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Quickly! Kim must see the updated map!
is time to go to bed
YAWWWN so sleepy
oy vey
drumpfer blumpfer btfo
>pre emptive strike
>Oh herro we use this manny missle. Watch out they nasty ok goodbye
The lines appear to leading towards San Diego in California, Austin in Texas, Washington DC, and the islands of Hawaii.
Kim strikes tonight
Russian cuck.
Thank you........ I will target my missiles accordingly.
Fairly specific for a threat?
Sounds like bargaining to me.
>will attack the water around Guam
False flag incoming for Rothschild bank and "democracy" greatest Korea you will be missedoing
Press f to pay respects
Wow. How will big, tough "bomb the shit out of them" Drumpf ever recover? Is he just gonna shake around and stumble over his words with his arms crossed like a little bitch?
Drumpf is getting fuckin' roasted again.
Deep state, lap bitch.
Rural NC here all jokes aside been groups of military choppers flying low right over my house off and on all day usually three of the big uns with missiles with one smaller one in the group.
k keep me posted
no you dumb fucking gooks you have to nuke California.
i cant wait for steve to review nork military rations
Now to get Trump to retweet it...
Has anyone considered that perhaps Kim just does not like water very much?
Where in the great land of the united states would you ever muster doped up hipsters to replace California's populace should North Korea nuke it ?
Dear Mr Trump.
Please do not retaliate if North Korea targets California, Hawaii, Chicago, Baltimore, or New york........
Sounds like complete bullshit, really.
Yep. I'm pretty glad we ended up with someone who can get things done simply using strong words.
You can completely shut down NK without firing a shot by crippling China's economy.
Cool video to see some of NK
>attack waters near guam
wow it's fucking nothing
>tfw nuclear NTR'd
Please make check payable for the bombing of those areas to Lil Kim with thanks from the American Russian voter.
Everyone wants Cali Nuked you commie faggot.
Faggot shill go to bed
guam's like "what the fuck is a north korea?"
I like to watch this but just when he eats the real old ones.
If he attacks the water, Drumpf loses
pshhh only 4 I'm waiting for 5 bring it
>tiny dick kim
I hope NK strikes first. I pray for it, that way we have nothing holding us back from wiping little Kim off the face of the fucking earth.
If california gets nuked then single payer could be instituted
Seriously, Guam does more positive for the country than this literal turd.
Dont blue ball me user.
I wish this fat fuck would do it already!!! LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!!! WAR WAR WAR ..... MUHAHAHAH
beautiful destruction!!!!!!
when were you last on Sup Forums user?
Bureau 121 here, we didn't hack Sony dear leader loved that movie.
Dear Lil Kim....
How are you? I am fine too. I am a Russian that voted for Trump. My favorite color is Orange. I like to play with my guns too. Would you nuke California? Maybe Canada too. Also if it would not be too much trouble please nuke Obama's house. Keep in mind he got evicted from his last house by a white guy. Its easy to find his new house as there is a big black Tranny in the garden.
His channel is great background watching when I eat dinner
Every day for sense moot made the board. I'm a new fag.
Load of nonsense, huh?
Coming from the country built entirely on nonsensical rhetoric.
so fake lol
Fuck those gooks.
It's funny how north korea always made vague threats and now because Trump is on office they decide to pull this. They know Trump is retarded
weclome fellow pede
>The fate of US regional power in the east boils down to two wannabe Chads who only can stand in each other faces screeching "WHAT YOU GONNA DO BRO THROW A PUNCH I DARE YOU PUSSY"
The first cold war was boring as fuck, this will be boring as fuck. The Norks leveraged themselves into a position where its politically impossible to do anything about them without major fallout. Kim knows Trump cant politically afford to do anything and knows Trump cant help himself to not run his mouth.
Doesnt matter who was the president in this position because theres no political capital in the US to afford them the power to go in and remove Kim.
Kim can talk all the shit he wants, do what he wants, because he knows no one will do anything about it. It would take a truly madman "fuck it we're doing it live" decision out of Trump to go fuck the gooks up. As long as Kim isnt really baited into making Guam the "Fort Sumter" of his undoing, he's got nothing really to worry about.
No one will do anything.
What the fuck did Guam ever do
>it's empty
>some marijuana cigarettes, nice!
he isn't. with north korea these IR decisions are sort of life-or-death and I think when the stakes are high like this, you tend to think very clearly. the nukes are the icing on the cake. if nothing happens here, north korea is just going to continue existing and we'll realize it's a waste of energy and stop talking about it so much.
>threaten a specific location with semi-specific timeframe of action
Is Kim strategically retarded, or is it an attempt at misdirection?
>laced with meth
>"For all your forced marches and hunger pains," Dear Leader Kim (PBUH)
He's not going to do shit, as always.
fucking hell -opens can grass mixed with rice. dessert is a picture of glorious leader.
He's trolling. He knows Trump cant actually afford politically to attack him, but knows Trump will talk shit. He's trying to cuck him like Iran and Syria cucked Obama. And it will work, because no one wants to deal with the bullshit the flare up of Korean War would bring.
Trump will look like a bag of hot air weakening US political capital in the region, which is what China wants, which is why China backs Kim. Or Trump will bog us down in another Iraq style shitfest. Either way, the slanted jew wins.
Its 2017 and trolling each other is the political meta. Lines in the sand just opens you up to assblasting, its great bait.
It's never threatened anyone. It's completely guamless.
Also from NC, I'm seeing Ospreys around Alamance, Greensboro area
full of nukes and a major military airbase
It's recommended to lurk before you post, newfriend
They're nukes of peace.
Due to cloud based computing, nuking silicon valley wouldn't cause much of an effect.
anyone find it hilarious that the don will likely start WW3 from his private golf course...
Im in Charleston, my boat shop is next door to the APC repair facility. They've been moving out extreme amounts of MRAPs and other trucks. The air force base has been flying transports out nonstop, f16s have been leaving nonstop, the naval weapons station is the most active Ive seen in a while.
They're posturing big time moving equipment overseas, thats for sure, but I doubt anything of substance will happen.
If theres any Norfolk anons, they'll probably report high navy activity as well.
Just like wilhelm started ww1 outside of germany.
The hypocrisy of a Clinton saying somebody is being too friendly with North Korea, I can't handle it
sure, don is going to start WW3, BUT LOOK AT SHILLERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of you fags are over reacting. It's the current year, and he had been treatening us for many years. He won't bomb Guam, Jew York, or El Paso. He's all talk. The majority of the population is all talk. The day he uses nuclear weapons on us is going to be the day we all die, so it won't even matter.
sure can, lots of air traffic at the base. would guess they're loading up the carriers.
very likely this shit is being fabricated by the media to cause a crisis and get ratings
screaming fake news wont save you from nuclear fallout.
you bought into the hysteria that led to it, not me
Nice hiss
Yea, Ive been monitoring the logistic vessels on marinetraffic. The Comfort just moved out in the last few days, lots of materials going out. Increased coastie action. Im assuming the fighters moving out from here were headed your way.