Why do (((they))) hate low unemployment so much?

Unemployment So Low It's Time for Poland to Worry About It

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because the slaves aren't making them money. use your noodle before you post next time

Quick somebody import 1mil Africans, that will surely solve the unemployment problem.

If the UK didn't sell it out twice in 6 years (1939 and 1945), then Polish people wouldn't leave for the rest of Europe.

>only known cure

You mean the employment "problem"?

Western media also runs weakly articles about the "panic" in Japan about how unemployment keeps dropping.

Japanese media publishes articles about the successes of falling unemployment and how young people are starting to be able to negotiate higher wages due to a need for workers.

A certain level of unemployment is perfectly normal in the job market. Only commies want everyone to be employed 100% of the time.

Because when you are employed you dont need to take KIKE LOANS and thats what angers THE ETERNAL JEW

Research Mark Blyths piece called Global Trumpism, Goodharts law and economic inequality (jews v. Goyim). That's why. Full employment empowers workers, mortgages fall in real terms, we get too many shekels

it amazes me how labor conditions there are still so shitty and wages barely rise

and then the jap govt wonders why there's no inflation

do old people believe this shit ? like who did they write this for ? who is their audience ?

who the fuck is talking about a 100% employment rate?

>women should be working

>Anglo-kike trying to shill against full employment.
Checks out.

Lazy towelhead detected

Supply and demand. They might have to pay employees a few pence more.



exactly lol wtf it's so fucked up

hey poland bro i'm thinking about coming back to the homeland how are things?

ja mowie slabo po polsku

Wtf this headline is fucking insane people having jobs is a bad thing ?!

Poland got flooded with money as the iron curtain moved.
Southern Europe paid for it.
Fascist cunts don't like the truth tho.

eeeehhh jest nawet ok ale weź lepiej się poducz polskiego bo daleko nie zajdziesz

Fucking journalists jews, since when low unemployment is bad? I would like to see THEM unemployed for months...

>a low participation rate and government policies such as a reduction in the retirement age that further shrink the pool of workers.
Jesus christ, when are they going to increase it to 70 like our enlightened western nations are going to?

That means they are making MORE money


yeah you're right. Rozumje dobrze i mowie ok ale pisze bardzo slabo. How do the Ukranians manage? You guys took in over 1 million. They don't speak Polish. I know the languages are similar but still.

My dad sold his house here right at the peak here and he's going back next year and wants me to go too but I'm thinking about Southern France. A smallish town around 100k would perfect, hopefully not too many migrants. They seem to like the big cities like Paris, Marseille, etc.

I want to gtfo Canada that I know for sure. This country is fucking lost.

I hear the average person can afford a home as well. What a crazy system eh kiwi bro

Damn, so Star Wars ep 3 wasn't just talking out of its ass you really can die from that?


Its cool (for now)

Well if theres too low unemployment
There will be need for workers, and people already will have their, and thus will be need for more people, thats the problem

Its cool (for now)

There is always slack in the labor force. Retirees come back in, kids get part time jobs, stay at home moms, etc

what is the job market like in poland for a guy with a maths degree
I just don't want to end up in London


just take online lessons or something

meh the language i can figure out, how is life overall? Jobs, wages, lifestyle etc?

Wages here are pretty eh, you can live off them if you dont buy a new iphone and car every year, just work hard.

Well what im trying to say is that a little unemploymemt is needed

>yes goy! we have an excuse to make an argument to send rapefu- i mean refugees to poland!

Jesus Christ

No. It's not. Maybe a little labor shortage is needed.

somebody's got to sit around and be a useless twat on bennies right Ahmed?

plenty of Ukrainians and Lithuanians and Czechs and Slovaks around

The elite is afraid that the power for employment might be in the hands of the people - which will end in higher demand for workers as the supply diminish.

How does the elite work around this? Of course through politics, pro-immigration and pro-diversity. Lets take in low-skilled workers from thirld world countries and lets abuse high skill workers through green card/workers permit abuse.

Wait, how the fuck can it be a problem to have low employment?

They probably measure it differently than here. Also, if you think 7% is bad don't look at the Spanish, Italian, French and especially not the gypsy unemployment rates.

Low unemployment means the labor market favors workers which pushes wages up. That will decrease profit growth and make the (((shareholders))) unhappy

It's a problem for the kikes. It's great for us. That's why it is bad. Full employment as target = debtors paradise. GDP growth as target = creditors paradise.

Read the fucking article you dunce. Low unemployment in Poland is indicative of their high emigration, a bad thing because the labour supply is squeezed.

>Oy vey, you're employment is low, better import 6 gorillian Muslims, goyim!

I would like to see them unemployed of life ie dead

Low unemployment means a smaller reserve army of labor which means the people who are employed can demand much higher wages. Lower unemployment == workers are more valuable and harder to replace.

>Low unemployment means a smaller reserve army of labor which means the people who are employed can demand much higher wages. Lower unemployment == workers are more valuable and harder to replace.
almost like the freedom of movment was desgined to undermine works ability to bargin collectivity

poland is shithole, glad we send the ukranians their way ahaha