Politics of Rick and Morty

The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.

You guys just like being edgy contrarians. Now you hate Trump and R&M for no reason. Pol was good when you guys were still pedes, now nazis are taking over.
You ignore that R&M is actually pretty GOAT. I don't just mean that R&M is the greatest television show of all time, it's also the greatest thing to air on television, period. It is the greatest work of comedy, no, fiction ever produced.

Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon make Plato and Aristotle look like Trump and Pence with their philisophical storytelling. I'm convinced they are both geniuses. Their decision to hire female writers further shows their ingenuity, and their egalitarian hiring practices have clearly paid off, as shown by the masterpieces that are s3e2 and s3e3.

This show is extremely funny, and most of the humor is very intelligent. You need an iq of 120 to fully appreciate this show, and if you don't, you are obviously just too stupid to understand the high-brow, subtle, philisophical work of genius that is Rick and Morty.

Other urls found in this thread:


>pretty GOAT

Stopped reading right there.

Shit bait sage

That sounds like reddit talk and you sound like a faggot.

>nazis taking over
Honestly pretty good bait. Made this guy reply.
Remember to sage.

Literally a nazi flag, what did i say

What's wrong with goats? I hear that they have tight asses

>female writers
One more reason to hate it more.

Sage is not a downvote.

I love watching Rick&Morty almost as much as OP KYSing himself. Whats GOAT?

Wait, you can downvote on this site?

Greatest Of All Time

Yes. You gain the ability to "de"bump a page onto the next page.
To gain this ability you must first buy a chan pass and then drink as much bleach as you can.

You must then bake a cake and take a picture of it and fax it to the admins. They will then judge you.

jokes on you , I hated it before.

>watching a cartoon

Pick one and only one.

I kept hearing bout this rick and morty so I googled it and its a frikin children looking cartoon.


get a life u fucking virgins.

Funny bait haha lol xD

Is a pass like an account? Will people see my other posts?

dude just get the fuck out with your manchild cartoon

you're not going to change anyone mind witch such pathetic arguments
it's just an other piece of left wing propaganda

The duo are masters of parody. The entire first season was just wacky versions of movies and their concepts.

Just like how rick and morty are just doc brown and marty mcfly.

Stray from this and get into the realm of social commentary and they are out of their depth.


Yeah just hop on over to the registration page. You can make a cool customized profile with an avatar, a bio and everything.

>The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.

It's not that they hired female writers. They hired SJW writers that have co-opted the show and turned it into a feminist-friendly Bojack Horseman-style soapbox.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Rick and Mortys target demographic is teenagers t. Rick and Morty comic description says it is the target demo
It is not a show for adults or highbrow anything. It's a fucking kids show that can be humorous, but generally should not shape your view of the world. It is too nihilistic for anyone over the age of 20
Pic related is for OP

i liked the new episode. it was better than the mad max one.

>You guys just like being edgy contrarians
you know you're on Sup Forums, right?
Also, I never liked R&M. The art and voice acting was offputting as fuck the first time I watched it

its another irrelevant to poltics or news thread episode about a cartoon on a mongolian basket weaving 101 help and aid forum.

>The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.

Wrong, Sup Forums hated R&M long before that because they think the show espouses nihilism and atheism.

advocating suicide is sick user.

Jesus christ, you retards are still watching cartoons for teenagers?

I'm here to remind everyone yet again that Star is a superior cartoon

I watched one episode just to see what all the buzz was about. The Pickle Rick one. Didn't laugh or even crack a smile.

For god's sake will somebody hurry up and delete this garbage thread already are people really dumb enough to reply to this

I read this as Pickle and Morty.

Let's appropriate Rick and Morty and turn them into alt-right memes to piss of liberals and Redditors

Star is good, the show is constantly telling Marco to be less of a cuck.

But I love Rick and Morty, if its message is degenerate they are good enough writers to hide it enough such that it does not get in the way of the laughs.

I've only seen one episode of this show. Impression was that someone took the Multiverse Episode of Family Guy and stretched it into a series.

very good thread morty voice dude

>telling someone to kill themselves on Sup Forums is bad
I knew this place was infested with normies, but this is too much. At least try to fit in.

Sup Forums spillover has arrived

Nobody did. Try something else.

I'll admit Rick and Morty can be hilarious, but the constant nihilism is grating. The entire message of the show seems to be "fuck it, nothing matters" and the episodes constantly beat you over the head with it.

Rick actually serves as the perfect example of what will happen if our societies continue on the path of nihilistic hedonism and atheism. A miserable old alcoholic who constantly endangers himself and his family, who could use his intelligence to improve countless lives but doesn't care, and who tries to kill himself after being rejected by women.

Nice try reddit. Bump

do yourself a favor and learn to keep your mouth shut, people will think you are smarter

It's a riff on Back to the Future. It started as a YT short called The Adventures of Doc and Marhty.

stupid edgy pop science, no/few politics thankfully, good animation and shitty voice-acting. will still watch the new season even though all my friends hate it.

oh the season already started. good, was hoping they'd wait to see how the trump thing played out and used that material, also you need females on staff if you want the women in the show to act realistically.

Most people, though (Reddit excluded), realize Rick is a piece of shit and not a good role model.

Rick and Morty are now becoming a regular thread?

you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Sadly you're correct I feel as if those who hate the show with such severity and passion simply do so because it's popular.

