Tfw this way of life is dead forever

>tfw this way of life is dead forever

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as it should be.
what type of manchild needs to hang with his buddies when he's in his 40s?

you could always invite your friends to have a BBQ with alot of beer!
>oh wait...

better than hanging out with your old dried up wife


A real man is a productive member of the community, not some shut in loser.

Why are we still on Sup Forums?

We're not productive members of society.

because it's the greatest fucking site on earth

Me and my dungeons and dragons group stand in my backyard and drink Shiner when we need a smoke break; is that close enough?

>haha friends are dumb

KotH was bluepilled as fuck, even cancerous Jewish shit at times. Sad, but true.

It was not like that until the jewish producer took over then all of the stories were about how hank was just stupid and did not understand progressive things.

I think KoTH might be the last animated show in which the father was someone worth admiring, a man who aspired to be the most responsible man he could be.
God TV is shit today

what type of manchild needs to hang with his buddies when he's in his [Sup Forums]?

i unironically think that

Meh too many spics.

the reason being is because most men above 30 in the US are childless and still play video games
dont blame media for adjusting themselves to your self induced degeneracy

We're productive memebers of society

Fuck society.

>what type of manchild needs to hang with his buddies when he's in his 40s?

The worst part about this post is there are women who genuinely believe this

the show in itself is irony. The King of the Hill is Hank because he has a loyal wife and a son and a house and a job.

Dale has a job but not a loyal wife and he doesn't have a son, he is a cuckold.

Bill has no wife but a house and no children.

Boomhower has no wife and no kids but is not a fat bald loser like Bill and gets w/ women on the regular.

John Redcorn lives in a trailer, not even a mobile home, like a legit camping trailer. He doesn't have his own land and he doesn't have a wife from his own race and he can't see his own son.

So Hank has the most normal life. But it's not normal because everyone is pretty sure Bobby is a fag or some kind of freak. Hank is a slave dog to his drunk, woman chasing boss. He's only King at home.

The show is all Irony.

The red pill about this show is that Boomhower is the most well off one. Except all his friends are huge losers honestly. They are all losers in some way but act like they got their shit together, except Bill, who everyone knows is a loser and he knows it too.

And who are they talking to when bitching about their husbands' friends? Their cunty friends.

A woman's biggest fear is men coming together and having more fun than they are.

What season did the jew take over exactly?

Concise breakdown. I've been on a KOTH streaming binge and this about sums it up right there yeup.

What about Khan?

>mfw living like boomhower right now.

Yeah the screenshot that user took is from season 2 or 3 when Joseph is still a wee one. If the boogeyman got to this show then he got to it too early for it to be redpilled.

Its not dude. Stop projecting

Fox might bring it back.

>tfw no buddies to hang with by my fence

Explain to me who your favorite is and why it isn't Dale

OMG no, can you imagine how horrible it would be now?

Ironic you mention Boomauer being the most well of in that show, even though we're shown that his success is a result of countless attempts most of which were failures at getting women, and him being generally miserable and wanting companionship.

Also nobody understands or respects him. He has the status of respectable job, house, womanizer, but no presence or social capital to back it up so it's all in vain

The true KoTH is Hank's dad - a man who despite all the shit life took on him, being a literal cripple, still lives like he wants imposing his point of view on the world and doing what he wants.

>don't blame (((media))) for promoting self indulgent degeneracy

No it's not. Dang ole bullshit man.

t. some lonely fuckwit

also apparently the show was always jew zog mind control

the real tragedy is that cartoons like this will never be produced
it was the hight of "western cartoons" and it was downhill from this point

That's irony.

Why can't these cancer fags understand irony?

Have you seen those virgin/Chad threads?

This newer generation fails at understanding irony.


Dale is typical 4channer

You need to learn patience
A lot of episodes have surface level leftist appeals that end up turning bad / needing rationality at the end

Selling propane and propane accessories then drinking a beer after work?
I don't see how anything keeps this from happening.

I pulled into the walmart parking lot the other day and this song came on the radio. It was fucking great.

They're trying to get Mike Judge on board and if he's involved and it just doesn't become Zombie Simpsons 2.0 I don't think it would be that bad.

John Redcorn

Woo lou lou

fuark you're right

Did Kika show KoTH in Germany?

Redpilled shows can't show examples of degeneracy now as a warning?

This is a high school interpretation ie "whos cool"
Hank wins hands down, he has as stable family life and property, and bobby comes around in his own way in the end

i guess everyone is just gonna ignore this factual evidence and go "la la la"

it's cool guys just keep bein goy slaves for your jew masters and enjoy their slave shows they make for you while you pretend you got it all figured out

one of the most touching things about this show is the enduring relationship hank has with his friends. their relationships are strained but they always seem to realize that their lives are richer with each other, as most people with friends realize.

many modern day friendships and relationships, which dissolve at the first sign of trouble, simply aren't as fulfilling.

old MTV did when it was good and not about race baiting

but the Jews are everywhere, at least the show had some good redpills.

the real tragedy is that an entire generation sits around waiting for new content to be produced not realised that the onus is now on us

im finding myself asking myself, "if every post was a bot, would the content be any different?"

answer is no i fear.

It would definitely become Zombie Simpsons 2.0. The show was already getting pretty bad by the end of its original run. Luanne's character was forever ruined by surrendering to the pull of white trash she had spent the entire series trying to break away from, Lucky was insufferable and appearing in like every episode, Peggy was more flanderized than ever, and Cotton died. It's not completely unsalvageable but I don't trust anyone to do it in this current political climate. They'd make the show a lot more progressive and push Hank as being wrong about Bobby becoming transgender and other shit like that.

I didn't reply to the second post to insinuate KOTH is bluepilled jew propaganda. I just wanted to name the jew wherever I see it and no one else did yet

Go outside and meet some friends, drink beer, and talk about sports and women.

