Tell me again why the civilized races shouldn't interbreed?
White/Asian Race Mixing
they should, amwf
Fuck off slide shill
Tell me again why you need Sup Forums to tell you what to think?
certainly you could find a better example then a filthy whore
all I see is a bunch of Asians
what is this cuck logic?
if I shouldn't date asain women asain men shouldn't date white women
it goes both ways
Wolfs and coyotes are both successful species and can interbreed. Why didn't they?
Oh yeah that's right, because there would be no point. The resulting birth would have no point, would feel pointless and confused, and would have an increased chance of growing up and shooting blonde girls at school because they rejected him.
all white women belong to asian men
regardless for every example of a good looking cross breed there's a million more good examples of pure breds
oh, so they can only breed with our women
go fuck yourself spic
Do you really want a nation of supreme gentlemen, user?
lol @ leafy
Will they be anti-jew?
What the fuck is this
how do I get an azn girl to date me
Chiaki Horan's dad is Irish and mom Japanese
Girls half asian and half white have a 90% chance to turn into big left leaning disgusting whores.
It's "degeneracy.jpg".
Even has a menorah.
Show the males... that's why
I think there's a strong argument to be made that having children that are too cute potentially endangers them, at least if they're girls.
She's done, stop using her as a sex symbol.
She's shown her true colors about how she wants to use her body, yet bitches when people say it's the only reason she got work.
because i unironically support diversity. cross breeding reduces pure-breeds, eventually leading them to extinction
Because asians have weak bodies and they die of the common cold, as well as having hideous children with whites.
Only top tier Asian males can find partners outside of their race, so they spread their good genes.
Meanwhile the genetically inferior white males not to settle for a cheap and ugly chink wife and get kids that look like filipinos.
It's not even about race mixing, it's about what kind of male gets who.
Sage shit threads.
Olivia is one healthy bitch.
T. r/Asianmasculinity
>Daniel Holtzclaw
He was innocent. Accused of sexual assault by some drunk black prostitute, her description of him didn't even match. They had zero evidence, yet they decided to jail him.
The thing is that all kids are cute. People forget that they grow into a very much less cute adults, especially when mixed race.
You guys should fuck japs and chinks
But NEVER take our Korean men
Korean women for Korean men
White women for white men
Japanese women for Japanese men
Dude is Haku Zynkyoku.
Most white women are grossly overweight.
You hypocrites need it both ways or it doesn't work at all
If you want to fuck our women, it should be allowed for niggers to fuck your Aryan women or you don't fuck with us Asians and fuck with Aryans
Thank you
Stop bumping the thread now.
once we establish a white ethnostate we should just give hawaii to the happas.
So niggers should fuck white women since sheboons are fat?
As we all know, these are rough times...
I know every generation says that but crime, disasters, violence, and just plain negative actions grow and grow on a day-to-day basis.
Here's my story...
>Girl I've been crushing on for years.
>Shorter than me.
>Adorable in every way.
>We have sex regularly.
>Be together for many years.
>Trust her unconditionally.
>One day, she sits me down for a talk.
>Has a sad look on her face.
>She tells me she was raped a few weeks back.
>She went to get STD test and found out she was HIV positive.
>We've had sex at least 4 times after.
>She just tells me now because she was scared of telling me.
>Suddenly build up with uncontrollable rage.
>Punch her in the face as hard as I can.
>She falls down.
>Still pissed off, can't even see straight.
>Keep punching her as hard as I can.
>Gets to a point where her face is a pool of blood.
>Blood splashes onto my shirt when i punch.
>Keep punching.
>Leave, her parents come home after.
>Fast forward a few weeks.
>She's in a face bandage, stitches everywhere.
>She told her parents a robber came in and did this.
>She didn't want me in jail because she felt bad.
>Suddenly feel terrible inside.
>Go to apologize three weeks later.
>Ask her sister where she is.
>Her sister has tears in her eyes, says she fell into a coma.
