Should we have censorship in the arts?
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people just need to grow up and not take things as if its the end of the world
why do you need a safe space?
liberals trigger you too much, you fucking wimpy bitchass pussy?
The profane should not be allowed in public, but private galleries should be able to show anything they want
also: defunding your grants isn't censorship
No, but that's not art.
I donĀ“t fall for that shit ((modern)) art sells.
It is about degenerate art and washing money.
Just as degenerate as pop culture.
what are you, google?
Yes. Degenerate art should get the same treatment it got in the 1930s.
We already have censorship in art.
no, but they need to be taught the ARTS not LIBERAL PROPAGANDA
>sage btw
Pretty much this.
But also an elevated era brings elevated taste and people don't care for trash, in private galleries or anywhere. The debased art of our time is as symptomatic as it is causal.
Sleep tight, rato
But we should definitely have censorship of areas art is displayed. I don't need my kid playing in a vagina bounce house while a giant black cock sprinkler showers him and his friends with yellow water.
Make what you want, do what you want, but keep it in the right place.
Went to a street fair recently that was promoted as a family event and there was a ton of booths promoting weed as well as "woman-friendly" sex toys, which essentially were tables fulls of overpriced dildos and vibrators. It was fucking ridiculous.
Sleep tight, rato.
No but art should not be allowed in public areas without majority approval by residents of the community
Plot twist: OP is James Alefantis and he's talking about his pegasus (CP) "art" museum.
this. just make art showing shitty liberals.
Why have they given him a tiny penis ? it's a well known fact that Trump has an enormous penis, he has the biggest penis, everybody knows it, nobody has a bigger one than Trump, nobody.
Just get rid of copyright and art will die.