Women are beautiful human beings that deserve to be treated with respec-
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I can't even get a hi
>stop being so nice user
jews trying to divide white men and women
you can be against women but remember
produce babby for our race
holy kek my sides
big surprise women are whores
>women are people
rookie mistake user
It's the Virgin Tinder vs the Chad Tinder
Giving ye a little advice for free, lads:
If you are not 100% with her, drop her. Life is way too short and shitposting at saturday-night way too satisfying, to drop it for a girl.
Women in countries like Germany, France, Gb and Sweden are horrible. Hell, not even Poland is sure (I can tell!). Mind your own business, this is truely the worst time for having a relationship, if you are under 35.
Women in big cities in Poland are exactly the same like in the west.
Big cities in general are the same everywhere I'm afraid.
Western countries just have many more big cities.
Don't be dumb, these girls are simply attracted to his confidence. You gotta be more confident bro!
The saddest thing about this is they're too retarded to see it's an obvious fake.
Can wait till I'm in my late twenties I can tell women to fuck off. They are getting a little bit easier to pull these days when they find out you have a job and a car.
A few of them get a bit antsy when they haven't a man. Can't fucking wait been shit all over by women when I was in college or a kid. And yes I'm bitter but I've been let down so much.
I live at the countryside. Our women are larping conservativism, but they are sluts. Not as bad, as citiywomen, but yeah. Sluts. Not all but there is a reason, why you poles compare our women to cows and dont tell me, that you dont do this, I worked with hundreds of polish people for 6 years.
Cant blame you for this opinion, since ive been to Poland.
>women shows interest in handsome men
Wow shocking news.
To be fair men are far more thirsty. I have to chase so many on tinder to get a reply. Don't blame them for going after a good looking dude. I know I do with girls. Its just its so one sided in their favour.
Try it with a average looking guy and see if they are just blinded by the great looks
to be fair a guy will want to fuck a hot girl even if shes a horrible person
End of Rome. I'll say it in every one of these threads if I have to.
To be fair to the 1915 women, they were fighting a good cause. The 2015 women are a product of brainless consumerism being drilled into their heads for decades.
>implying you all wouldn't fuck a 10/10 woman who has strangled babies
There's nothing you can do aside from 1) Improving yourself and trying to become Chad 2) Creating a culture which shames this sort of behaviour in both men and women.
It doesn't get better user.
You just become more numb.
Just fuck escorts. I'm almost to that point.
Yeah, thing is, that tinder itself is, in opinion, degenerated as fuck. If you want to pick up some girls and fuck them easy, hey, whatever you like and of course, girls go for goodlooking men, but did you listen that bio of OP's picture?
This makes me sick as hell and I appreciate more and more the life in a village with a population of 500 people. Hell, we have more cows then people here and I am not even counting the fat ugly girls as cows.
women should've never gotten the vote
>I have to chase so many on tinder to get a reply.
It's because you're fat and/or ugly.
T. Overweight ugly man.
Rome fell due to its civic structures dying away due to corruption. When the law, parliament and democracy stop working then we are fucked.
It was when taxes stop being properly taken and armies stopped being paid.
Italy was rich as fuck until the Romans tried to retake it under Belisaurius. Trade routes were destroyed and the countryside ravaged.
Rome didn't fall to lack of morals its a myth perpetuated by Gibbon that won't fucking die.
End of rome. Hear hear
>To be fair to the 1915 women, they were fighting a good cause.
Get the fuck out, right now.
German women have masculine features but they are still not as bad as british slags.
I am no happier with the current cultural situation as you are user. However as a fellow Irishman posting, there is always going too far down the rabbit hole.
Women being given equal opportunity and voting is fine. But the current situation we see with the poisonous SJW trend going out of control is definitely not.
Don't confuse actual equal rights with the stupidity you see today.
>tfw when Emmeline Pankhurst would have bitch slapped these idiots
read again cuck
They probably thought he was some weird cunt cause he was so good lucking. So arty prick that seem to abound in London.
Small village life sucks. I live in a small town. I find it so hard to meet someone cool. But when then hear you have a bit a good job or a car they are all over you.
Thats like comparing cows to...well, slags.
There is a saying in Sweden and we Germans (and the people of denmark) say it too:
The vikings took all the beautiful women from England. Might be true!
men and women are not equal user, we're not the same
>Women have no moral standard as long as the man is handsome
Hitler should have gased women, and replace them with artificial womb.
No, we are not. But neither are many men among other men and women among other women. Not every man is a Chad and not every Woman is a Stacy. No individual is equal to another. That doesn't mean we should all be given certain freedoms of equal standing.
Well, some of the girls are talking about "crimes" they did in their past. They seem okay with this dudes behaviour. Whatever.
Dont understand me wrong, I LOVE living in a small village, heck, I enjoy solitude and a handfull of friends is okay for me, but yeah. Its not easy to meet girls here.
