Best Korea is Jew Target
Archive this, please!

Anyone on Sup Forums bother to explore Best Korea banking?
One will find the true reason behind these new nuke threats. QUESTION: Why did U.S. allow Pakistan to have nukes, but not Best Korea?

Other urls found in this thread:

Die you fucking Barneyfag

get necked fag

die freak

fucking die fag

literally get killed

neck yourself

this is sad........

fucking hang faggot

The only way you could have actually recognized the character in the OP, leaf, is because you are familiar with the show.

He's B A C K

He went to the movie in the theater. Twice

Congratulations user, you summoned him and now your thread is irrelevant

Are you fucking new

They shill so often that I need to be familiar with it. It's best to know your enemy.

Oh look, Lee got unbanned. Now he's back at it making threads and samefagging the fuck out of them for some autistic reason.

Why don't you send in that letter, Lee?

do not reply to barneyfag

We're buds tho

I have his phone number.

Did I give Lee a (you)? No, I did not.

Why does he get so asshurt when people post that image despite the widespread assumption amongst the uninitiated that it's a bald eagle engaging in kikery i.e. a symbolic representation of the United States? Is it autism?


Fuck you, he's cool in my book

He makes the threads himself. He uses multiple proxies to disguise this fact.

Because it's Gilda, a character from MLP, and that shit needs to be contained.

How much of a newfag are you?

Lee we've been through this all before. You make threads that vaguely reference your beloved cartoon horse show. Then you samefag using your proxies to show Sup Forums that you don't like your cartoons for children, even though you do.

Send in that letter.

fucking neck them

It doesn't take a scientist to distinguish a retard, you know.

hang these fags

Your book therefore is lame and so are you.

get necked freak

t. degenerate

why do you care so much that you find it necessary to derail threads

Lee send in that letter. Its for your own good. You need help.

Why are you trying to defend degenerates trying to shill outside their containment board?


But if it's being used as Jew Eagle does it matter?

no one is shilling you autistic leaf

Yes, it does matter. Stop trying to defend their shilling

fucking kill these shills

America & the Kikes can't do shit about Best Korea, lol. Fuck Trump, he's just a kike puppet.

I just plain want them dead

murder them all

wtf is going on in this thread?

fucking hang them

get necked, fuck

>Best Korea is Jew Target

Really? Explain then all the threats coming from North Korea?

They wouldn't be a military target if they weren't talking so much shit.

So much for your conspiracy theory.

Shall I dump horse porn to kill the thread, and hopefully cause Barneyfag/Lee to off himself?

fucking neck

Seems that Kek agrees. Horse porn dump shall soon commence.

and die

unless the norks actually nuke someone there will be no war.

Do it, bring back /mlpol/

I have come with gifts.

Won't happen




fucking die


Well its good to see some people still believe in /mlpol/

Where did NK get their potato nukes from? Why have the jews obsessed over NK for 15+ years? How come the houses on the southern border are empty? How come satellite pics show almost no lights?

North Korea isn't real. It's real in a sense. A couple cities and some parts of the coast. It's just a joke. A meme. Semitic bait to start another jewish world war. Comical threats. It's not real.

North Korea is a jewish hoax

You first, friend :)

literally fucking die fag


Am I triggering you? Or are you just happy to see me?

get necked, fuck

kill yourself freak

fucking die

That won't ever happen again.

Damn it now I need to jerk off. Keep posting Jamaicabro.

keep going mlpolbro

That's a fucking American eagle you faggot, what the fuck does that have to do with my little pony?

Like clockwork.

post mares faggot

>tfw the Stormfags have finally broken with reality
Sedition and treason are still crimes. Traitors will be dealt with forthwith

It's based off of a character design from mlp, but fairly obscure so the leaf is just being an autist.

>Leaf so butthurt he has to use multiple devices.

hang them all

murder the shit out of these fuckers

You'll fuck a dog but have problems with Big Colt Cock?

Why is the leaf freaking out over a jew eagle?

Hey man, happy graduation

I just came here to laugh at barneyfag.

>this is how easily Sup Forums can be triggered

burn to death

He would look alright if he got rid of that stash and the bowlcut. And if he lifted some weights. Srsly Lee. Your mental health can only improve.

Prove that they have actually threatened us. The media said so isn't proof. You fucking shills need to work on your material if you really want to control the North Korea narrative on this board.

Is not Sup Forums newfag is our hero Lee "barneyfucker" goldson

Typical jew move. How to profit from a nuclear war.

these degenerates need to fucking die, plain and simple

When is the next concert?

hang these fags

get necked



get killed already

just fucking neck

neck already

fucking neck, shit

literally get fucking necked

neck yourself fag