Tick tock.
Tick tock, Poland
Polish MP says Germany should pay PLN 1.5 trillion in war reparations
>Tick tock.
so thats like the 3rd deadline the EU gives the visgard states... and nothing will happen again.
EU is just full of shit and hot air and only works when weak cocksuckers are at power in the country they threaten.
>says the increasingly nervous guy for the 7th time this second
The question now becomes not if, but when?
Croatia accepted migrant quotas
You know how many migrants it has? 5... 5 of em.
These people come just for the welfare in Germany, Sweden etc. After a moment in Hungary and/or Poland they will leave it.
Poland and Hungary can still say:"we accepted the quota" while nothing on the field will change for them.
As for Poland, they shouldn't act as if they'd be better than Ukraine without that Germany gibs
stand strong
>time runs out
>'ok Poland. Maybe you didnt understand. Lets be very clear this time: You have another month to back down and accept mugrants!'
Hey, just like last month.
Why don't we force someone else to take those migrants.... like africa for example?
reminder that V4 is a bad meme, only Poland and Hungary are actually based
>migrants get sent to poland
>they pack up and move to germany
or else… what?
>le based pole
reminder that Poles genocided Germans before ww2 and are now the most butthurt nation on earth
>God dammit Poland we're only going to do this another 20 or so times. You had better get your shit together. Time is running out.
dont divide and conquer, bro
The EU will try to impose some other shit on Poland which inevitably cause Poland to tell them to fuck off entirely and pull out of the EU further destabilizing it.
yeah,on polish clay and we didnt genocide them ,stop making up shit
where is the 4th king? I only see the Czech, the Polish and the Hungarian king here...
Poland has muslims already retard
Poland is the nigger of east europe
Which is probably why they don't want more.
Would serve the Poles right for flooding the UK, but Sup Forums still buys into the "based Poland" meme
Tell the EUnuchs to fuck off
Wasn't the deadline two weeks ago?
why can't we be based like that?
instead we're drowning in blacks and arabs and retards still act like everything's fine and that this is no reason to freak out.
Albanians are the niggers of east Europe. Polish people are blonde and white. But you're just a kike shill spreading anti Slav propaganda.
Exactly, they took in fucking 80 thousands of them, 90% went to Germany and the ones who stayed commit a shitlot of crime.
Stay strong Poland.
>another month
Don't be so short sighted and completely cucked, faggot. Poland and Hungary are doing what every fucking eu country should do. Say fuck off EU and stop lying about these "migrants" and what you actually want with them. A slave fucking class and to displace the native population and muddy the voting pool you fag.
If pic related happens I would like to see a free Bavaria join the east.
I hope they tell merkel to fuck off once and for all with her little migrant game, it's getting tiring. Learn from our mistakes, don't give in.
They don't want them, they aren't stupid
has anyone looked around on the snapchat maps?
every major european city is full of snap stories from fucking arabic speakers and nogs, even kiev and moscow.
what the fuck is going on?
Anyone have the comparison of European secretaries of defense?
nobody wants them. there are muslim countries for a reason, and that's where they belong.
The one country that always changes position in such graphics is Austria. Why? Sometimes we are on one side, sometimes on the other.
Germany is a shit country and always was
South East Germany is pretty much a non-country.
Ahmed pls
>Tick tock.
Remember when they said that to Greece about DENBTS?
The beast is coming for you, Poland and Hungary.
We had a good run, but I think it's just a matter of time that we will be forced to accept them
We could accommodate them somewhere near German border and provide absolute 0 welfare, they would escape to Germany sooner or later and give absolutely zero fucks
The only problem would be NGOs aka third-party welfare providers
Oh you think so ? FUCKING.DIE.
Actualy I have 5 syrian friends in job whose are so kind. Love to have more kind and good friends like them, doesnt matter from which country.