Sup Forums Votes, 2017!

This poll is only up for today!


I disagree that the world is "shitty", so idk

The only ones in government making decisions and who have been doing so for decades are the baby boomers. This question is legitimately retarded. Boomers sold out our nation and their future generations of children.

it's not a fucking "generation" game

it's fucking (((them)))

It wasn't the millenials that gave black people the right to vote.
And I'm Gen Z born 98, so I dont have a dog in this fight

>hourly data mining thread

sure the boomers think the millenials would be the problem, but they raised them.

Both suck equally

I am a millennial myself, and a baby boomer could say that they handed us a safe world and we fucked it up with our obsession with social media and not being able to find a job and allowing Islamic terror to ruin the West.

But even Jews have boomers and millennials, right? Which is the one to blame even if you think Jews are the ones to blame.

Yeah, I work for Shareblue. You got me.

Wow, I guess Sup Forums is mostly millennials.

>Which is the one to blame even if you think Jews are the ones to blame.
both are equally hateable, neither deserve the blame.
unironically, jews are to blame for everything

I am genuinely curious: do you actually believe that?

I am honestly not judging. I am Indian (from India) and I find that almost hard to believe. Like, people say they hate the Jews and I almost find it funny.

What exactly have the Jews done? Again, I am asking in earnest.


They valued cheap labor over society stability

isn't there a generation between boomers and Millennials?

well yeah most of us are under 40

You millenials are so entitled, now please go die on our behalf in Iraq and Afghanistan while we collapse the economy, devalue the dollar and create bubbles making the cost of living unbelievable, fuel prosperity entirely by borrowing from your generation, regulate you to oblivion so that starting a business practically requires a law degree, pay you nothing, and let 2 planes slam into the World Trade Center buildings and kill thousands. All while we taunt you and tell you that you don't have enough grit and aren't kicking open enough board room doors and demanding a job. Oops now we're thinking about starting a nuclear holocaust too, go die in North Korea for us while you're at it.

What a stupid question


Not an argument.

what a stupid argument

The Boomers against the Millennials this time?

Pitting one Western group against another? Yuri Bezmenov says that's how the KGB did it under Putin.