Christianity is a false religion and that's why it will lose.
Christians do not worship Allah (God) They worship 3 gods, Their book is corrupted and their religion is false. wh*Te chr*Stians will go to hell, wh*Te chr*Stians are the residents of hellfire. Meanwhile Jews and Muslims will go to heaven because they worship only one god (Allah) not 3 gods unlike chr*Stians
>being this asshurt where did the white christian hurt you so bad, user?
Jack Rogers
Jayden Hernandez
>worship 3 gods you're a fucking idiot. allah is a serpent.
Oliver Morgan
Your mother is a serpent, a big fat serpent
Carter Howard
noone reply
Alexander Clark
>jews and m*slims >heaven
you're one funny guy
Jaxson Gomez
That image looks like a nice pair of hanging breasts.
Jacob Wright
kind of ironic isn't it
Leo Flores
I hope you all will be nuked soon.
Henry King
Read the maps. Think again.
Michael Lewis
No, mudslime. Christians believe in one God. The God is made up of the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father. It is one being. There is one God, and three varieties of him. He is One, yet exists as Three.
>when a piece of bacon can send you to hell
Owen Reyes
>136746952 kek muslims will lose, you are getting more cucked then whites, by migration, watching tv shows and atheism. And no to mention to you roach that and most of arab world (exepct maybe uea, qatar) are poor as fuck
Luis Flores
Let me ask. You tell me a religion with an omni-present God is false, yet one with a child-raping and camel-fucking prophet (mudhammed) is the """true religion"""?
Charles Watson
How can we be sure that Muhammad is a true prophet and that he speak the truth user?
>they worship 3 gods wrong, you follow Christ and you worship God >Jews and Muslims will go to heaven wrong, the Jews you are thinking of are not the real Jews as for Islam it is a false religion let me explain the Quran states you most believe on the Torah that it is the word of God the Torah states that only Israelites may be prophets muhammed claimed decent from from Ishmael he could not have been a prophet which makes your entire religion null and void
Jackson Brown
MASSIVE flaws in the OP
1). Not all Christians believe in the trinity. Several groups reject in favor of strict Monotheism (eg, Arians, soccinians, biblical unitarians, JWs, etc). I should know because I'm one of them.
2). The trinity is not tritheism dipshit.
3). Christians were and are the ones who made philosophical arguments for monotheism, eg Aquinas.
Just ignore him. Muzzies make that "Muh trinity" argument all the time, but when you actually go to refute them fall they do is say "lol you dont believe in trinity then you not a gristian you a muslim lol" or they say "3 persons inherently means 3 different beings lol". Even the apt metaphor of the colver doesn't work. Doesn't matter what the heathen thinks tho. There is only one God and Christ Jesus is His Lamb. Deus vult brother.
Wyatt Baker
>mfw allah isn't even a proper god
Thomas Edwards
There's no god but YHWH
Ryan Ross
Cooper Myers
Kek, I suppose so. Mudslimes cannot go without reminding everyone about how they're special snowflakes. Even converting isn't the same for them, for they call it "reverting", because "everyone is born mudslime".
God bless You, Brother.
Carter Roberts
Christianity came before Islam goat fucker. By about 600 years. Gods name is Jehovah not Allah. Christianity teaches love and forgiveness. Islam teaches death and warlike destruction. Jesus is the son of God, not a prophet. You muzzies are so retarded it ain't even funny.
Jonathan Sanchez
>wh*Te chr*Stians
What kind of faggotry is this?
Camden Collins
Some shitty bait, sage. Also, fuck you turkroach
Jaxson Ortiz
Actually the Arabs worship the moon as god. They called the moon god Sin (Moon). lol Thats why the Jews used the word sin to mean everything bad lulz. They then changed the moon gods name from Sin to a title called Allah (Highest God).
Asher Smith
Atheism will win.
Matthew Fisher
>What kind of faggotry is this? Sup Forums needs to ban this guy with his wh*Te chr*Stians And the Norwegian fag who wants to archive everything. Both are just shit posters. Waste of bandwidth.
Christian Rivera
Atheism will win, you stupid religious freak.
Jaxson Cooper
Only monotheists will burn in hell for being stupid enough to believe in it.
Ethan Taylor
source: my ass moon god was called Hubal aka Baal lmao
Xavier Allen
Turks don't shill.
Isaac Harris
The Eternal Roach. You never tire of this, do you?
Elijah Collins
stop posting your dildo here
Samuel Roberts
>The Eternal Roach. You never tire of this, do you? I imagine there is not much else to do in roachland. Make up phony religion, fuck goats, shitpost.
Justin Bailey
I've always wondered , does your allah fuck the virgins he makes ?? i mean , i read the Coran when iwas a kids a,d damn those graphic descriptions of the virgins in heaven use to give me a teen boner , which was HARAM , lol , oh memoroes memories ...
Adam Stewart
Kayden Ramirez
Brayden Sanchez
German culture will win. Goatfuckers and roaches will be eradicated from the face of the earth. Kebap go home!
Andrew Taylor
>speaking ill of the nordbot Please, kill yourself
James Gonzalez
Dude , you know the only reason we're muslims just because we were born in a muslim family whos ancestors were forced to convert from what ever religion they had by the arab colonialism , it's ok , it's the same with everyone around the world .
Levi Cooper
Fuck of roach, i swear if another crusade happens ill send you to god, fucking pest
Ryan Wood
The fuck is with the roaches doing the asterisk censor on the I in white? I only notice these faggots doing this.
Evan Cooper
Remember to sage folks!
Bentley Flores
>Implying they were forced Not everyone can be forced to do things they don't want.