Despite what they claim many of Sup Forums are the worst kind of sheep, the contrarian, someone who has deluded themselves to the point where they think contrary behaviour somehow marks them out as being intelligent and possessing a high IQ.

Also, I honestly don't know why the mods even bother pinning the list of logical fallacies on the catalog, the 90% of this website probably use them to their advantage, again they see themselves as the victors when anyone with an IQ that's not in the double digits will see that they're only using these fallacies because their arguments are so poor.

To anyone who can think for themselves and does dislike R&M fair enough, the majority of those you hate "redditors" etc who rave about the show probably have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, but they misinterpret the philosophical nature the show is trying to convey.

Nice B8 M8

No authenticity. Doesnt care. Grabs on like grab ems and fashions fucking ad homs death threats and straw men. Heteros totally exist. Nobody is bi. Freud is based. And nobody has ever done anything. What is the agenda? Is your sex even studied for that? No. You just say it's nice when women rape boys. All OP are gay. What isnt gay. Who the fuck isnt gay. See a shirt i dont like? It's gay. This shirt penis makes me very angry. Like buggs bunny and everything else i have selective amnesia over

Yes my man, you've hit the nail on the head, I applaud you

I really hope you get banned for that post

Get zika. Get everything i already said. Do you even wear condoms? Suck on a rabbi's nose while he gives you herpes and bites off your dick. Suck the snot out of it. Get super gonorrhea you wont be able to see like i could. Keep shitposting and trying to win over the world with your 33% approval. In reality against anybody than a shilled jew in the jew college president, views like yours are only for whoever comes here in agreement. Versus 7 billion. Maybe a .0000000001% representation. Just like my risks have always been and will continue to be. While yours are 1:1. The new in a heartbeat movie looks like the witch in snow white with the apple. Do you even know what that represents? You guys shit on Christ all the time and act not like Him but those He hated. Pharisees basically. You disgust me. Sex. Or what comes out of your mouth. You are DEFILED. MUH AUTOGYNEPHILA MUH NEO VAGINA VAGINA MUH VAGINISM

>not a good role model
>using adult swim animated protagonists as role models
wtf did you even watch ren & stimpy, beavis & butthead, peewee's playhouse, or rocko's modern life? animation is a good career for sad dads with strange fetishes

> now nazis are taking over.

STFU you fucking newphag, pedes have ALWAYD been hated you stupid piece of shit.

An injection of Moishe farts up his one balled jewish grabs father haavara rectum

>That GDP Per Capita

When people break their legs there are tests. You try and silence so you can blood libel whites. Kids. And our gender. Period. You made a society of pure usury. You call us cows. Youre not even what you think you are. Serpent seed sounds pretty mentally ill to me. Kikes admitted they have the most of these. They are spiritual problems. Number one rule is "to each their own kind". Woman didnt listen to this. There are even extra biblical accounts of Joseph asking God all about this. Serpent seed is real. You no longer stay a man once your fornicate a woman. And when you marry them (doesnt exist in Heaven) you forget Christ. You call Christ all these names once you realise how He came. And what He did and said

>The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.
I dislike the show because it's simply stupid and that's it. I don't give two shits if it was a space tranny behind the show.

Get fucked faggot

Nope. Isis is a fertility cult. Female reproductive system looks like a pentagram. Not ours. You use liar terms ive already disproven. Complete "pear earth" pseudo science. Science means séance anyways. The 144,000. Bisexual david killing a nephilim. Look at history. Study what ive said. Or dont. Youre an empty husk. Your father is that same snake. Just like Christ said. Nobody said this message would be loved. I care about people. You dont. This is because im affirmed. Youre lost. Period. The 144,000 people LOVE to say was thhe church. It's not. Ever done benisbagoo? Youre not in them. And thats it. I got better things to do. Compare kikes or fags and everybody will choose fags. It's like hank scorpio's france or italy. It all lines up for me. For you you have only shitty garbage one liners. Thats it. I win you lose


Low-quality bait.

You heard correct

>as shown by the masterpieces that are s3e2 and s3e3.
0/10 trolling attempt. Too obvious.

>hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.
stopped reading there. I don't read things in order anymore.

>posts a funny meme with good pedigree
you should watch Wonder Showzen for the real OC bro

you are actually retarded

p-pickle rick

>trying to generalize an ocean of piss

Please fucking kill yourself. No one cares.

>The reason some people on this site hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.
"Some people"

Who are "some people?"


>my face when PriPri shitposting copypasta has now made it to Sup Forums

at least I got one (You) ;_;

Threadly reminder that Chise killed her father for stupid reasons.

Gr8 b8 m8

Didnt read

> I like something, so I consider it smart to do so. Those that disagree with me clearly are not smart enough like I am.

Kek. The autism of this post.

>you need an iq of 120 to fully appreciate this show,
if anyone doesnt realize this is bait from this section then they should probably leave


>120 iq to fully understand humor


fuck off.

>Sup Forums is one person
I think Trump is an orange nigger and R&M is fun. Yet I also think you're a pretentious redditfag.

The show is incredibly DEGENERATE. And even though it can be smart at times, it might not be worth because of all the childish jokes that come along with it. Too much degeneracy.

>Muh High IQ show. I'm so smart guys!