Currently watching this on the telly. Can't decide if it's redpilled or not
Redpilled movies
it's made by a Mexican, you decide.
>evil white border guards are nazis!
>human civilization saved by pregnant refugee!
Do u even know what the redpill is?
Century of the Self by Adam Curtis is required redpill media
>movie about a pregnant niggeress that doesn't know who the father is
>red pill
>can only pick one
hmmmmmmm tough choice OP. hard to say really.
Fucking brilliant piece of film, don't care where you are on the political compass.
Probably the most likely depiction of the state of the world in 30-50 years too.
>not posting the superior red pill Clive Owen kino
Objectively wrong, The International is like a 6/10
Alfonso Cuarón is a fucking good director. He is one of the few people that can actually work a camera.
>I watch movies based off of books instead of reading fucking books
You're not redpilled, you're just a pleb
>I have no job,no friends and no real hobbies so I read books in my room all day
The book's actually worse though, Cuarón actually cut out a lot of the literal Immaculate Conception guff and replaced it with some lovely world building and slightly more subtle imagery.
pick one
objectively his best movie
Shows the muslims fucking everything up.
Shows the world learns absolutely nothing from this and lets the shitskin baby live.
I almost forgot this one
Children of Men is a mixed bag. There's the pregnant black savior girl, but also Muslims firing guns into the air and shouting "allahu akbar."
The movies I always associate with Sup Forums or being redpilled are always Dr. Strangelove and Taxi Driver.
All of Adam Curtis's documentaries are pretty redpilled, although he himself is rather liberal, I believe.
Anything by Kubrick is also god-tier redpill status.
You spoke truth. i've never come across a redpilled movie.
Redpill is peeling illusions. In a world with no births even a black baby would be celebrated. This peels off the illusion that some lives do not matter so it's a redpill.
Kubrick is a yes and no.
Dr. Strangelove is redpilled no doubt about it. But i wouldn't go so far to say that all his works are redpilled, Spartacus is by any means far from being redpilled. However his works are god-tier but don't give him the redpill status you crave for the man.
>the world is saved by a nigger
>the movie is redpilled
The Thing is a redpilled (((allegory)))
She ain't black in the book.
The long take battle scene at the end was great. I think it got the chaos of modern war right
>watching this movie in 2007
haha wow that sure was some crazy fiction
>watching this movie in 2017
Horrible lefty propaganda.
You should have known that the second the old man started talking about the 1960s
>Newly alpha (though absent) writer projects his formerly beta self into his brutal literature
>Sends his book (which is the core of the story) to his ex-wife, who cheated on him and left for someone higher status who doesn't care about her
>His art (which she never believed in) lures her back since he is now successful
>Won't spoil the ending but the whole thing is a power move to humiliate her for her shallow abandonment
How to Start a Revolution
The Childhood of a Leader
Blue Valentine
Life of Brian
no such thing as a red pill movie unless you count documentaries
>stop watching movies
>evil nazi banker man
>implying this isnt redpilled as hell