>Run to the hospital to say sorry before it's too late.
>Get to her room.
>Open the door.
>Get on the floor.
>Everybody walk the dinosaur.
>all kids are cute
Shareblue CIA mind-poison bot slide-thread, please do not respond!
>Oh y-your baby is a-adorable...
lol, where the hell do you live? I certainly see a fair share of chubby white girls, but by far they are not the majority.
Yes, even that kid is cute, by negro standards.
Most newborns look like little monkeys desu.
not true majority of people are just average weight, average height. you need to get out more.
and for the record the average weight is not fat.
Well, I am in my 30's and couldn't find a white girl that wasn't degenerate as fuck.
I am dating an Asian now and things are perfect.
Why should I settle for some roastie STD slut? Give me one good reason! I dated white girls that cheated by: fucking my room mates, that fucking strangers, that went clubbing and fucking more strangers. I met girls in church with a history of one night stands. Others that had gone to nude beaches and fucked niggers. I met girls that wanted our first date to be working a glory hole with the express purpose of seeing if I can handle other men because she was into mmf bisexual stuff. I met another girl that was polyamourous with some herpes lesbian. Others wanted to go to swinger parties. One invited me to an orgy after we had been dating for a couple weeks and got furious when I was against it. She became enraged when I forbid her to go and we broke up on the spot and she got fucked that night and she sent me selfies getting fucked saying "Wish you were here, I still love you". I met others that hated the thought of having kids, or were dumb as hell, or who had over 100 partners. A few rejected me because I had never been to jail.
I dated a lot of girls before, during, and after college and do you knwo what? I have scarcely even heard of a white girl that doesn't deserve to be fucking ovened. I hate these people. If our survival depends on them, then we are fucking done!!
At least my family will survive. God knows, I'm the only person in my family that wants kids. Everyone else is a boomer dying alone with their little porcelain figurines and cats. What stings worse is most of them gave so much money to church but have nothing to pass on now. Thanks for helping your family survive assholes.
Fuck this, our race is doomed. I am not going to marry trash, and have my wages cut the rest of my life just to have one kid maybe, if she doesn't fucking abort it.
My Asian gf specifically wants several kids. Why not?
well it seems the new average for "modern" is fat
Oh that was another thing, the white girls I dated were on average, heavier and you were never allowed to reject them over it.
I did anyway. I do not work out like a part time job so they can get everything they want and I get garbage. Hell no. Fat bitches can fuck off.
One fat bitch tried to call us even because I needed glasses and kept trying to go out with me. God damn. It's like, you know, I have contacts and I can take these off anytime. Lets see you un-eat 300,000 calories tonight. What's amazing is she doesn't take rejection kindly like understanding that I'm out of her league, they get belligerent about it and angry.
But the supreme gentlemen is on the white male asian female side. Isn't that reason enough to mate with Asian women?
>All Kids are cute
Browse /r/Hapas for 5 minutes. Do you want your kids to turn out like those people?
It's shit like this that reminds me that there are those that are FAR more worse off and pathetic then I am.
I really need to start lifting.
You're a lazy fuck
Now our race is gonna be filled with inferior white genes that will lead to children that are like white toasties
You shouldn't have breeder you autist
thats a cute dog
Then America would finally be great again
Frankly, I don't give a fuck. I'm going to be stuck in California for the foreseeable future for my career, and I'm going to really attempt, ATTEMPT to find a decent, pretty, soft spoken conservative girl in that mess of a state before I'm 30.
If all I can find is degenerate trash like has listed, than I'll have no choice but to go for an asian woman, preferably Japanese.
Yes I want to carry on my Anglo/Celtic/Germanic/Nordic heritage and have beautiful white children with a sweet girl, but if I can't find one I'm willing to settle for a pretty asian girl. Because fuck settling for a degenerate whore who'll divorce me for my fucking paycheck and half my shit just so my child has blue eyes.
this qt has a white american dad and a japanese mom. he's a famous celebrity in japan, too
I see you as the same as a gangster nigger having children with a white woman
Still can't compete with fullblood Asian
Or full white celebrities
for what? he's attractive and a rich celebrity. he won.
