Libturds at it again
Anyone in DC?
So how are we going to fuck with it?
Why would you? It's cute.
>unironically paying 2k to show how anti-capitalist you are
Because those balloons are worth 2k a piece and I want to see some salt from the left.
HWNDU revival when?
Get an air rifle and pop it.
>Take pop shots at ANYTHING near the white house
Yah man what could go wrong?
Oh hey, enough SJW's got together. It's trending.
woah calling the president a chicken during the middle of war tensions. these leftists hunger for war.
That's why I said an air rifle, or use a drone mounted with an air rifle if you're scared about getting a BMG lobotomy.
Read the Tweets, they're actually going to goad him into nuclear war. :'D
I don't think using an air rifle near the white house would be a good idea.
Well, we can't just let them keep the chicken up.
So, Operation Cut The Ropes?
>"you liberals are not fun!"
republicans in a nutshell
>F U C K I N G B A S E D
>Well, we can't just let them keep the chicken up.
Why not?
You lost it over a frog first.
Domestic terrorism.
Calling the Commander in chief of the US Nuclear arsenal a "chicken" and thus goading him to launch attacks to protect his ego is incredibly stupid.
Say it with me now: MADAME PRESIDENT
It's just a fucking baloon. I don't know why you faggots get so triggered whever someone insults Trump.
Dems aren't giving him a chance at all.
Get the fucking ointment.
I think I went too far with the post, so I deleted it.
It felt like pushing your elderly father down the stairs.
>I think I went too far with the post, so I deleted it.
Fucking cunt, type that shit out again and repost it right now.Because it's fucking true and i know it.
No, you should've seen the post.
I crossed a fucking line.
Do you know where the fuck you are?
exactly what Sup Forums is for
Your president is a kike puppet!. And i should've known you were from The_Donald after all your Trump cock sucking.
No, no, even for Sup Forums.
My post went way over that line.
What was it nigger.
truth be told this is actually pretty funny.
Must refer iZ5rjZWO here.
other thread had a great idea, sharpen a MAGA flagpole and us it like a fucking javelin
I think the best response is to just ignore because it is stupid and boring.
I like this idea.
Wait, isn't president Trump in vacation at the moment?
>throw a large sharp object on WH premises
Solid idea user
Isn't there some one in the area that can go give an Eric Clinton type reception to these folks?
I bet that felt good typing that out again. But you still outed yourself and need to go back.
lol yeah, he isn't going to be back at the WH for like another 2 weeks so fuck if I know what these cucks are trying to do
I still wrecked your countries collective asshole.
So, I'll leave, I've fulfilled my purpose.
On second thought, trump should appropriate it. Stand next to taking pictures and signing autographs.
Best thing to do IMO. Trump should tell them to keep it up, then when hes back, host an even in front of it for the pictures.
Nah. Even /r/The_Donald won't take you. You're the hero Sup Forums needs.
>sharpen a MAGA flagpole and us it like a fucking javelin
Well, anyone on this board that successfully does manage to throw a patriotic shitposting javelin on the white house lawn will become the most legendary person in the history of this board.
Enjoy prison btw
Is not like he woldn't do it anyways
Giant inflatable Hitler when?
Too bad I didn't spring for an inflatable watermelon a few years ago... I mean, imagine the outrage!
Now, about those Russians...
How quickly did the intrusion into the white house fall into the memory hole?
It was/is here.
Time to get those javelins out.