Be Australian

>be Australian
>die of melanoma

>Fascist Movements
I fucking wish.
I miss Mosley.

Come on britbong you still can jack off without ID right?

They're fucking Wisents, jeez.
Whoever made this was a retard.

I can, that doesn't mean I like to.

No fap is a meme

>be Mexican
>get beheaded by drug cartels

>Brazil and germany

What gives Jose, why don't you go inside when the air molecules get frisky and Zeus blows his load?

>Be America
>soon to become Mexican clay

Not surprised that we lead the world in quality of life.

Price you pay for great weather all year round

We'll give you Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California, but stay out of the Pacific Northwest states, that's white man's country (MidWest ethnostate too)

>implying British imperialism was fascism before fascism
the more you try to broaden these terms so you can use them as a pejorative for shit that makes you butthurt, the more they lose their meaning.


That explains a lot.

>be Austrailian
>want to dip feet to cool off
>have your flesh feasted upon

Wtf? Are their no patriots in Texas?

Doesn't Texas have white culture?

Or is it just not a worthwhile state.

You realize once that happens those regions will just become shitty like Mexico, right? The reason Mexico is shit is because it's full of mexicans, filling Texas with Mexico will just make it shitty as well, it's already started.

That game was rigged. Brzil were receiving millions from us for their economy. Ofcourse they're going to lose.


It's absolutely flooded with spics. Many towns even have Mexican names. Don't get me wrong, I love Texas (I am a Texan) but at some point you just have to realize when something's a lost cause. Texas is most likely going to vote blue by 2040.


>Wtf? Are their no patriots in Texas?
There are, but they are obnoxious, with constantly saying "muh bigger in Texas" Plus they had one job to do for the entirety of their existence; keep the Mexicans out. The failed spectacularly at that job, so fuck em. They made their bed, now they have to lie in it.

>death by lawnmower
Fuck yeah.

>tfw I have "gun" in my ID

This really bums me out, I actually wanted to visit Texas one day for the food and white people

I like all the countries leading the world in absolutely nothing.

Yeah but because the Mexican that leaved were the worse of the worse my state Yucatan is safe and rich with Europeans and leaf tourists =)


hows that going for you, Sven?

Can we get another asteroid impact please

If you want Texas culture without the spics, go to Oklahoma. Its Texas' little brother but more conservative and white.

Not suprised what was this country's downfall

Britain should be Moslem rape gangs

yeah Oklahoma is pretty nice. Or just visit Texas soonish, in the next decade, before it's mexican cancer goes terminal.

Saved to notepad.

Thanks anons. Respek

slip slop slap motherfucker

>be mexican

>Be Serbian

>be mexican
>die in infancy

>be Serbian make less than the average mexican

What's so nice about living in Nepal?

>be mexican
>earn more than a serb
>country is still a shithole

Texan here. If you want texas culture. Go to the last city left, fort worth. Go on a sat and enjoy the lifestock being brought down main, or time your visit for the texas state fair

>not #1 killer of Jews


>live in the US
>get killed by lawnmower

But how, though?

>be slovenian
>lose all money in betting

Stalin killed more. Because didnt even want to kill them

I didn't think it would be this bad.

10 million population vs 120 million

>dying of melanoma
The absolute STATE of Australian healthcare

So called "Christians" are what lead to the inevitable Atheism of our societies.

Inclusiveness regardless of conviction, lack of racial identity and many other problems are cause directly by Christians which then leads to a nihilistic atheism.

Check your gini, hdi (includes gdp per capita) and people below poverty line. Also take in count our country was devasted by war and sanctions for a decade.

Yeah, that's why Christian nations in Europe were strong for centuries, and are only seeing a decline once they start moving toward atheism. Please, do tell me what religion is better.

Burma is the leader in speaking Burmese, who woulda thunk.

>Fascist movements
probably a northern thing
