Brit/pol/ - Papers edition

>Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle child sex network convicted

>Scotland to discuss new post Brexit powers for Holyrood, but warns of Westminster “power grab”

>Judge calls for clarity on status of ECJ rulings in UK after Brexit

>Manchester Airport pipe bomb plot: Nadeem Muhammad guilty

>Brexit negotiations 'have not begun well' - Sir Simon Fraser

>Armed US immigration officers stationed at British airports

>The Article 49 strategy to keep Britain in the EU

>Britain denies agreeing to pay EU exit bill

Other urls found in this thread: shakespeare&rh=i:aps,k:omg shakespeare












wheat mummy




Nice clickbait thread ya got here

Get out of our thread, yank scum.

>muslim councillor in Newcaste

C-continue to have a good evening, A-Anglo-senpais. . .

What's your most shameful memory lads?

Here's mine:

>be 14
>meet cute 13 girl from the same town online
>chat a lot
>she's immediately falls for me
>thinks I'm really cool, practically worships the ground I walk on
>meet on a couple of dates in town
>enjoy some kissing and touching
>her parents are away one weekend
>she asks me to come over and spend the weekend at her place
>gives me her address
>go there on my bike
>get lost because I've never been in that part of town before
>spend hours trying to find the place before giving up
>she calls me and asks why I didn't come
>I don't want to look like an uncool faggot who gets lost in his own hometown so I tell her I'm dumping her
>don't return any of her desperate calls or e-mails

Well at the same time a mayor of a town near Newcastle was caught for being a pedo
So, because he was white, it takes the wind out of sails of the blame the pakis crowd

>No friends
>No ambition
>No happiness in years
>No future
Who else has this feel?

Of course it can go without saying that in the event of a right-wing attack he would blame anyone to the right of Corbyn of creating a toxic atmosphere that allowed it to happen or some such nonsense.

How is that European paper not bankrupt yet?

Allow me to refute you thus

The front page of The Sun is always an interesting snapshot of how terrible this place is


What would an after dinner speech from her even be like?

Why haven't you read the complete works of Shakespeare yet?

Good old dipu

Cunt deserves death

>Theres millions of these shows now on channel 4 and itv and shit. It's ALWAYS the fat white woman with a bunch of spacker kids in a village somewhere where there literally are no jobs. They never go round the London Estates and see the muslim ghettos.

The worst one ever was 'The Last White kids' on channel 4 in 2003.

It followed one of the last White English families at their school in Manningham Bradford.

The young white lads kept getting into fights with Asians at school and stopped attending. Eventually they got sent to a whiter school where they began to enjoy themselves more.

The young daughters started going to mosque and learning Arabic. One of them started wearing a Niqab despite being under 15 because the Muslims couldn't tell if she was white when she would wear it.

Useless white Mother just sat back and encouraged it.

The most poignant moment was hearing the young lad say he didn't want to be a Muslim, and that he was 'Just English'. He was being forced into a world he didn't want to be part of because of mass migration.

I would tell you to give it a watch, but it's pretty heartbreaking.

Aw poor girl
You were a kid though so not too big a deal

I've can barely even bring myself to think about any of my past
Due to the amount of embarrassing shitty things I've done
So instead I just try to focus on the future

But occasionally a memory will slip out and kill me for a couple of days

Maybe it's code for a sex party

A bingo game with tits

I'm not watching that man

on the bright side, the slide story isnt fooling anyone.

not met a single person all day who thinks its wrong, yet every single one thinks paki rape gangs should be deported to the ocean.

>be me
>15 yr old with blue balls
>sisters hot mate staying over
>in bathroom
>see sisters mates toothbrush
>wank on it

Best bit was her smiling at me next morning...


>I can't believe that sort of thing can be true
You should believe it lad. Africans have never invented a single worthwhile thing. They stayed where they started out, never once moving to strive for better. They never developed a written language.

I spent a month in Mozambique training some locals on how to use some pretty simple equipment and what would take a Brit a day or two to learn took them well over a week and even then they were fucking shit.

I've taught 5 year old children in Britain and they picked concepts up more quickly and more enthusiastically than these blokes who we were paying 5x the average salary of their area.

How does pic related make you feel?

lol is this the same guy who always posts this ages ago?

fuck off this is fake

Would you lads wear this?

Fuck watching that. Jesus Christ.

It isn't fake.

Kek, that pose - should read 'merchant of the people'

Asian girls are my favourite shakespeare&rh=i:aps,k:omg shakespeare

Not bad
I remember reading a children's bible when young
And it basically outlined the stories in a way that made them interesting and accessible to me, with pictures and all that.

So I don't think there's a problem with this providing it's for very young children
Or 'special needs' children

>you will never go back to being ignorant and bluepilled

O, horrible! O, horrible! most horrible!

sorry for nonce flag that was an accident

It's a jokey gimmick book. Are they using it in schools? Are they fuck so what's the problem?

Not much of a fan of the darker nips that Asian girls have desu.