>chink biology
No wonder you retards think that snorting fried tiger dick is the gateway towards supernatural abilities
He looks pretty mediocre to me
He can't compete for worldwide fame like some kpop stars,white actors/singers
only if it's AM/WF
WM/AF only produces sluts and murderers
Only if The West is truly lost should we COLLECTIVELY Mix.
Shut up dude
Everything about modern America is fucked. I couldn't get a decent job with my STEM degree without lying about years of experience, and I've never been romantically interested in a girl who didn't turn out to be some sort of fucked. Seeing others go through this shit makes me want to get an ESL cert and permanently move over to Japan to find a not perfect yet acceptable career path and wife. I'm just in my early 20's. How did those before me fuck things up this bad? Why are they not chained to the walls and bearing punishment?
Oy vey! My son is gay
Average robot
What I mean is if it gets to the point where We can no longer be a majority in our own homelands THEN we should all flee to Japan & mix
Until then We Fight to Take Back what's Ours.
White + non white = non white %100 of the time.
Race mixers are as gross as the mongrels they produce.
Best post to have ever described a white girl.
That's like Nigger Somalians outbreeding whites
Fuck off potatonigger
I guess it's ok for niggers to be having children with white women since white women are better than shebbons
Stop being a retarded bastard and reclaim and discipline your girls you white faggot
>leaf shilling for cuckoldry
the memes write themselves
Damn, this could have been me except I didn't into Japanese waifu at the end.
100% accurate.
t. basement dweller too obese to get a white woman
I'm dating a polish chick and frankly I'm happy with her. America needs more whites anyways and the RAISE act will thankfully increase European (And Pajeet) Immigration. I'll have tons of kids if that makes you happy Sup Forums
Oh and I'm of German/Austrian/Italian descent
I don't think any whites should racemix, It decreases the white birth rate.
asian girls have all the same problems as white girls, only they've fucked even more guys because they'll fuck any white guy they meet in the hopes of snaring him into a relationship
Why would any women go for a small-dicked Asian men?
Most negro kids are quite cute.
I spotted the nigger
Damn it, you got me there.
Great copypasta m8
Dont do it, you'll just get asian looking kids. I regret everything. Please dom't fall for the asian waifu meme
Boyfriend wore a bathing suit to Thanksgiving supper? What a piece of shit.
Pic of Japanese family stamp with timestamp or proxyfag
It's rare for japs to be married and have kids nowadays
its degenerate I recently met this half korean half swedish bitch going out as a group of friends. let me tell she was the biggest rachet slut to go out. Kept twerking with random white, black, pretty much any dude who would approach her. what a disgrace to both races
What's keeping any woman from any race from becoming like that? Most American women already are or were at least once in their lives
Hapas are crazy
Mainland Koreans are somewhat conservative
>disgrace to both races
>implying that could happen with a K*rean and a Swede
we were a group of ppl with equal ratio and she was the one acting ratchet af. honestly most of us were embarrassed to be with her. WMAF btw
What a bunch of beta fucks in this tread. There are tons of wholesome white women. Find the shy girls that were 6s in high school but look pretty good now. Meet the geeky girls at the library not the clubbing whores. When I was in school for engineering there were tons of cute, white geeky girls that were never approached and now that I am 30 most and married with children and turned out to be excellent wifey material
So does this mean that all the "white" anons in this thread would turn down a perfect asian female if they asked?
Seems pretty unlikely and highly homosexual.
A most common thread among posters on this board.
Interbreeding is the only way to go in this day and age. Who doesn't want a qt hapa daughter?
Cuz its cultural appropriation
Because they're not civilized; they still don't understand overfishing is a thing, they fuck each other over and most lack common sense and decency.
imp, race mixing is fine if it's between two people with an IQ both over 110