Life can be normal when you don't feel like you have to confront shitty stuff all the time.

And because of them the life is what it is right now, gay. Boomer generation is the most degenerate of them all.

>having friendships with other men is a sign of being a manchild
I.... is this b8? This is b8, right? Does the word manchild even mean anything anymore?

Ive got some bad news for you then.

The biggest running joke on the show was that dale got cucked by his wife and that he was completely unaware to grasp at the concept.

The joke the writers had on the audience was that hank isn't bobbys father, that hes actually bills son and that hank was cucked by peggy, a fact mentioned several times but completely ignored by the audience.

Practically 80 percent of the shows timeline and tension was about infidelity and the illumination of the nuclear families steady colloquial decline.

So it feels like home for you.

>what kind of human would resort to friendship ?

No it's not. I see guys like this in my neighborhood all the time.

>The joke the writers had on the audience was that hank isn't bobbys father, that hes actually bills son and that hank was cucked by peggy, a fact mentioned several times but completely ignored by the audience



>The biggest running joke on the show was that dale got cucked by his wife and that he was completely unaware to grasp at the concept.
On the surface yeah, I think Dale always knew but feared becoming Bill to such a degree he never called Nancy on it, he openly shows total disdain for Bill out of his own fears of becoming him

>The joke the writers had on the audience was that hank isn't bobbys father, that hes actually bills son and that hank was cucked by peggy, a fact mentioned several times but completely ignored by the audience.
Then why does Bobby look like Cotton and Good Hank? Also Bill was a chad when he was young in fact everytime they flashed back he was shown to be the alpha chad, divorce ruined him and thats the point of his character

Can't tell if you faggots should go to Sup Forums or not

What's this show about anyway? I've never watched it. My impression is that it's about some murican folks living in a suburban community in Texas or whatever and it's about some conformist consumer average Joes and their backyard adventures and simple things americans can relate to.
>Hurr, drinking Miller in the backyard y'all
>Gotta drive my wife's son to baseball practice
>Howdy neighbor, wanna watch the Superbowl at my place later?
>Honey, I got a raise and a promotion at work today! Let's take out a second mortage!
>The only things you need in life is the good book, a good gun, and a good wife.
>I gotta go play catch with my wife's son now

Is this spot on? Or am I retarded?

freedom of speech

who is this semen demon?

You're projecting onto the show.

Bill was a beta that get fucked over by his chick. He wouldn't have made a move on Peggy and he wouldn't have fucked around on Lenore. Perhaps if they hooked up after high school, but Bobby's age doesn't support your theory even if the other stuff wasn't included.

>hank isn't bobbys father, that hes actually bills son and that hank was cucked by peggy

Mike Judge has been corrupted by the jews sadly, see Silicon Valley. He is in their grasp.

There's a whole episode on why you shouldn't have a credit card. But basically it is a parody of simple white living. Trying to do right by your family and your neighbors etc etc

Hank's last name is Hill. That's why its called King of the Hill.

In the episode where they all almost drown bill tells hank late on night during a rainstorm he slept with peggy. Hank dismissed it without hesitation.

In the episode about bills family barbeque sauce, he passes the recipe to bobby.

In many episodes hank references his narrow urethra and inability to concieve a child.

In season three hank goes to a fertility doctor who confirms his low sperm count.

Couple tgis with peggys general revulsion and refusal to be alone with bill shows the actions someone may take after an affair they deeply regret.

It was seriously there the entire time.

give it a shot pham

Who is semen demen?

>tfw you are Bill but without a house


That's irony you stupid fuck

The nigger taught bobby nigger thinking and bobby is a gullible faggot.

Also Joseph is considered white when he is clearly a red nigger.

KoTH is redpilled

The belief was that lenore divorced bill for his infidelity and constant pining for another woman.

Its also somewhat possible that cotton is bills father as well, as hes many times praised bill over hank. Also constant womanizing in a small circle.

>that spacing

Perhaps its true, but in a show with such depth of characters its hard to dismiss out of hand.

The writers added some real depth to this show.

I enjoyed it personally, but the theory holds some weight.

Joseph is considered white because he assimilated because he grew up having white parents

One reason KoTH is my favourite cartoon is simply because Hank is smarter than his wife. Good luck finding that these days.

>The belief was that lenore divorced bill for his infidelity and constant pining for another woman.
Literally never in the show

>Its also somewhat possible that cotton is bills father as well, as hes many times praised bill over hank
Nothing in the show to support this either, you're taking my facts and trying to make them fit your theory which is fundamentally flawed

>Everyone is a cuck
Go back to /r/cuckolds redditfag

the fuck, you're right holy shit

No Bobby thinks Joseph is white because he's a gullible faggot.

This, Bobby was intentionally trying to act like a nog during that episode, then when he was told to knock it off he started looking for jokes online and got some from a white supremacist website.
>I'm so white, during the riots I went out an bought a television!

Khan is a bipolar rebel pimp engineer who dickslew the rich daughter of a murderous laotian general.

YFW they now know backing the sjw was wrong and king of the hill is back and is a solid geat show for the next 20+ years and teaches people family values.

>Practically 80 percent of the shows timeline and tension was about infidelity and the illumination of the nuclear families steady colloquial decline.

Meanwhile Boomhauer is MGTOW and loving life.

good bantz leaf I thought you deserved a (You) because it was a pleasant surprise

King of the Hill, especially in the early seasons, was literally the best show of my lifetime. Season 3, in particular, had absolutely brilliantly written episodes.

The show slipped in quality toward the end, but it always remained watchable.

Because Boomhaur didn't propose marriage with someone and otherwise be declined.

>King of the hill becomes the new simpsons for Trumps one hundred year reich
We can only hope