FBI Searches Manafort's House In Pre-Dawn Raid

The jig is about to be up. What are the odds campaign and WH staff start fleeing the country?

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>have nothing, public losing faith in credibility
>who can we raid?
>being cameras bros!


>FBI Searches Manafort's House In Pre-Dawn Raid
on July 26

yeah because judges issue search warrants for publicity stunts. Especially when the story doesn't even break until a week later

Lol, the only thing the public is losing faith in is the white house

You know they have nothing when they peddle something that happened two weeks ago as breaking news to catch the attention of the somebody, anybody.

What crime was committed exactly? Oh yeah there isn't one. They leaked full transcripts of calls with foreign leaders and you expect ANYONE to believe they wouldn't leak the crime or evidence of the crime by now?

this happened months ago, and were hearing about it now because the gag order has been lifted due to absolutely nothing being found.

>public is losing faith
in all things Russia, sounds like a nothing burger since all we got was a leak about a raid weeks later and not arrest or actual evidence...as always

Jewish judges might

This is the weakest defense you Trumpfags have. Yes there are leaks coming from the intelligence community, but they aren't the ones running this investigation. Also, think about the Trump Jr. meeting. Details of that meeting weren't known or leaked until a year after the meeting took place, and there were a lot of people who had that info. Think of all the shady financial stuff that is much easier to conceal and wouldn't be found without serious digging by Mueller and his team.

But go ahead and keep telling yourself Daddy Trump is going to be ok


manafort is a kremlie sympathizing faggot. looking to sell his country out for money. fuck this traitorous piece of shit.

Dude muh Russians pls believe me

Get fucked shills. DNC is getting assraped
There actually was an IT workers party with the awan brothers.
>wha the actual fuck did he mean by this?

Last night I saw some breaking developments in the Seth Rich case courtesy of Matt Couch.
At the beginning he talks about how Shawn Lucas and Seth Rich were in communication on the dark web before both of their deaths.
The newer developments begin at about the 25 min mark of the video.
Here's what is new:
*It looks like Seth was at a private party in his honor in the 2 hour time gap where he was supposedly walking home from the bar.
*at a house owned by none other than Imran Awan of DWS fame
*with 12 people, all part of the DNC
*7 or 8 people left Seth at the party where they supposedly knew something bad was going to happen to him
*one of his friends tried to unsuccessfully help Seth
*he talked to his ex girlfriend Kelsey Mulka not for 43 minutes but more like 45 seconds saying to her "how could you have done this to me?"

it happened 2 weeks ago
>absolutely nothing found

Can someone explain to me why the trump supports keep using this argument. Isn't an investigation supposed to find evidence? Then once enough evidence is found to make an arrest they release it and make the arrest. There would be no need for the investigation if there was enough evidence for a conviction already

dumb russian sympathizer manafag. traitor will be shunned for life

Oh sweetie, don't worry about me. I don't care if he's "okay". Lol, naive little sweetie kins! Remember how Comey said 3 times Trump wasn't under investigation? You don't realize this hun but he can pardon anyone for any reason and no one dares impeach him.

Get it through your head sweetie, no one is going to jail. Bye bye sweetie!

>trump gets elected
>instead of locking up Hillary his own administration gets locked up

It's because they're in denial. The news keeps getting worse for Trump and all they can hold on to is the fact that no one has been arrested or charged yet.

Trump surrounded himself with so many shady characters and unregistered foreign agents, it's only a matter of time until Mueller flips one and gets them to testify against the whole campaign/administration

>no one has been arrested or charged yet

Wow it's all over for drimpf

It's over drumpfhkin
Drumpf is in jail and voter data is being handed over to the FBI so every single Trump voter can be jailed.

I'm sure it's all 4D chess

Umm no sweetie SHEE FUCKING WON

wow someone's triggered

>No one dares impeach him
And you think I'm naive?
>he can pardon anyone for any reason
yes, that's true, but his approval ratings are already terrible, do you think people are going to re-elect him if he starts pardoning traitors?
>no one is going to jail
I don't think anyone is going to jail, but I'd settle for sending them back to Trump Tower with their tails between their legs

>liberal sweeties literally believe this
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh sweetie stop please my sides can only take so much

Sweetie I just put a thousand bucks on Drumpf getting impeached
The odds are still high for some reason

Yeah back to their billions of dollars I'm sure they would be devastated. You've already admitted defeat sweetie! It's over! You lost! You'll lose again in 2020! Poor sweetie I almost feel empathy for you

Oh my god did ya vote Bernie too hun?! Did ya donate to Jill Steins recount scam?! No refunds! Lol my sides in orbit sweetie no please stop posting I can't keep laughing like this

Well what did they find faggot?

Muh unregistered foreign agents

Trump gets triggered when Joe Scarborough says mean things and hurts his feelings. How do you think he would handle getting thrown out of office?

If there was anything remotely juicy it would have leaked 10 seconds after the raid started.

Shady loans and business deals? Evidence of money laundering? I'm not in the FBI so I don't know, but they came before dawn so he would have no chance to destroy evidence.

