Fuck you all
Fuck you all
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Yep you nailed it. President Trump, who financed his own campaign and is the least accountable President to special interest groups in recent history, is secretly pulling the strings to make NK attack Guam unprovoked so he can institute a private central Bank in their country. Please don't tell too many people his secret.
you have to have money to have a bank dude
>I will release muh tax returns goys just you wait
Yeah really not shady at all.
You didn't address a single aspect of my post
I don't have to. A lie will remain a lie.
What a joke, just because he "financed" his own campaign doesn't mean it wasn't with tainted money that had been laundered.
>being this retarded
>I don't have to acknowledge that you're right user because a billionaire won't show everyone a receipt
It's like 2016 all over again
Are you saying the supposed laundered money is somehow making him institute a private central bank in NK, or do you just disagree with that point
I'm saying your point about him not being a pawn of special interest groups is the biggest crock of shit. What that means in regards to how he acts is a truth you and most people will never know. But you are naive if you truly believe he is not obligated to agendas that aren't his own. He lives for money nothing else.
>financed his own campaign
It's pretty obvious at this point that he plans on making every cent back by visiting his golfing properties and forcing government to pay
Trump has gotten audited every year in recent history. Sorry to tell you, theres no real point in releasing tax returns.
There is no smoke if there is no fire.
This is like saying your neighbor called the cops on you for violating the HOA rules grass length when you were also running a kiddie porn studio out of your basement.
Reminder: North Korea Bankruptcy ends December 6, 2017
North Korea has been preparing for that day and it's getting close. Unfortunately, they are no match for the Military Industrial Complex of the West.
Why are they moving in? They are one of the last 3 countries on EARTH that are holding out of joining the Global Digital Central Banking Currency System, which is the B.I.S. System (the Vatican's Central Bank).
The Globalists want this system established because it provides them (as Insiders) the ability to cull and harvest the global economy at an even deeper, more invasive level.
NK, Syria and Iran are not a go to be in this System yet. Russia is also playing the STINKER in this coming global CURRENCY reset.
This is why RUSSIA is demonized in the media. They have an interest in having these 'Neighbors' of theirs not join this global system so that they (Russia) can't come down. This is why Russian and China are building out their Satellite Systems, Quantum Computing Systems and Payment Systems so when that 'RESET' happens they won't have to go into that G7, global currency system, etc.
The push (by NEOCONS) for WW3 and war against Russia is to ensure you get a G7 dominance globally of the financial system now before its too late. This is all part of preserving the uni-polar empire instead of a multi-polar world. If you're going to maintain the G7 dominance you have to get everybody into the tent in the digital system with top-down digital control. That's the point of the 7 countries in 5 years plan that 9/11 helped engineer.
As far as the 70 year bankruptcy, in International Maritime Law, a country can issue a public debt currency after declaring bankruptcy and get 70 years to pay off its private, international debts, which is usually levied on the citizens to payback. This protection affords them the ability to payback debts without outside interference. Once the time is up and debts not paid then the jackals move in for a hostile takeover.
Check out this blue pilled The_Donald cuck, LOL.
No one thinks that north korea is even capable of a land invasion of south korea, much less the US. How would they even get here, they don't have a real navy
Trump's a limp dick boomer he can't go up against the Chad of the world.
Exactly. So why does President Crump need to pretend like they're a threat?
Trump ran on taking down the federal reserve, the only thing that really matters. Everything up to now seems to be going according to plan.
Give me a source right now on where he said he'd fuck with the federal reserve, I don't believe it but want to
You are so fucking clueless.
Read the Creature from Jeckyl Island.
Read Web of Debt.
Banks create money out of thin air when they make new loans.
Loans generate deposits.
(not the other way around.)
NK needs its privately-owned Rothschild central bank NOW!
The Ponzi must continues to expand to every corner of the Earth or it will collapse!
North Korea, Cuba, Iran, get ready to be fucked.
North Korea may be crazy, but that is not why the West is against them
They are against them because they don't want to be a slave to the world order
Same reason Iraq, Libya, and Syria were attacked. Only difference is North Korea was smart enough to keep its WMDs
Because nuclear warheads are scary even from a place as destitute as NK
Because they literally have an ICBM and probably have a nuke that will fit on it? I mean, even then the US is only number 3 on the places they would hit, behind SK and Japan, but still, the threat is credible.
They want the RARE EARTHS
>NK spends years provoking everyone under the sun
>Launch multiple unprovoked raids, bombings and artillery strikes against the South (a major US ally and proto-protectorate)
>Fire ballistic missiles over the Nips
>Spend decades supporting organized crime in the US and attacking the US currency with counterfeiting operations
>Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's a plot to install a private central bank, muh cabal etc etc
Listen here, you leftist parasite. The Kim's have no one but themselves to blame for this.
