watching it from behind a screen (and only imagining that the woman is yours)

but im imagining that im the guy who fucks a random girl

fortunately humans produce that stuff

you're looking way too far into this

it's visual stimulation, then ejaculation, you fucking moron

POV masterrace you plebs

I only watch literal cuck training porn

u mad?

You are essentially still a cuck because the person drawing it is one got good at a skill that can two make money while three you watch and four not get paid.

this is invalid as fuck.

>disgusted by dicks in porn since I associated it with cucking during the cuckening
>cuckening and corresponding posting plagued my mind against masturbation completely but I still do it because I'm a virile young man with intense urges who can't get past a week of nofap

Why do that when you could just get a real, 3D gf...

>he doesn't have a submissive gf to bust nuts in daily

too much work
real roasties are too clingy and annoying

>lots of healthy fathers

Yeah, losing it infrequently might not be a bad thing. Every day or multiple times a day over years? It's going to have some consequences.

Have a bump


I watch only solo POV porn.

only fap to /s/ material

perhaps...except the "porn" I am watching is a vid of me fucking your's the cuck?

Are you cuck, if you watch lesbian or POV porn?

Did you have some kind of point you were trying to make?

You are completely right, I have tried kicking this porn habit before.

Fucking Jews ruining everything

>a hot girl who's not available
If you have the cash most of them are avalaible tho.

that's rape

I wonder why brothels don't get around the law by advertising themselves as porn studios where the customer "acts" in them with an "actress" and takes home the video to do whatever he wants with.

>The ONLY difference between cuckolding and watching porn is that with porn, you are watching it from behind a screen (and only imagining that the woman is yours).

When I watch porn I don't fantasize, or imagine the woman is mine, nor do I imagine that I am the guy.
I simply use the visual stimulus to enhance/speed up my masturbation.

Your premise is already incorrect. I don't have to even read the rest of this to tell you that you are in fact an idiot.

You're too much of a shit person and you don't deserve the Swastika as your flag.

>and only imagining that the woman is yours
This one phrase just proves op is the cuck. I have never imagined the girl is "mine". Porn is a spectacle, nothing more. Any meaning it is is assigned by the viewer. Move along, children.

Apparently someone as dense as tou cant figure it out, he was calling you a faggot, faggot

What about POV porn?

Checkmate christfag

I have cucked about fifty people this year. I just slap a woman in the face and force her to suck me. Pussy liberal beta males let it happen.

I fap to still images of girls not in sexual acts

I would believe the part about the liberal beta males, but I know that liberal women believe that everything is rape and would never let you do it.

What am I supposed to fap to? cars? pictures of trees?

>watching any kind of porn that isnt masturbation porn
I get disgusted by regular porn

qt3.14s who love their country

all women love rape you fucking cuckold.

Then where do (sometimes false) rape allegations come from?

every time i see these "wholesome" memes i feel like i am being talked to as if i am a pathetic child and they just make me feel slightly bad about myself for a minute