Seriously the guy was millions in debt to foreign agencies and he was basically paid to suck Putin's cock for years. Not to mention his (and Roger Stone's) lobbying firm being associated with dictators and shady governments for decades.

I guess we'll just have to wait for Mueller's report to see who's right

PS the deep state is always right

Pre-dawn raids are more incriminating sounding than just plain old raids.

Not likely at all since no one has committed a crime on the right

If stupidity was an asset, liberals would have no need for welfare

The fact that this overbloated investigation has been going on for a year and Mueller is still trying to shake people close to Trump to get intel tells me all I need to know
The committee hasn't found shit and now it's turning over every stone to try and find something to salvage the situation

How embarrassing would it be if the highly-politicized, incredibly invasive and extremely costly investigation ultimately turned up with nothing?
I'm already laughing

Dude you realize this will all turn around on the Clinton foundation.... don't be so naive


yup, that sounds like a guy with nothing to hide

Best case scenario: Trump purges the deep state and makes America great.

Worst case scenario: Trump gets impeached and every CTR faggot in this thread gets murdered in the backlash.

I'm fine with either option.

It's D.C.
Nothing is going to happen to anyone.

Pls tel me what they found? As of now it's nothing , they found nothing , until you tel me what it is they got

What a dumb commie cuck, can't wait to behead that dumb bbitch Hillary you worship . Faggot lover

This can't be happening. I'm supposed to be in charge here!


no one knew about it (except of course Trump who issued a fake trans ban the morning he heard, without consulting the pentagon first, as a smokescreen)

It just became public knowledge this morning. Manafort's spokesman made a statement to NPR to confirm.

I'm gonna cum at the exact moment the rope snaps your neck.

yea sometimes people get a boner and cum when they are swinging from a rope. I'll take your picture

manafort is the one selling his country out like a divisive commie sympathizing faggot.

don't forget selling Ukraine out, Crimea specifically, to Russia.

Sorry wait, *Pro-Russian Separatists*, and definitely NOT Russian military. Shoot down some more passenger planes too, retards.

I think FBI processed search warrant, then Manfort agrees to turn docs over same day. Orders got crossed? Or, FBI wanted to verify voluntary cooperation. Was this the whanon leak?

no, he turned over only some of what was asked for during testimony and hours later they raided his home because they felt there was a high risk of destroying evidence.

What a pissed off reactionary

a fucking pencil and phone bills.

>Under investigation for over a year
>Manafort already been targeted in the past

Even if you believe Manafort had something to hide, what's stopping him from pulling a Clinton and getting rid of the evidence prior to the hammer coming down?
He had plenty of advance notice

>What are the odds campaign and WH staff start fleeing the country?

>yeah because judges issue search warrants for publicity stunts

liberals are easy to trick into action, then they get raked over the coals, Manafort worked for Nixon and every republican president since

this was a setup, the masterminds behind it were Stone and Manafort who probably also concocted the entire Russia narrative

> obama appointed judges and DOJ holdovers

Ya your right theyd never do anything like that

they are such vile things

>manafort is the one selling his country out like a divisive commie sympathizing faggot.

thats not his job he's a spin doctor of the highest order

I'm sure he starting burning records as soon as his company was raided in May


>Manafort's business is raided in May
>Manafort's home is raided in July
>under federal investigation
>the masterminds behind it were Stone and Manafort

thanks for the laugh that was a good one


Just like Sup Forums is accused of being a single amorphous hive mind..
Sup Forums considers all Russians one single organism, all Putin in many manifestations.
Ridiculous. There's politics and competing interests riddled through Russia.
Manafort was paid by Oleg Deripaska to get his ban on travel to the US
Overturned. Deripaska and Putin... Not necessarily allies....
Putin: Give me back my pen

So you admit that it was nothing. And I don't buy your assertion that no one knew anything about it other than President Trump. The shear amount of daily leaks this administration faces makes that borderline impossible.

>no (you's) for you, tripfag


Do you know what a tripcode is?
Are you a new shill here?


I don't think the 'muh Drumpf impeachment' people even know what point they are arguing anymore. 9 months ago, the narrative was that Trump and Russia teamed up to leak emails to Wikileaks. Next came the intentionally-misleading headlines that dumb normies didn't read past suggesting that Russia and Trump actually teamed up to hack voting machines and change votes to help Trump win, leading to cries of 'drumpf's an illegitimate president!'. Well, here we are nearly a year later and neither of those things went anywhere or have ever been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, so what exactly are you people clinging to now? That Don Jr got pranked by someone claiming to have damaging info on Hillary who did not actually have any such info? That someone Trump knows might have once spoken to a Russian or done business with a Russian? There's nothing left to support the claim that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton. You've got nothing.

>You've got nothing.
ok you should tell Mueller he is wasting his time with all these grand juries and incoming indictments

>yeah because judges issue search warrants for publicity stunts
You think they don't? A judge in Hawaii issued an order he had no legal authority to do. You think judges are some holy angels with halos around their heads. Guess what, sunshine? They're corrupt and power-hungry.

