This guy is fucking fake and you all know it
I choose to remain skeptical
t. hill shill
John Oliver the British cuck ripped his asshole open.
I don't know
I feel like he's in my brain
I'll type something on Sup Forums or in the comments on YouTube and a day or so later he does a fucking bit about exactly the same shit I was talking about
Did you know that the frogs does experience sexual diformations caused by chemicals dumped in the water?
He's a champion of truth
This episode made John Oliver look even more pathetic to me than he already looked.
He's real enough
of course they do. the same chemicals are dumped in our water supply on purpose, why you think theres so many gender dysphoric people now?
Ever since i bought one of his filters my frogs stopped buttfucking eachother
>Tfw fakes are those youtubers with >100 subscribers and flat Earthers while THE MAN HIMSELF has vast channels devoted to meme smithing his image while he reaches out to a vaster audience and has the presidents ear
The muslims own hollywood
He's just a humble water filter merchant, why are you so fucking prejudiced?
Fuck you brainwashed CIA nigger I'll hit you with my car.
yes he is a gatekeeper,used to be better but has gone full disinfo.
Oh so i guess the super market is fake because they sell toothpaste and coffee also?
No shit
is that why he talks like a WWE wrestler? because that's been enough to keep me far away.
When AJ starts his show saying that McCain is a traitor then I know instantly that he is /ourguy/
Tried to sell me water filters before Flint MI was exposed and now I worship a gay frog.
Why is he always right?
no shit, he's just entertaining you fucking retard
you are fake, and you know it.
The muslims only own the shit that comes out of them.
He's more real than you, botposter
I watch him for entertainment as most people here
I'd say he's about 91% real.
Perfect misinfo agent, but unfortunately for him people take him with a grain of salt kek.
If he named the jew instead of just saying globalist/satanists I'd be on board 100%
Bill Clinton is a rapist certainly affected things...
Entry level redpiller
Laugh all you want but it's still a fact, it doesn't turns people gay that we know of, but alters the frogs sex.
Fuck off shill
I don't care. He drives you all fucking nuts.
leave bill hicks alone!
He is Bill Hicks
We should listen to british people because they're smart. They always know what's best for America. Chiang Kai-Shek was right, Americans are a British puppet state.
Agreed, he is basically mild redpill fox. He doesn't say it like it is and twists everything to make certain shills on the right seem good.
he pushes the space BS, mars, moon hoax. so the day they enslave you under guise of one world gov. against the aliens. Hollywood will show aliens knocking down buildings and fools will cry and ask for a government solution. 9-11 again but the final enslavement. Jones, Limbaugh, Hannity all have one thing in common. They are FREEMASONS.
you pol guys are smart, take out freemasonry blue lodges and you save the world. they control all the police by bringing jew police chiefs all over the world.
Bill Hicks is Andy Kaufmann.
Only in the Soft Skull $tate$ of Autism, could a hilariously obvious snake oils shonk, shock jew-jock like Asslick Jowls become a millionaire.
he is breaking the conditioning!
Communist normies will always attack those who crush their movement.
Youre the dipshit at the magic show yelling "faaaaaaake" when the woman gets sawed in half aren't you?
Not enough people talk about this
Is the other side factual and honest, He cares about his country and the rights of americans. Does it matter whose fake news is less fake. Judge on the principles that they hold.
This looks fake to you?
He refuses to name the Jew. He must know the NWO is a fat bag of Kike-created shit.
There are elites that are against the NWO who happen to be jews and they finance AJ. Simple as that. David Duke ripped him up about this but it is a matter of opinion how trustworthy Alex is.
I don't like John Oliver but he BTFO'd Alex Jones's conman angle pretty well in this episode
Seems like Sup Forums doesn't want to swallow thw pill of this guy being a snake oil salesman who mixes his sales pitch with conspiracy theories and fearmongering
you know ytou're trollnig
>a goverment conspiracy that IS NOT happening
Phew... got the goys there...