So how long will it be until Scandinavia says fuck EU and creates their own union?
Bye EU
Other urls found in this thread:
Finland and Iceland are not in Scandinavia user.
How? We're too cucked to do anything about that.
Venstre are globalist liberals.
Social democrats are globalist socialists.
Radical Venstre would sooner murder someone that step out of their globalist coffee clubs
Liberal alliance are the same as radical venstre, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.
Couldn't find a map in English besides this.
We'll make our own party that is inspired by Sup Forums
Fair enough, but you'll confuse the burgers if you're not accurate.
But fellow scandinavianbro this is swedish.
I dont think Europe would give a fuck if they did.
It's a lot of net payers gone.
dere får ikke olja vår
men kan vi få brunost?
Uh, are you sure about that one buddy?
>Housing millions of immigrants
>The welfare system is some of the greatest that EU has ever seen
>The education system is a great inspiration for many countries.
>Pro jews
>Will listen to the EU like a dog
mfw R1b race conquered europe mfw Germanics speak r1berian language hello my r1berian brother
Please tell me that this city isn't filled with immigrants. I might have found my resting place.
North West/Northern Europe are the only net contributors in the EU outside of Germany and France.
dela med dig lite
is the us the only thing on your mind, you toothless trash bag
When it comes to avoiding things being stated as inaccurate yes, which is rather funny considering the "toothless" comment mr 50%.
The location of that church is fucking brilliant. Causing knee inflammation every sunday in their worshipers, a sure way to remind them of Jesus's sacrifice!
so, the OP posts a picture as scandi and instead of correcting op and leaving it at that its.. hurrr durr burgers. shut the fuck up and go spy on your mother showering you stupid inbred cock sucker
Its too late sweden is too cucked. We should make a union without sweden and send all our immigrants there.
When Jimmie becomes führer.
>send all our immigrants there
So we Swedes can gas them? That would be a great idea.
Det var vores forst!
Iceland is euroskeptic
You seem to be attempting to insult me a lot, are you upset that i pointed out that Americans get the simplest of details wrong? Is your ego that fragile or is the inferiority complex your mutted kin often exhibit?
I like you guys.
how about a fennoscandic-baltic union except kick out all russians and refugees
Interesting, but please do tell me how we could make sure that this theoretic union wouldn't turn into EU with some decades?
Is there even a single significant voice saying anything about Scandinavians leaving EU, or is it just your wet dream?
Many students are actually talking about the idea, and since that is the next generation this idea will live on for many years. Perhaps some Scandinavian politician will fight for this idea at some point.
>inviting Sweden
You sure about that?
Of course we will purge most of the confirmed rapists.
danmark är bästa nordbror
in cases of it making an actual difference, sweden's vote is nulled, otherwise everyone is included and has an actual say in a matter unlike in the EU
finland gets absolute veto rights on anything military related
ban pro-euros, communists, socialists, anarchists, anti-nationalists/pro-globalists etc as terror organisations since they seek to undermine the glorious union of the north
ban any attempts at unification of the union, it's a permanent federation of mostly autonomous countries
don't let anyone else in (country or foreigners)
build walls on danish border, finnish border and baltic borders
institute a police of neutrality unless attacked
we also won't have the germans, the french or the eternal anglo to try and cuck everyone into being their colonial nations 2.0
Sweden will have the first Somalian semen based currency.
Please marry me.
>We should make a union without sweden and send all our immigrants there.
Thats a funny way to spell Greenland
Norway already does it's own thing. I doubt they want to be lumped with Sweden's cancer.
That is actually a fucking good idea.
user sign up for becoming the next Prime Minister.
I would but I don't want to hear this on my wedding night
the only thing wrong with denmark is the danish language
Why isnt Britain included on this map? We're the descendents of Angles (Denmark) and vikings ruled this place for a while.
>inb4 "celt" comments
They're a meme. They dont exist anymore.
Sandt. Sandt
Fuck jer! Det er vores olie, som vi har lånt jer.