>not having a custom design instead
as long as there is an endless supply of betas "the wall" will just be a myth virgins tell themselves to feel better. Sure an old hag might not get as much attention as a 21 year old but you better believe she will still be able to find beta's to shower her with attention, sex, and gifts.
Shouldn't all be given*
Anyway be thankful this poison hasn't hit our lands remotely as heavily as UK or US. It's there but we still got some nice neighbourhoods and families.
Screenshot from an earlier thread
Women aren't equal.
And most men shouldn't vote for that matter
no one believes that's why. we all know a man's worth in a woman's eyes is solely determined by his looks, and they'd prefer an
attractive abusive monster like the guy in OP to a normal guy who wasn't fucking evil.
Women have no moral compasses and just do whatever their vaginas tell them to do.
Women are cancerous.
I already accepted that.
Good for nothing holebeasts.
And what is corruption but the degradation of morals?
I'm a nurse.
About 80% of STI's we treat the patient contracted from Tinder.
In all honesty guys health wise you're better off fucking a registered prostitute in a brothel than an office girl off Tinder.
I'm not larping here, Tinder is disgusting.
I love these experiments
Women truly are sociopaths
Need to screenscrap this. Thanks, frail.
Keep saying it, I will even say with you
End of Rome.
>what are artificial wombs
Dude not larping but I've met a couple of tinder and fucked them. I know I'm not bad looking. Its tough if you are though. I've seen women so fucking picky or hard to approach.
The worst is the friend that is jealous of their friend and pull her away from you. Or you have to accommodate their fucking friend who is cock blocking you.
You get tired of the endless nights out. I just want to find someone normal. And yes this is projecting hahahah
How would you know as a nurse how many they've contacted through Tinder? Do they just admit to having diseases because of their poor decisions?
>To be fair to the 1915 women, they were fighting a good cause
>Give white flags to men as a symbol of cowardice for coming home early because of medical reason
Yeh they sure were good.
And you're that "normal" guy? That "normal" guy who unironically hates everyone but the white man, wants them in chains and spends most of his freetime ranting about them on an anime imageboard?
Whores like bad boys. You guys are acting like this isn't normal.
It's not like a nice, respectable girl is going to get with a like that. Nice, respectable girls rarely ever use Tinder in the first place. Most people on Tinder are just there for the hookup culture.
>look for wholesome women
>start at the whorehouse
>still believing this was the only reason Rome fell
Rome was a degenerated clusterfuck. There were many reasons why it fell, this is one of them. Even when the Visigoths sacked the city, some civilians even WELCOMED it because they were sick of the degeneracy.
Let the words echo through every single thread similar to this, whether it be about women, Jews, immigration, economics etc.
Where in Germany is it? How big is an average German family. I mean like extended cousins and stuff. You probably go to work in those special factories they have. Mittelstand I think they are called.
Corruption is a moral issue you moron.
Even if some of them are very bitter, the MGTOW channels are better than the (((skeptics))). They're probably what the skeptics should be
I meant normal looking guys you fucking braindead retard. Learn context. I wasn't talking about myself either.
Dude every girl uses tinder. They get sick of it cause the thirst is unbelievable. I know an ugly bitch that has like 2000 matches.
Very wrong
Women should not be treated as people, because they are not people in the same way that men are
They literally lack crucial emotional features such as a sense of justice, which prevents them from being good members of society
I read that a while ago. Not going to lie, the basic premise of the persons points actually make sense. Wouldn't last in today's climates, but there is some logic to it. Some more, some less.
However with what we have now, no country is in a position to revert the work force back to only males. That is economic suicide. It may (or may not) fix the population decline we are facing across the board but watch that country's GDP just die over night.
Unless every country agrees to implement a new cultural revolution (by which I mean an actual one, not a communist mass starvation one) where there is a revitilization of hard gender role emphasis in creating men and women, with a major emphasis on maturity, that is impossible. Not just because it would ruin your countries' competitiveness in the world economy, it clashes entirely with the consumerist culture.
My theory is that many women are being put into these jobs via quotas because, the people that be, have realized that the consumerist and Capitalist market is a dead end. The people aren't breeding and its far too late to start pulling things back. So, what best way to get the economy go out with a bang than put all the women into positions of higher paying. Why? Because a huge, huge amount of the consumer market is aimed at women. They won't have kids anymore cause of the economic climate so may as well squeeze out what little they can before the crappy house falls in on itself.
The modern western person has gone through the ropes of working from a mostly improvershed, lower class to eventually developing and distributing into the middle and higher class. Its run its course.
So now they need to get the third worlders, Africans and Arabs to go through the same hoops we have had for the last several decades. Why we see the migrants. No country lets in migrants for the good of their hearts, it was a stupid attempt to exploit cheap labour.
Reverting things to how they were can't be done.
>Reverting things to how they were can't be done.
which is why we need ww3 and the race war to start anew.
My younger brother who is a student has a roomate who used Tinder like a mad man for over a year. He fucked 86 girls while he doesnt call himself attractive ( and isnt at least from his outer appearance. But he is damn funny ). He showed me the pictures of the girls and the pictures he got from them like after a few hours talking etc.