They are a threat, to South Korea, to Japan and to our Pacific assets
Oh baby cant wait to roast up some gook ribs, once those missiles fly meat will be back on the menu !
Dont you need money to have a bank
>financed his own campaign
Yeah sure, he's totally financed himself like Hillary when he took 200M FROM BIG OIL
He said he'd """audit"""" it
Iraq was attacked because they wanted to sell oil in Euros
Libya was attacked because they were pushing the idea of a gold backed currency on the Africans
>Muh fucken petro-dollar!
Friendship with blump ended. Friendship with leftypol begins.
>Flying nuclear bombers along their southern border nonstop is not provocation.
Americunts are all kike bitches and gon die like one, the end.
Don't care as long as we nuke some communists.
>Trump knows (((bankers)))
>Suddenly Sup Forums trusts the MSM
they're in every country, but tons of those they have no power, if places like Japan/Singapore/Taiwan ever found them to much of a hassle to continue dealing with they would just kick them out of their country.
If you can't beat them, join them.
>president financed his own campaign
You mean (((they))) aired him on television and then you elected him. People they don't want don't appear on television stupid goy.
Who you think make is laudery Is daughters or is wife ?
The truth will be revealed by the result.
how much money does it pay? source on quantities?
I have a nagging feeling you don't even know how fractional banking works, and what we had before it
Nah just all the tards still blinded by Trump who cannot see how the powers that be play both sides off each other.
Real Sup Forums are balanced.
>Private central bank
Fuck off. Tell us how the "Jews" are allegedly making Kim talk so much stupid shit
Shills out in force today, nothing is going to happen in NK, and you still lost the election no matter how hard you cry. It's because you're fundamentally shitty people, none of your excuses matter.
Here's your sum:
>Established on 17 May 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial organisation owned by 60 member central banks, representing countries from around the world that together make up about 95% of world GDP.
>95% of world GDP
Here's how to create any money:
>he XDR is the unit of account for the IMF, and is not a currency per se.[2] XDRs instead represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged.[3] The XDR was created in 1969 to supplement a shortfall of preferred foreign-exchange reserve assets, namely gold and the U.S. dollar.
You basically give gold to Jew York and they give it to their lords and if goy is stupid enough they can repeat the process many times.
no retard. (((they))) lend you money and you're their bitch forever
They lend money and they repeat the process until they own everything. Debt is a ticket to ownership of the world with interests.
>le central bank may may
omg u watched zeitgeist too? that shit was epic, really made me think
He did release them on Rachel Maddow
so? he's still a dumb fuck
>has functional nuclear warheads and is waving them at our allies
>pretend is a threat
Nothing wrong with central banks, problem is you don't own them and don't decide inflation or currency or taxes. Why even have inflation? Why even have money? Why not just get a right to chocolate bar after amount of work. Because that's ownership and they don't want to give you absolute ownership over anything, they want to own it and have it dynamic, so you can be a slave and their the rulers. Of course when they own everything then laws don't apply to them.
lel, never forget.
Nice, I wondered where the 6% interest came from. Thanks for sharing!
>least accountable president to special interest groups
You're right, it's good that he's only accountable to the one lobby that's more powerful than any other group.
This is what elite worshipers believe. The brain washing is sickening.
they'll collapse it when they want, and everybody will give them the world to get their luxuries back.
great tribulation, false prophet (jewish false messiah)
read the protocols and the new testament.
Private or public is all the same shit if people don't manage taxes through government power. Government isn't the people, government does anything they want without asking people, but if it's public ownership they should be asking how high the tax and everything we should vote for. Politicians should only be the tools to make it happen what people want and make it happen exactly how people want it, by the numbers written on paper. If people pay tax and decide to pay tax to have common benefit, then people should know where money goes, people should control money reserves. But do people even know the basics where their tax collected money goes to? They have no clue, they only get served half truths, people don't manage money collected from taxes. It also begs the question why should towns not have independent money reserves which can be spend only for that town or even better tax money spend for group of 100 people who have control over that money. Well that would mean we could actually trace the money, which is not what they want.
>some fucking century old asian conflict once again coming to a boil
Yeaaa, I'm not so sure about that goy.
lol what he got loads of money funneled into his pockets as well as his israeli friends and family
Are you even trying
Who says he is talking shit? Oh yeah, the MSM, those same three news stations that totally aren't run by Jews to whip idiotic Americans into a fervor and use them as their enforcers to spread their absolute control of all world markets.
Yeah, we should totally believe CNN and Fox this time goys.
Looks like you are manufacturing those memes on contract. Keep doing the good job so i can laugh at something.