Danelaw when?
Jimmie is a cuck.
finland - based(i think)
norway - based
iceland - based (no niggers or shitskins)
denmark - i think they are bases maybe
sweden - maybe salvageable, there nationalist party keeps increasing so despite them holding the cuck crown they are aware of whats going on and want to change
These countries can certainly form some kind of pact. just look at what the visegrad did and those countries a poor as fuk, just imagine if rich scandanavian countries united in some way to help each other prosper
T. burger
Mange tak.
Because Britain includes 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 3 out of 4 of them are North West European and Celtic.
Oil is next to worthless anyway and will become even cheaper. If we don't adapt, we are fucked.
24 Icelandic bitches contracted HIV from fucking an asylum seeker.
How is Nordfront in Norway coming along, btw?
how SJW is iceland?
Very SJW!
Could Northern England (also known as the Danelaw) be included in this union?
what about estonia
Light hair does not make you Scandinavian.
We need to ditch them. They're holding England back
No you idiot.
Kalmarunionen ftw, ban shitskins shall be our 1st amendment
I have no idea as I don't care for those faggots.
But they held some anti-gay protest a few weeks back. Everyone participating were ugly as fuck, probably inbred, and if those fuckers represent the future of the white race, then the white race should die.
i know but there are still hardly any niggers or shitskins there
Because there are hardly any people there at all.
Estonia is not nordic.
I can however mention that the baltics are observer states in the Nordic Council
Nordic Resistance Movement lads
You guys are now your own independent country. You don't need a union. Become something bigger than the EU.
What about the cucks that invited them in the first place?
I have been saying break up the Union for a while now. Britain only works if they can shove that "one British people" identity crap down our throats. Fact is, we aren't one people. The native Britons and Anglo-Saxons were genetically very similar but their cultures were different.
Ca...can we join you?
This thread shall be remembered in the history of the union.
I'm moving there if it happens, I have Norwegian ancestry (Anderson)
don't fall for vanity norbro
well when they join the scandinavian pact you all can protect them and keep it that way
Have you seen any of the guys involved with this shitshow? They are ugly, look inbred, they are about as articulate as an American nigger, and they indulge in degeneracy and crime.
Preservers of the white race my fucking ass. Hitler would have gassed those morons.
They will get the same fate
Not happening, you are all subhumans.
It's not because they don't accept them. It's because its an island.
Iceland is interesting, because it's the single most homogenous germanic/celtic country in the world, and its geographically isolated from non-whites. The problem is it consistently ranked the #1 most feminist country in the world- they have one and a half women in university for every man, and have some insane laws like requiring that 40% of the board for any major company is female. Avoiding mass immigration seems to be more he result of geography and weather rather than the will of the populace, I'm not sure how long it will hold out.
we all know the european union aint going to do shit if countries in scandinavia form together
Aka Arabia north
You sound like a filthy immigrant.
Oh, I think Merkel would shit her pants if Sweden and Denmark stood up and told them to fuck off. ´
Go join Germany, they're more suitable for you geographically.
Then I would have to move to their empire.
they still need to be apart of the scandinavian alliance for the self interest of all scandinavians.
All that work for the jewish god. Brilliant indeed.
eastern countries already formed their own alliance, the vise grad, and told the e.u to fuck off(when it comes to immigrants)
scandinavia can to the same and the e.u wont do shit. germans will get mad because they are destroying themselves with shitskins and stuff like that, but they will also envy scandinavians and look for hope
what do mean "most"??? why not all??
Well there are some half breeds among us, should they die even if they were anti-immigration?
>>still falling for the civic-nationalist meme
Wait, do you mean half-Swedish or half-arab/african?
If they're half arab/african, who gives a fuck what their political beliefs are, they can go be anti-immigration in Somalia.
thats not gonna help
if what your suggesting is the Kalmar union you're a bit late
The capital will be bergen
i am Greek
How long until every member of the (((Bonnier))) family is hunted down and hung for treason?
That long.
>giving a shit what a mutt thinks