Chicken inflatable near WH

A chicken inflatable has been put up near the white house, what can we do /pol? 1000 points if you can take a peice of it and post the picture

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get someone to stab it

>glorifying degenerate property damage against ideas you dont like

this is an 18+ board

Its not that i dont like the idea, it would just be funny, this is a board of trolls after all

everyone on this website is serious

sharpen end of MAGA flag, javelin throw into inflatable chicken



Pellet gun

hahahahahahhahahah drumpf is a coward for ditching vietnam


I thought the liberals put it up because their saying he was a coward for not shooting NK nukes, it happened right after the NK thing so it's the immediate message I got

Five other post on this. Sage.

Your only saging cause you don't want the people to realise that orange is a traitor sweetie

Oh man this giant inflatable chicken balloon really BTFO Trump, right guys? What is even the thought process behind the people who do these things?

it is a nice chicken though even if it's suppose to be some retarded liberal statement about trump

Owning a pellet gun in a liberal shithole like D.C. is probably an automatic jail sentence

this desu senpai the cheeto in power is not my president

Wow, Donald Trump has a huge cock.

Rc car with pointy end

Cut the ropes and let it float into the atomsphere

Well it's triggering most Trumpcucks here so it's doing it's something right.

DCfag here. I have a small tool knife and downtown is a 20 minute drive for me. How illegal would it be to just go up to it and give it a good knifing (The inflatable chicken, not any actual person - I know some idiots might take this statement as a threat to someones bodily harm which it isnt)? I'm kind of really want to just go do it

>saying sweetie
>see flag
makes sense

Go to Hillary's house with bags full of frogs and toads and release them

why would you do it?

It's not even that offensive, if I was a shitlib it would have been a giant inflatable naked BLOMPF like the statues.

I'm an asshole and like to bully protesters when I'm bored

According to the chinese zodiac 2017 is the year of the rooster, though. If anything, they're honoring him.

spear it with maga flag

>not knowing it's a symbol of Chinese prosperity

sure is alt-right in here

>Search Results
As such, it became a symbol for Christ's passion. ... One of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, the Rooster is a Chinese symbol of honesty, as well as physical and moral fortitude. It is of the yang attribute and signifies fortune, luck, fidelity, protection as well as bossiness.

I want to go get my picture with it in a MAGA cap.

Pretty awesome tribute and cool of whoever put it up. Based asian Trump supporters most likely. If you try to knife it I will defend it.


It'd make them more asshurt if we turned it into something positive instead of just popping it

Can I chuck a spear at it XD I'm surprised all the niggers around town haven't stolen a giant chicken already

cmon fellas, give credence to this here image

Easily popped with a nice powerful pellet gun. You could do it from a distance and no one would ever know.


get boombox
put pro America music on there
stand next to the fagot listening to your music real loud but not too loud. just loud enough to piss him off.

You'd be a pol legend forever if you did.

It's 2017 where the fuck am I supposed to get a boombox from

we can just walk up and spraypaint maga on it dressed as Antifa


> turned it into something positive
>turned it into

Chinese zodiac and Christ have both been around a lot longer than leftist cancer.

> Later, the pilgrim would return to Barcelos. He sculpted a cross in honor of the Virgin Mary and St. James, who he felt was responsible for saving him with the miracle of the rooster. Today, this cross is referred to as the Cross of the Lord of the Rooster. This statue is still in existence in the Archeological Museum of Barcelos.

Portubro can certainly get in on this too.

just pop it god.

If you guys come up with something funny that won't throw me in jail I'll go do it DESU i'd go knife it but I'm not exactly comfortable showing up to the mall with what can constitute a weapon

Does this mean Trumps policies are finger lickin' good?

[pol legend]

Imagine the money some faggot blew having that chicken made just to be known as the guy that is so psycho he had a giant, trump haircut, inflatable chicken made and drove his 1987 Volvo all the way to DC to act out his rage

Just get a maga hat and get a picture next to it.

Put some nice overlay quotes on later.

