Richard Spencer attacks American Vanguard meme

Hugely successful posters campaign "WHITES HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST" is apparently not cool enough for Richard "Whites have no Rights" Spencer. He thinks it's a dumb meme, and we need to move on to something more mature that will really resonate with normies, perhaps. Do you think his followers will lose all respect for him after he punched right against a successful meme, or will they just ignore it like they always do?

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Is he a stirner nihilist? What does he mean about rights not existing?

He means he doesn't understand the point of Twitter, which is to wrap a message and its context in one little package. His next tweet says rights are predicated on power

Maybe he meant "rights are a spook"

Post the next tweet. He affirms the existence of rights immediately after?

Yeah, he contradicts himself immediately after. That makes it all better. But seriously, he's attacking the best alt-right meme all year. Not sure what point there is to that, except to be a douche.

Those posters are shit, just like the "white genocide" mantra, because regardless of how true they are, they're about 5 steps ahead of where normie white people brains are at and if they see this shit they'll be confused and repelled by the vaguely-totalitarian looking imagery and bizarre messages they won't understand.

Normies have no idea what "cultural marxism" means outside of being those words the evil racist people say and they don't understand why "white genocide" is complained about when there are no death camps for white people or anything out there.

You need propaganda that aims at the normie level and let them make the rest of the journey like "the goal of diversity is having less white people," "white privilege is a tool to silence white opinions," and "if white people had our own country this sort of thing wouldn't be happening"

Black propaganda of things leftists ACTUALLY BELIEVE is a good tool too. I've seen Sup Forums black propaganda posters of "ANTIFA" (that's a dead giveaway right there, Sup Forums thinks Antifia is an acronym for some reason when it's not) saying that white people shouldn't be dating non-white people because it's "racist" or whatever when Antifa obviouslt doesn't think that except for a few cases where they think it's "problematic" like specifically white males dating asian females. Like a good thing to do is claim that only white people are capable of being racist, which is an honest to god thing they actually believe.

>Believing a homosexual "alt-right" "e-celeb" is going to save your race and nation.

Rights don't exist, but good propaganda does exist.

I believe what he meant was:
>There is no rights for your continuation, only STRUGGLE.
>Trough struggle and VICTORY, we shall continue to exist.

There, that is all that there is to it.

Based Spencer

Reminder that this poster is from leftypol trying to d&c.
This is his twitter
All the anti right wing memes on Sup Forums are his doing.
He larps as a nazi purist to try and divide and shread of successfull rightwing movement

good kike shill thread right before unite the right

You are going to have to fight to exist, very shortly. They aren't going to let us keep existing because it is a "right". Is what I think he is saying here. Although I do like the posters, good agit- prop.

I like american vanguard poster's

The posters worked for hitler,american vanguard just remade them.

Define rights

1930's Germany isn't 2017 America. For one, the 1930's Germans didn't have 80 years of "anti-fascist education" ingrained in them to psychologically condition them to be repelled to things that look like 1930's NSDAP propaganda.

The specific moral principles God gave individuals

No one is born with any inherent "rights"

All rights are earned through strife.

He didn't attack it, he was just being an edgelord stating that rights are enforced with power.

Who is Spencer?

Oh sweet summerfag. Funny you think kikes are against unite the right, considering Spencer appointed a kike to the steering committee. Some choice quotes from Spencer's "court jew" about being put in charge of a white nationalist steering committee:
>"I’m not a white nationalist though; I prefer my ideologies not delivered stillborn and without vestigial leftist bits."
>"the Alt-right view of the Jewish character is largely correct if tragically incomplete."
> "But this doesn’t mean that your average middle class Jew has evil in his heart."
>"He’s not active conspirator of the ZOG. If he’s somehow on Soros’ payroll he doesn’t know it."
>"He’s a useful idiot controlled through manipulation of the basest elements within his ethnic psyche: extreme in-group loyalty, aggressiveness, neuroticism, subversiveness."
>"Here’s another wrinkle: these so-called “evil” Jewish traits are no more evil than the ethnic traits of any other high-functioning group."
>"Jewish traits need to be managed but if they are managed properly they can be superpowers."


Read it and try not to puke.

More judenposting attacking Spencer, Lauren Southern etc.. Go back to your leftypol discord and brainstorm

>He didn't attack it
He literally did, in three words. So simple and pure and straighforward and obvious, you literally can't deny it.
>inb4 you do anyway because you're paid to

I don't think Jews have a problem with Richard Spencer or Lauren Southern, and I don't think either of them have a problem with jews.