Even if there are 'all these incoming indictments' as you think, Trump isn't going to be one of them. If you believe he is, tell me what he'll be indicted on.

>federal judge
>order he had no legal authority to do.

I think you need to go back and study your civics high school textbook again


>This is the weakest defense you Trumpfags have.
No it's actually quite a strong one, given how nothing in the rest of your shitty post explains why it's a weak defense. Read on, nigger boy.
>Yes there are leaks coming from the intelligence community, but they aren't the ones running this investigation.
>Details of that meeting weren't known or leaked until a year after the meeting took place, and there were a lot of people who had that info.
No there weren't. Define "a lot", nigger boy.
>Think of all the shady financial stuff that is much easier to conceal and wouldn't be found without serious digging by Mueller and his team
You dumbass. Look at what you just said. "Think of all the shit that's completely unrelated to the campaign and any claims of Russian collusion." None of that shit matters and this investigation by Clinton donator Mueller is far overreaching its authority. There is no evidence whatsoever of any collusion with Russia.

Trump will probably get indicted for russian money laundering via his casinos and real estate deals. His two sons will probably get indicted for being retards and talking to the russians about getting dirt on a political opponent and then releasing email proof of that.

Right after that, Mueller subpoenaed all the records relating to that meeting - now Manafort getting raided (again)

If he really digs deep, I'm sure Manafort was funneling dirty money to all republican leadership, just to keep up with Koch funded tea party challengers (like what happened to Eric Cantor)

In other words, your biggest wishes are that it's a witch hunt that goes outside the scope of an investigation into alleged 'Russian meddling' in the 2016 presidential election.

>His two sons will probably get indicted for being retards and talking to the russians about getting dirt on a political opponent and then releasing email proof of that.
You retarded fucking namefag. That isn't a crime. If it was every politician would be in jail right now.
>Trump will probably get indicted for russian money laundering via his casinos and real estate deals.
"Probably", you say. That's the word you thought was correct to use in this sentence. "Probably." You think he'll "probably" get indicted for something you just fantasized about in your head, that has no bearing on reality whatsoever. Even if he did, none of that is colluding with the Russians, which means - as always - the Left is wrong, the Right is right.

you seem very emotional, is Donnie your dad, little Baron? Your autism levels are exactly as described.

a criminal is a criminal and doesn't deserve to be president. Hillary didn't deserve it, and big ole' fat donnie doesn't deserve it. This is his nightmare scenario. He didn't want to win, and didn't expect to win, and then he did, now all his skeletons are getting dug up. And guess what? he deserves it for shitting on Obama for 8 years. Get fucked, both of you.

You don't even have any evidence that he is a criminal though, you just have your wishes, daydreams, and imaginings.

I mean, no I don't.

But I would imagine the special prosecutor, that now has all his taxes he never released but promised to, has a lot of evidence.

Watch "Get Me Roger Stone."

Stone brags about them being the boogeyman to the feds for being teflon high roller lobbyists.

Stone and Manafort knew this day would come. They always come for right wing lobbyist. Then want to "Abramoff" Manafort or Flynn.

McCabe and lefties hate Manafort.

Watch the documentary. It's good.

Bad news, boy-o. The regime and all its sympathizers are on their way out. How do you want to go?

>I know you are but what am I?
A classic.

>getting rid of the evidence
>the hammer coming down
I see what you did there

>someone with a differing political opinion than me should be hanged from the neck until dead

classic small-brained ape


more like ManaFLIPPED

coming soon: immunity in exchange for testifying against Jr and Sr.

watch "Get Me Roger Stone's Whore Wife for a Gangbang"

true story

pic related: Roger Stone's whore wife

>a differing political opinion
If this shit ever gets real one day, traitors are the first to kill, and liberals are traitors to the Constitution so you get the rope first

I have such a hardon for Mensch right now.

God watching her work was hot.

>watch "Get Me Roger Stone's Whore Wife for a Gangbang"
>true story
>pic related: Roger Stone's whore wife

> (You)
>>watch "Get Me Roger Stone's Whore Wife for a Gangbang"
>>true story
>>pic related: Roger Stone's whore wife

lest we forget. though many of you weren't even born then. kek

no judges issue warrants based on how they feel about a case and the information presented to them and people shop judges all the time
>find a sympathetic judge
>feed him bullshit

it's a message, fuckboy

Donald Trump is a traitor you fucking cuck, not people that want criminals put in jail.

>Donald Trump is a t

>implying that going business with Russia is illegal in the first place
They have nothing but Obama era judges doing publicity stunts. It's been two weeks and still no indictments. Sad.


You kinda answered your own question.

Should we investigate you for CP? I mean, you might have CP on your computer. We are just going to accuse of you of having CP with no evidence, then just search every aspect of your life and everyone you know until we find anything. And everything we find that may or may not have anything to do with CP (Maybe there's something in your browser cache?), we'll just share it with the media so that everyone knows you are being investigated for CP.

they are still subpeoning evidence - that is the function of a grand jury.

cant tell if actually slow or paid shill

>Russian money laundering
That means every politician in America is going to jail.