Can't I still use it if I don't update the app and d/c from the net?

someone save the file so you can still use it, just don't update the app


>yes, we're ugly
>t. Negros

It's like I could see the future....

what a shame, it was a lot of harmless fun.

I can't help but think that blacks would find this shit funnier than anyone else.

i just turned oiff updates so i could negroid everyone for years to come.

>Faceapp makes everyone look like black people
>Everyone realizes how ugly black people are and panic
>t-that's racist!!

nop. They can remove the feature from the current version.

I used the filter and Black is actually how I look the best

and its gone

black girls were fucking SEETHING Rihanna looked so much better white

It uses Deep Learning which needs GPU - Its being done on Amazon Cloud Instances. They can just disable it in the cloud; dont need access to your app.


Those threads were fucking annoying

you have a responsibility user
I didn't download it, but you need to keep the torch lit

>It uses Deep Learning which needs GPU - Its being done on Amazon Cloud Instances
Someone clone and fork it asap

>White rihanna

That's probably what made them shut it down. Can't have whiteness getting praise.

I bet someone could literally make an mobile game called "Kill All White People" where you run around murdering white people and it wouldn't be taken down


brb starting a kickstarter


White Rihanna is 11/10 and I say this as a guy who's dick goes diamonds for mixed girls

She looks like a cross between Angelina Jolie and Kristen Stewart

fucking whiny bitches ruining fun

> blyat the app downloads are falling
> time to add some controversial filters
Snapchat move over

white rihanna looks like amber heard

I turned off auto updating and the ethnicity filters are already gone. I fprgot to do John Podesta and a few others. Fuck.

what the fuck why did they do that they would have got so many downloads the stupid cucks

>white Rhianna

Dick is now diamonds

>These are some major bad-idea jeans

That is the faggotiest sentence I have ever read.

Does anyone else look really fucking ugly as a girl? I'm a decent lookin fella but christ I'm one ugly bitch

This is surprisingly good tech

oh my lawd fucking sjw ruins everything

in 100 years niggers will use that image and say "white people whitewashing american president.....again baka famalamading dong - Laquefa Shanaynay".

I look like some middle eastern instagram slut

god speed user.

I like how they took facial hair off because asian.


Fuck turning white made her into a solid 10

>and made me into a "solid 10"

>Uploading your face to any website

White Rihanna looks like a succubus. Fug

I was enjoying it. Leftist pussies ruin all the fun.

Actually Google would take that shit down. Stop being suck victims

Martin Luthor King

this is deffo cia tech

psy op

kek at china phil

no more

Looks like Amber Heard desu.

No they wouldnt. They got rid of anti hillary games, and kept the anti trump ones. You think they wouldnt pull that shit with race?

:( but nigger trump is the liberal messiah?

Top right looks like Saddam if he was a college professor or doctor

Wait.. is that...?

looks better than her to be quite honest with you famalam

Kind of


>black dr phil is steve harvey




What are the options? Poo/chink/nig?

Would any anons buy me a drink as a chick?

>Double black Rihanna
I guess you could say she's a giga-nigga



Keked, but they usually don't like mass murder games. Id go full autist and make a school shooter sim

Sum ting wong? Donarr?

They had "Asian, African, Indian and Caucasian"

dude I have seen some old ugly fucks look a lot better than the chick filter than that

whAYy Izz DEayyy DOinn THis? iz DEayy $tUpiD?? DIs Were $o Muchh FUN fuCkIn $jwwww MotHaFuCkas Fuk Demmm Al



> he steals their secrets
> he steals their bike
> he steals their IP
> he steals our hearts

I have never bought any girl a drink.

Why? How did they get offended? i want to know, what made then upset? HOW WAS IT BAD?





They got mad that eveyone looked better white

>why they are banning the funning? Bloody bastards

These are incredible. Fuck the Left for taking it down

>her right nostril

What happens if you make this into male again and shift it back and forth a few hundred times? Is there a human face coming out on the other side. You're pretty qt btw

They said it was just like painting your face black for halloween to be african
Fucking lol

He legit looks better as a darkie.

god i saw asian trump in an earlier thread

laughed for a good solid minute

I looked good as a poo in the loo

Looks like Jumbo Wales without his beard

she looks normal, i can see why they are angry

Do you guys still have the option to use these? I don't see how to change the race.


someone help me figure out what makes the asian one look asian

North Korean Podcast that someone made in an earlier thread



Pretty accurate picture of a feminist

This should have been old news by now

Holy shit


Let's get as many famous BLEACHED pictures as we can before they take it down

>He turns into Ben Carson

stop being white