Is this true?

Is this true?

ISIS is an Israeli asset. Neither party wants to destroy it.

No, read the entire party platforms for yourself if you want to understand their stances on the topics

Best keep them propped up unless you want another 9/11 on your hands.

I'd take 4 9/11s if it meant they'd be gone forever.

Well that's the point. If you remove ISIS then the mossad will have to invent a new excuse. Again.

I don't think Democrats say ISIS is a religion of peace.

Anyway, the tribalism in politics is too strong, certainly in America. The real red pill is breaking THAT conditioning, it's almost impossible though with a two party system.

It's interesting that the Republicans can never be honest about what the Democrats *actually* stand for instead of these strawman distortions.


>What Democraps actually support
>What they think they support

No wonder you're all known as useful idiots lol

At least 10% of Muslims want the west dead.

You're an honorary nigger.

So what? At least 50% of conservatives want Muslims dead.

>isis =/= islam
ISIS = ISLAM read the fucking quran dont talk about things that you dont know shit

>Aryan Woman In Wheat Field



>So what? At least 50% of conservatives want Muslims dead.
Conservative Christians aren't colonizing the Middle East.

What the fuck do you think we've been fighting a war over there for the last 14 years to do you retard?

Because of neocon globalists like Bush and Obama.

Republicans: Let's Make America's Rich Richer; fuck the poor!
Democrats: Let's return to the 1950s era of all classes getting rich
Republicans: Spend money to bomb the fuck out of them
Democrats: Bomb the fuck out of them
>Chicago Murder Rates
Republicans: Are they affecting the rich? No? No problem
Democrats: Crack down on them harder
Republicans: The rich first! Fuck the planet!
Democrats: Work together with our countrymen and neighbors for a common goal benefiting everyone
Republicans: Made in America, unless we outsource and get more money for ourselves LOL
Democrats: Sanction and restructure jobs to make America a better place to invest workers in
Republicans: Jesus wants you to have your baby LOLOLOL
Democrats: It's your body, do whatever you want; here's some birth control too.
Republicans: You're now slaved to your job if you have one so you can afford your meager belongings while we get richer off your class LMAO
Democrats: Everyone gets freedom. People who abuse that freedom get punished.

How fucking stupid are you retard, you should be killed for this stupidity i reed the bible and quran there is no eny justification for kkk in the bible i dear you to prove me wrong, on the other hand isis is doing exactly what quran says fucking stupid shit muslims are not the problem peple like you make them problem you should be first one to be kiled then them

>cloying and unfunny
left can't bant.


""The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war." - George W. Bush days after 9/11

"[Islam is] one of the world's greatest faiths... This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects or different civilizations" - Donald J. Trump

>America first

What is increasing the amount of foreign aid to Israel while cutting social services domestically for $500, Alex?


S 2569 Bring Jobs Home Act (Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas)
For: 53 D and 10 R, Against: 1 D and 38 R

S 1660 - American Jobs Act of 2011 (invests $50 billion for infrastructure projects)
For - 50 D 0 R, Against: 2 D 48 R

Trump has dozens of his products manufactured overseas.

>families know best

S Amdt 1126 - Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial
For: 39 Dems, 5 Reps; Against: 12 Dems, 42 Reps

Patriot Act Reauthorization
For: 54 Dems, 196 Reps; Against: 122 Dems, 31 Reps


Why does "complex socioeconomic issues" always mean "bend over for niggers"?

sheeiit i'd tak 4 9/11s just for the happening threads

to create hordes of rapfugees that the jews can import into the west

It's interesting that the Democrats can never be honest about what the Republicans *actually* stand for instead of those strawman distortions.

Gaaaaaayyyy !

And full of toxic lies and hypocrisy.

We dhould just kill al lefties. They literally are disease.

>Viewing everything through class warfare
Fucking marxist kike get out of here.
There is nothing wrong with not redistributing rich white people's money over to inner cities.


Isis are lizerally the only muslims, cuz they live according to quren which is word of god. All who dont obviously dont belive in dod, ergo are not muslims.

There are none

so you're basically implying all muslims are terrorists then.

Yes, any Muslim within Christiandom is a terrorist. Do not forget the reconquista, the crusades, and the fall of the Ottoman empire. They are not allowed into our land peacefully, only through force.

only bad believers, muslims who don't go around killing infidels are not terrorists, real muslims who are following what quran says are terrorists

No they are not, but why take the chance?
Just because Cigarettes CAN cause cancer but not have to cause cancer, doesn't mean i start smoking.
I won't step on every nail just to push luck with Typhoid #NotAllNails

This self-destructive idiocy has to have an end somewhere.

Most Christians worldwide aren't even white.


Tetanus, you mong