>The lore of the True Shepherd of Anu (SIPA.ZI.AN.NA - Orion and his accompanying animal symbol, the Rooster, with both representing the herald of the gods, being their divinely ordained role to communicate messages of the gods. ... The Rooster is the tenth of the twelve animal symbols in the Chinese zodiac.

quad copter with something pointy on it.
No one will ever find out

Kek ironically those are all positive character traits that fit Trump to a T

>i'd go knife it but I'm not exactly comfortable showing up to the mall with what can constitute a weapon

If you're too much of a thug to appreciate Chinese culture you can go for Christ:

>The rooster appears in the catacombs of Rome. Below is an example. This 3rd-century fresco of Jesus Christ was found in the Catacomb of Callixtus. It portrays Jesus as the Good Shepherd and there is a rooster at his feet.

Don't play their degenerate game. Make them play ours.


Stick anime eyes on that shit and write something shitty like "make America kawaii again". Prevents libshits from whining about
>Muh intolerance

Rooster Associated Traits

Sexual, Observant, Brave, Strong, Careful, Vigilant, Flamboyant, Honorable, Arrogant

The masculine rooster, a solar symbol, emulates sexuality, observance, and resurrection. Also referred to as a cock or cockerel, these birds are very diverse when it comes to physical appearance, which also gives them a wide range of symbol meanings.

Additionally, these cuers of the morning light symbolize the admirable qualities of pride, bravery, honesty, alertness, strength and prudence. While these attributes revolve around honor, bravery, and carefulness, the rooster animal totem is also thought to symbolize a few negative traits that do not make others very fond of the beholder, such as arrogance and excessive flamboyance.

However, the rooster symbol meanings for humans all seem to fall in theme with demonstrating your uniqueness to the world. Show your brilliance and ingenuity to others, just as roosters demonstrate theirs by fanning out their colorful feathers.

Other historical cultures have also recognized the rooster as a symbol of the sun, citing it as a sign of illumination and light. However, the Celtic and Nordic cultures have charged the rooster with a different connection: that of the underworld.

In these mythologies, the rooster spirit guide is described as a messenger of the dead, screeching out warnings of danger. It also crowed out loud equally loud and unpleasant noises for the souls of the those soldiers who had fallen in battle.

Did they do it on purpose?

thats the same as the Taiwan Trump rooster statue which is not negative

The rooster is a universal solar symbol because its crowing announces the dawn. In India, it is the attribute of Skandha, personification of solar energy. In Japan, its crowing, associated with the songs of the gods, lured Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun, out of the cave where she had been hiding, corresponding to the manifestation of Light. Courage is the virtue that the Japanese and other Far Eastern peoples attribute to the rooster. The Chinese ideogram for rooster is Ki, homophonous to the one meaning “favourable”. Its appearance and its behaviour symbolize the “five virtues”: civil virtues, because its comb makes it look like a mandarin; martial virtues, because of its spurs; virtues associated with courage because of its conduct in battle; virtues in association with kindness, because it protects its hens; virtues related to confidence because of the accuracy with which it heralds the dawn. Furthermore, the rooster is also efficient in counteracting the evil influences of the dark night that he drives from the house if the inhabitants paint its effigy on their door. Tibetan Buddhism regards the rooster as an exceptionally ill-fated symbol. It appears in the centre of the Wheel of Life, alongside the hog and the snake, as one of the three poisons. It symbolizes lust, attachment and covetousness that put in motion the Wheel of the Law. In Europe, the rooster is seen as an image of anger, the explosive manifestation of immoderate and frustrated desires. In Greek tradition Velchanos the Cretan rooster-god was assimilated to Zeus. A rooster was standing beside Leto, pregnant by Zeus, when she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. Thus the rooster is dedicated to solar gods as well as to lunar goddesses. Moreover, the rooster is the specific attribute of Apollo. A rooster was ritually sacrificed to Asclepios, son of Apollo and god of medicine, because the bird heralded the soul of the dead that it was to guide to the Otherworld.

Hire the guy who killed Seth to do it.