But it's clearly aimed at the 12 year old or thereabouts age range, the fact is children should learn Shakespeare by reading it, not some pacified version.


Which cheap supermarket cider is best?

So far I think Asda's.

I mix 2 litres of shitty cider with a bottle of weston's vintage every night. I get a good buzz for around £3.80 without fucking my guts up too bad

Prepare to get deleted.

>"I were born the way I were born, so I'm gonna stay that way. I'm not a Muslim, I'm not Christian, I'm just English. If God wanted Amy and Ashleigh to be a Muslim he would have made them Muslim. I won't ever become a Muslim because 1) you'd have to go mosque a million times a day, 2) you'd miss The Simpsons, 3) I've got to learn reading backwards, frankly I can't even read in English so how am I gonna read in their language?"

Cheese burger?

>learn Shakespeare by reading it
they should see it performed first

Idk what it is about shitty cider, but if I drink it for a couple days straight I'll puke up blood and be shaking like fuck

Doesn't really happen with spirits though

I usually drink crofters because it's the cheapest near my house

white ciders do that to me.

What poets have you read? You said the other night you wanted to read more. I'll send you on the right path.

Recommend me some.

Thoughts on 2nd best Alex Jones?

inb4 larkin

What Eliot poems have you read already?

inb4 pound

>"Why do you like wearing it?"

>"Cos if you're like white colour and you wanna be a Muslim, no one can see your face so they'll think you're a Muslim"

Don't drink much cider these days but when I did, Asda always seemed to have the best cheap stuff. They even had a pretty good cheap pear one, for when I wanted something a little different.

Recommend me some

this is like those movies where they hire the master burglar to break into the mafia safe, but with pedophelia

(((Channel 4)))
(((David Abraham)))
This country is lost. They've won. There's no going back now.

2pac is the best poet desu

Fuck you defeatist faggots. Your boy out here setting his life straight and going to make something of himself. You both aughta do the same lads.


I want more asain cuties to immigrate to britain, when can we get our cutie asian gf based immigration system?

Reminder that the BoE base rate has not increased for over a full decade now. Since July 2007 interest rates have only moved downwards or sideways. We are living in the mother of all financial bubbles right now as a result of this and only a complete systemic reset will allow us to return to any meaningful prosperity.

Adds a whole new meaning to kindergarten cop

Keats, Byron

The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

Like the leaves of the forest when Summer is green,
That host with their banners at sunset were seen:
Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown,
That host on the morrow lay withered and strown.

For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed;
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!

And there lay the steed with his nostril all wide,
But through it there rolled not the breath of his pride;
And the foam of his gasping lay white on the turf,
And cold as the spray of the rock-beating surf.

And there lay the rider distorted and pale,
With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail:
And the tents were all silent, the banners alone,
The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown.

And the widows of Ashur are loud in their wail,
And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal;
And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword,
Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord!

Great banter.

We shall begin at the beginning-
The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock: that will introduce you to his style
Rhapsody on a windy night
Gerontion: getting more difficult
The Waste Land: the biggy, you'll need to read up on it like everyone does
The Hollow Men
Ash Wednesday
Journey of the magi- Hitchens told me he thought it 'miraculous'
The Four Quartets


ban pakis and niggers and instead welcome cuties

I'm feeling especially lazy, could you give me a link to 2 Amazon books?

You'll put him off with that stuff.

Brit/pol/ = privileged straight white males and their first world problems

> shakespeare&rh=i:aps,k:omg shakespeare
ye ok im blackpilled

Check it out lads


t. nigger on gibs

Utter bollocks.

I'm old enough to remember this over-stylised, abridged, badly-acted cheeseball nonsense doing more to get teenagers started and interested in Shakespeare than any number of stuffy, full length BBC versions.

Look how over-the-top and cheesy it looks now:

Yet the girls in my year went and saw it three and four times.

>privileged straight white males and their first world problems

>checking my privilege
>working class pauper with no asian gf
failed the first test

>checking sexuality

>i have hazel coloured eyes
think that means im a nigger tbqh

>checking penis

>first world problems
>checking my problems
>no qt asian gf
dont ever say this is a trivial problem >:(

You don't like byron, mate? I love the epic stuff, Coleridge, tennyson etc

Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Perhaps it's because they weren't exposed to the "stuffy" ones.

REMINDER : poetry is for fags

I like it a lot but in my experience the 19th century stuff seems to put people who aren't use to it off. Seems better if you introduce them with more 'modern' and then work backwards.
>not a teacher though so it might be bullshit, just my limited experience

Indeed, I keep forgetting all the great poets were complete poofs.

Even if you don't have a job you still get paid by the government. There are kids starving in Africa you shit.

They were exposed to the stuffy ones but it's easier to plant the seeds for this sort of thing if kids are actually interested in it.

Shitty BBC sets or an impenetrable stage show? Not so much. But put a young Leo in the role and make the thing glamorous and visual and all of a sudden, teenage girls WANT to understand what he's saying. It makes the whole thing easier.