We are talking here about 7 to 10 who were sending him fucking porn pictures out of nowhere. Hell one Girl came over, fucked the night and the next day she called her boyfriend to catch her up!
All this Tinder crap fucked the roommates head totally. He told me how he really despise most girls and hates them for having trust issues while looking for a normal girlfriend. He maybe fucked 86 girls in one year but in his own words: " It wasnt worth it "....
Great posts
All I hear is Gibbon. Rome fell for a hundred different reasons and it took decades. the Vandals slaughtered a couple elites and sacked the city in a far more mild manner than was usual to the time.
The morals were actually far better thanks to the civilizing force of Christianity. The Bachannals were put to an end and the Mystery rights were closing. The orgies and stuff were later exaggerations of Roman rites.
But thats a little too complex so cunts go with
>Faggots == fall of the West
Women were a mistake.
What did he say to them. Need answers user. He must have unbelievable profile pics. Like looks rich as fuck.
wow this coupled with modern day feminism really makes my neurons fire
>Nice, respectable girls
Oh boy that's a good one
Southesse, border to bavaria (odenwald). The average german family? Probably not more or less, then a american. My mothers father had 5 siblings, 4 sisters and 1 brother. The sister flew to the US in the 30s, my greatuncle was SS. My fathers family is small, many died in war, so I have just one familymember from my fathersside left, since my grandfparents died. My siblings and me took his familyname and the man will carry it. Ive worked as winemaker (thats why I mentioned before, that I know a lot of polish people, since the cheapworkingforces for the harvesting are polish). Yes, I am "Mittelstand", my father was low low low workingclass. Had to leave school, when he was 11. Works six days a week now and earns (now) good money.
i really hope that is just a bait profile. otherwise we need to give him the rope
Shareblue CIA CTR bot slide-thread, please do not respond!
same. always getting ignored. im not that ugly god damn
Aww man. That made me sad. Hang in there!
That is practically a 26 minute oral repeat of this . Cheers but what is said is said. I still partially disagree on some elements but that's neither here nor there. No point highlighting the problem of how we got here, I'd much rather look at solutions which are practical than preaching a dialogue which would be shot down immediately in any public domain.
I think you have forgotten that men and women compliment each other as a species and socially. I have no doubt women may have a far greater emphasis on certain traits and lacking in others. But so do men. I know there are a lot of shitty women out there who are essentially mini princess sociopaths. But how many men or Chads see, act and treat women, its essentially two sides of the same coin. We only see the shitty women cause none of us are trying to date men. Its pretty dire on both ends.
>ww3 and race war
No. We need to control this stupid level of migration into Europe, a no tolerance policy on the Islamic practice and a highly aggressive deportion/reward system based on behaviour.
WW3 collateral damage could be far too damaging and a race war is ridiculous as it would be no more different than the first Crusade. Its just a massive excuse to loot and plunder and not even begin to attack what is supposedly the "enemy".
>t. roastie
Guy must be pretty good looking desu or a huge liar. I've slept with 7 off Tinder and I've been on it since a year or two. I think it increases exponentially. If you're a Chad you could probably sleep with two girls per day every day.
"bad boys"
I guess child rapists are the new bad boys
>swiping in London(I'm a brit)
>match every few days or so
>Start swiping in Toronto and Houston because I'll be going there on holiday
>match at least 15 girls a day
Do leafs and burger girls all want to get BEADY'D or something?
Just get a 9/10 face dude.
>I think you have forgotten that men and women compliment each other as a species and socially
Men and women only compliment each other in natural conditions
With our modern laws and culture, women have free reign to use and abuse every man in sight with zero repercussions
When women go back to respecting themselves and their bodies, nurturing their children and remembering we are the mothers of men, And that its up to us, to keep our standers high, so men will want our approval, want to be moral.
Until then,
fuck off user.
>The morals were actually far better thanks to the civilizing force of Christianity
You had Pagans and Christians living within the Empire. When the Empire became Christian, the degeneracy didn't just disappear and neither did the Pagans. And look at when Rome became Christian. It was far too late by that point. 300 years of orgies, race mixing, homosexuality etc. The societal damage was done and was passed on from generation to generation. And that was just from the beginning of the Roman Empire. Even during the age of the Republic, this was happening regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening even since the end of the Roman Kingdom. A lot of this degeneracy was picked up from the Etruscans, who the Romans at one point hated for their decadence. They adopted the very practices they so despised. I'm not saying degeneracy was the sole cause of the collapse, I'm saying it was just one of the reasons. In fact, I'd even say it was a symptom, spurred on by other reasons which led to the fall of Rome.
Point still stands though. This is the end of Rome, the signs are all there. You'd have to be an idiot to ignore them.
AHAHHAHAHA Germany trying to be onboard the viking dream, while we scandinavians actually stole all the beautiful women, you guys had to industrialize it with your Lebensborn shit. Nice try cuckmany.