Camden Moore
get out
Henry Gomez
Levi Torres
Jordan Roberts
Chase Young
Daniel Scott
Chase James
You know you have doubts , don't lie to yourself , that's all i'm saying ... trust your brain , it's the only thing worth trusting , i dunno where the universe came from , it could be created , but sure the islam and all religions's stories can hold today , people are smarter than they were 2000 years ago.
David Watson
>Islam will win
Even/especially if Islam by some fluke were to conquer all, it or rather its subjugated adherents would still lose. Islam is a state of pure loss, loss of humanity, dignity, empathy, family, hope, pleasure, freedom, pretty much anything worth living for islam will ruin. It's the worst possible state for a person or society to be in.
Islam is hell on earth.
Don't believe me? Just look at the miserable countries were it reigns.
Mason Russell
>Trust my brain I cannot trust an evolved brain. It might have evolved to deceive me for my own good. therefore if I do trust it then I must believe in Allah.
Anthony Morgan
Leave my continent Ahmed.
Gavin Gray
You are giving the bad image us muslims. Fuck off troll.
Luke Martinez
Even you Poland? :(
Nolan Evans
>religious retards arguing over their sky daddies itt
>grabs popcorn
Austin Howard
Whats wrong?
Eli Thomas
Islam = Cancer
Juan Robinson
3 gods? News to me goat fucker.
Lucas Howard
>he cant understand the holy trinity
god damn turks are inferior
Colton Hall
No religion is absolute. They are flawed and imperfect! NO ONE WINS!! Why can't you understand that? Religion makes people into retarded idiots!!!
Samuel Harris
There must be several heavens. Cause for sure the jew and muslim heavens are not alike.
Jaxson Hughes
The entire argument of one god is flawed by assuming logic is applicable to god. By definition a god is not governed by logical arguments, hence one god as a logical necessity makes zero sense.
Elijah Ward
>*not found in any Greek manuscript before the fourteenth century
Asher Russell
Actually Christianity & Judaism pre- dates your false prophet by 600 years...he stole form each to create the death cult currently known as islam....
Did you know muhammed the false prophet had no male heirs? You know he had a death erection? Did you also know the hadith, the sira & koran contradict themselves? What is a mecca verse compared to a medina verse?
Any thing advocating the muder, enslavement and torture is not a god at all but an evil thing.....
Sharia is not compatible with anything, not even itself....
If islam is perfect, why do sunnis & shias war against each other? Why are the sufi's persecuted? What about the salafists?
We will have a God contest before the end, and we will see who is right and who is doomed....Yahuah will not be mocked....
Tyler Phillips
Camden Powell
Christianity is to hard for a mudslim to understand
Luis Sanchez
explaining epistemology to you would be a waste of my time.
Jose Lee
they created it though ...
Tyler Rivera
Actually the LORD is Elohim and Yahweh. But that is semantics. Jehovah is the son who has become a Father of a new generation of Israel. Thus Jesus is both Jehovah of the old jews and the Lord over a new chosen elect to come as a covenant with Abraham is restored after westerners began to idolize the symbolic reincarnation cow while the shepherd climbed the mountain. This is how the true nation of Israel shall be restored. Not a nation dictated by (((globalist))) UN mandates.
A nation brought out of slavery to Egyptian gods and astral myths that dominate todays pop culture. Levites have gone too far now in their duties. Shepherds have abandoned their flocks to the Wolves. Only the Lord can save them now. There is but one name who can both save from hell and condemn a man to hell. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, son of the Living God and the resurrection power within his blood that was shed to wash our sins away.
Zachary Green
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, Sup Forums our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8.
Nathaniel Price
There is a hell and it awaits nonbelievers. There is a future where the world is plunged into darkness. Where cannibals devour the lost. Where no salvation exists. Where hope in a better future will not be found among the faithless. Where you will not find the unfallen kingdom of heaven among the stars. Where the strongest man becomes a tyrant over the meek who serve his will. Where you are destined to go when humanity collapses. I have witnessed this coming revelation and you will surely die as your spirit and flesh are burned in a fire.
Benjamin Diaz
Seriously, look at what time it is in Jizzstanbul. Get some sleep nigger lover.
Jeremiah Nelson
Jason Mitchell
Joseph Perry
watch how we got our bible by chuck missler on youlube. btw islam was started by catholic apostates lel.
Austin Butler
>Jews worship Allah
Nolan Gutierrez
I bet Islamists thought they had basically won before the Battle of Tours didn't they.
Or before the Reconquista, or before the crusades, or before they met Vlad Tepes. I bet they thought they would finish off the Slavs in a few weeks too. I bet they didn't think it would take hundreds of years to capture Constantinople.
I cry every time, but they'll lose again like the cancerous global parasites they are. The only ones I'm worried will win in the end is the fucking Jews with their global domination, one world government ideas. These religious wars are memes, the birth rates will level out and they'll lose the battles.
Mason Williams
The Christians against the Muslims this time?
Pitting one religious group against another? Yuri Bezmenov says that's how the KGB did it under Putin.
Sebastian Hernandez
Thomas Anderson
Wyatt Gray
The fact these threads stay up really shows how lazy our mods are.
Michael Stewart
Why do snownigs pretend there's some sort of all-encompassing European culture? You guys just claim our shit because you haven't accomplished shit yourselves without the genocide or exploitation of Africans, Chinese and Indians.
Carter Morales
fuck off. I don't care what you believe. If the heaven is going to be full of stupid bomber goatfuckers like then I'm out.
Colton Johnson
>i read the Coran when iwas a kids a,d damn those graphic descriptions of the virgins in heaven use to give me a teen boner
Lies, the Quran doesn't say anything about virgins. Nice larping kike.