Archived it for you

A rooster was ritually sacrificed to Asclepios, son of Apollo and god of medicine, because the bird heralded the soul of the dead that it was to guide to the Otherworld. Asclepios is also the god who, by his healing powers, brought the dead back to life on earth. This is precisely the reason why the rooster was also the emblem of Attis, the oriental Sun-God, who died and came to life again. This also explains why the rooster is attributed to Hermes, the messenger who travels the three levels of the cosmos. The rooster, along with the hound and the horse, is among the animals offered in sacrifice in the funeral rites of the ancient Germans. In Norse traditions, the rooster is symbol of soldierly vigilance, posted on the topmost branches of the ash Yggdrasil to warn the gods when the giants, their foes, are preparing to attack. When the bird is set on church spires, it assumes the role of protector and guardian of life. It is also an emblem of Christ, like the eagle and the lamb, symbol of Light and resurrection. In the Book of Job, the rooster is the symbol of God-given intelligence while the ibis is the symbol of wisdom. The Talmud makes the rooster a master of courtesy because it heralds his Lord the Sun with its crowing. In Islam, the rooster enjoys a particular veneration. The Prophet himself asserts that the white rooster is his friend because it announces the presence of the Angel. Moreover, the Prophet is said to prohibit cursing the rooster, which calls to prayer. In dream analysis, both snake and rooster are interpreted as symbols of time.

>Vincent van Geriatric

Bash the Fash.
Stabbing a Soros baloon is free speech.

It's saying he's chicken for not releasing his tax returns.
>The chicken was also previously seen stateside at April’s Tax March demanding to see Trump’s tax returns, and the organizers answered the mystery about why is was across the road from the White House on Wednesday.
>"125,000 Americans joined the Tax March Chicken on April 15th to demand Trump release his tax returns and come clean about how he will benefit from the huge tax breaks he wants to give to billionaires and large corporations," Tax March spokesman told the Daily News in a statement.

Just let Mueller know about this post. Senator Warner is on his way to stop you.

Appropriate it for yourselves. Turn it into a pro-Trump symbol by wearing your MAGA shit and posing with it.

Pls no. It's funny. Put maga hat on it.

>It's saying he's chicken

It's a rooster, not a chicken. Urban leftshit retards don't know the difference between a rooster with a gold comb and a red wattle and a chicken with neither.

>A chicken inflatable has been put up near the white house, what can we do /pol? 1000 points if you can take a peice of it and post the picture
In the old days a group of patriotic white men would simply go destroy it and kick the ass of any commie niggers in the way.


They do realize Trumps isn't at the WH right?

Someone go to onigger's house and put up gigantic inflatable gorilla


I live near dc

Not going to lie, I like that chicken, so chicken Trump action figure when?

That's probably the only reason its there now.
Secret service isn't home.


i just drove by the wh to look for the chicken. it's gone.

I this is where George Soros is going to organize his little color revolution.

B-b-but that would be a HATE CRIME! You fucking NAZI shitlord!!!!

use a nice, sharp pencil.

if you post a vid of you stabbing it I'll print a screenshot and cum-tribute it

You will need someone to make a distraction. Then you stab the thing. Be sure to make a big hole or it wont deflate.

Heh makes sense, libcucks have no balls

What material is it made of? Like is it something that can be punctured with a pencil?

Give it blackface and make the hair an afro

They had these as statues in China before progcucks culturally appropriated it

>it's just for the lulz, guys, just do it, hehe...
>breaking:angry alt right Sup Forums trolls furious over a harmless inflatable chicken trump. Someone managed to grab screenshots of them organizing illegal activity to stab the trump chicken

Its not full of helium, dumbass

Shoot it.

hmmm, maybe PVC? idk how hard it'd be to puncture.

if you use a knife, use one on a multi-tool so you aren't running around with just a knife, it'll make you look less like a school stabber

>USA is on the verge of a nuclear crysis
>pol talks about a big cock instead

Fucking this, who gives a shit about a cute balloon animal? It's just some media kikes trying to stir up false outrage.

He's talking about nuking Guam you stupid faggot. Do you know how far away Guam is from the fucking USA?

don't destroy other's property fucking edgelords, vandalism is an offence forbidden by law

just put a big golden egg underneath it
harmless, instant win

>So much for the tolerant left!! I get offended over an inflatable chicken!!! W-w-what if it was an inflatable President Niggerlips!!!!

I have but one (You) to spare for such a low-effort post. Spend it well.

If any of you live in the DC area, you could hypothetically shoot at it with a BB gun.

Someone put up a monkey with an obama logo on it

Eh. What are treaties en shit?

bump for action

>he thinks that nuclear war is actually going to happen
>he doesn't realize that Kim and Trump are just spewing rhetoric as always

Its almost like you'd enjoy becoming a statistic

Isn't it year of the Chicken?