What if North Koreans become refugees and start coming to Europe & the USA ?
What if North Koreans become refugees and start coming to Europe & the USA ?
Blow a load in their vaginas en mass
I'll take a few North Korean qt waifus and convert them to islam, make them wear burqas.
Na-eun a qt.
It will be like when slavery was abolished. Take a bunch of illiterate people who have lived their entire life a certain way, then kick them out of their house & say, "go make it on your own".
Women would throw hissy fits.
Like hilarious "I'm 10 years old" hissy fits.
hijabs are cuter
meh, korean women have super low libido on average, and are not interested in sex compared to Japanese women.
t. dated lots of asians
>inb4 yellow fever
call it whatever you want, but the right term is preference.
Take in a handful of NK womanlet qts and breed them. The change in lifestyle would ensure loyalty.
if i had to choose between :
>shitskins who blow themselves up with self made bombs
>rice niggers who blow themselves up with mini nukes
i would choose shitskins.
absolutly fine with that
They wont, they would probaly choose death before going to murica.
Nope fucking trust me
You think muslims are bad??
Just wait till every fucking house is owned and rented to you by them and every fucking store is in Saturn moon runes
They're fucking worse than muslims cause they don't take over an ideology or shit like this
They conquer land and put up their countries flag
They'll never learn English and they're fucking racist complainers
I'd rather have a Muhammad that I know is on welfare than a fucking gook owning my house and me having to pay them and live in fear every time they come around
At least Muhammad I can tell to to fuck off
Gooks are running for mayor and shit
Though I'd take a jap qt
Liberals will brainwash them
>Trump blew up your country
>Make sure to vote against him and incite violence against all his supporters.
We destroy all of the males and go ahead and let the qts in. I am not seeing an issue if it is handled like this. It is only the males of non-white species that are problems.
I think I would cope somehow...
Nah nah nah, North Koreans are pretty ugly
Only good reason
Never smelled kimchi in Korea unless it was on my table in Korea. I don't particularly enjoy Kimchi either.
Buncha square headed shriekers? God no
Nah they would flood SK before going to such a "oppressive capitalist monster" like the USA.
This, fuck gooks, fuck chinks, fuck slopes.
But user, this already happened en masse with Chinese laborors and they do great. High IQ makes all the difference.
A bunch of naive woman from a nation with 1950's morality.
They will be accepted into every nation.
>an already failing economy with lack of affordable housing and an extremely competitive job industry where only the best get jobs.
>An average job for educated people pay 1700 USD per month with a 50~60 hour work week.
>Minimum wage is 6500 KRW, 5,7 USD/hr
>They will take in an entire country of uneducated helpless brainwashed commies
Yeah, no. Only Germany, UK, Sweden and France would do this.
I hope you don't actually think she looks anything like that without makeup and airbrushing. Don't be retarded.
somebody can translate what's on her mask?
"Only white penis allowed in mouth"
its not ideal but since they're disciplined, nationalistic, and non degenerate it really wouldn't be the worst thing. I'd much rather take in north koreans than spics, niggers, and muslims.
They aren't brown enough, nobody will give a shit.
They already do North/South reunification ceremonies in Koreatown, LA. You can see a bunch of nork uniforms in a church parking lot any given Sunday.
>t. Ktown
You mean save the West from Islamic and African immigration?
Oh no, how awful!
150,000 chinese troops waiting at the border right now to mow them down.
they would be better than the shitskins
It's always like that for any kind of people in the West. They are divided in their birthplace but since the West in "peaceful" they become peaceful too with each other. Same type of reaction is observed with Sunnis & Shias or Arabs & Turks
Norks don't have the same plastic surgery look pretty south koreans have. Very few of them are attractive and most of those have been fucked by kim jong il. Besides, most of them are indoctrinated and even worse than sjw asian american women.
and surgery
phone fag
How? North Korea is on the other side of the world. It's time for China, Japan and South Korea to experience multiculturalism, but knowing them, they'd probably make them mysteriously "disappear" before the refugees reach their border
Best case is becoming subhuman chines, or prostitutes for South Koreans,
They would probably go to some asian country like Japan or China and they'd be mad about it because they are mixing with their own, like we are right now
From the videos I've seen, they seem like nice people desu.
They're considered the niggers of asians
North Koreans are better than Muslims but they'd probably prefer going to China and South Korea before they'd ever consider the US. That's of course if they don't commit mass suicide from mourning the death of their god.
East Germans didn't ditch Germany when the wall fell, I don't this will be different. That said if they do leave they are more likely to head for Japan, China, or somewhere in southern Asia. Going from Eastern to western culture is a bit of a shock and hard to adjust to.
This. Chinks would fuck em up and sell them as slaves
ill take their women, but the men have to go back
Isn't that island niggers?
Better hide your dogs.
nah that guys right. immigrants are ok until they're qt asian girls. You wanna see millions of white women finally embrace nationalism and closed borders? bring in the asian chicks
> women interested in sex
> relevant
Just put her on her back and start thrusting user.
Asian women who are in the mood tend to be really grabby and wail like banshees. It's a far more pleasant experience to fuck them when they're just lying there doing their womanly duty.
t. Actually dated lots of Asians
Would be willing to accept it, but I'd be worried about the major cultural differences. How well would they be able to adopt our Western culture, what are their world views (i.e. are they indoctrinated with the whole "communism good, capitalism bad," philosophy?.) Obviously there are some NKs read pilled enough to realize that they're something better for them on the other side of the border, but can we accurately judge what percentage of them think similarly to us? I'd treat them like any other person coming to the USA: screen them first.
Realistically China would probably be the first to take refugees. They're trying very hard to avoid it because they would all flood into their population centers and fuck with there economy. I'm guessing they will funnel them into the rural areas and employ them as farmers to help with their food shortage.
Their religion / ideology isn't fucked up, so it'd be fine.
I doubt they'd attack our people and rape our women/children like the shitskins do.
To be fair Asians consider anyone other than people from their country as Asian Niggers. Except the Japanese, even then most other Asians hate them anyway because of the brutal shit they pulled in WWII.
The idea that all North Koreans are brainwashed and really believe the propaganda is BS. They know their country is a giant prison and they know who to blame. They will turn on their leaders as soon as they realize they can get away with it. Remember what happened in Romania back in 1989? Everyone thought Nicolae Ceaușescu had the absolute devotion of his people. How'd that work out for him and his wife? The reality is that the only real communists in the world are on American and European college campuses.
Comfort women??, please Japan teach us how you guys did it
I wonder how fast women in the west would shut down immigration and refugees if all we took in were women between the ages of 16 and 28
I wouldn't want them here, America is a white majority nation and Asians tend to hate whites. We have so many nonwhites it's starting to become a problem for us.
There would be millions of women protesting in the streets almost instantaneously.
Who would you rather have as refugees? Smelly islamic jihadists there to run you over, or chop your heads off when you don't convert? Or real sweet Asians from the far east?
Fuck gooks. Especially gooks that have been brainwashed for decades to think communism is good. Also their women are overrated.
They'd be put in the black ghettos
Apparently their violent crime rate is pretty high. Dont want em.