"Why I hate Pride Parades"


It's about time somebody famous called out these deviant gatherings for what they are - filth.

How can we wake more people up to the sodomite menace?

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off with these e-celebs.

Here, have something actually worth spending your time on.

so the jews were pushing for faggotery so one day they could point it out, that's clever

Lauren is famous though, I'm not seeing your point? How is 300,000 subscribers not?

Counter-Currents are sodomites. They must be purged from the right.

isn't that Grindr Greg's website?

None of my filters work to avoid this women.

Why are people watching Lauren Southern and why are we having 6 million threads of her every day?

Yes, and he's a traitor who has admitted he'd love to live in San Francisco if it were all white.

can you point me to anyone else with similar levels of public sway/appeal talking about this issue?



I don't care about subscribers (300,000 people pressed a button one time, that doesn't concern me) because I doubt her videos receive even half of that in terms of views. Besides, nothing any of these people say has any value or insight.

They archive essays and trascriots from great thinkers. That's the beginning and end of their usefulness.
Speaking of:

the video has over 100,000 views though

Attacking Pride marches is like stamping on the few termites above your porch, and not the colony underneath.

eh shlomo long time no see?

this video has over 160 million views youtube.com/watch?v=AlLsp4gnyDQ


Heh heh heh good goy, read about the benefits of national socialism in simple and clear language by one of the original thinkers of the ideology.

This, why is this chick always getting 12 million threads a day?

someone explain to me why she's bad. she has good points and clearly states problems.

Fuck off with your E-Celeb bullshit. Fucking beta orbiters

"Waaaaaah! Why don't people take us seriously! We are like every other people!" *Show them photos and videos from Pride Parades*

Pride parades are some seriously disgusting public spectacles. So much for the "we're normal just like you!" line.

Gay parades have always been one of the most shameful part of Western/liberal culture in the last decades.

Not only do they have accept faggotry, they celebrate it, waste millions on it, show its absolutely worst aspects under the guise of "pride" and usually involve kids too.

If you asked me to come up with the worst way to represent homosexuals and sexual deviants, I probably couldn't have come up with something worst than "pride" parades.

Worse than slut prides, almost as bad as chimpouts. They've always been completely unnecessary and especially now with faggotry being normalized, it has no excuse other than what it always was, just a way to promote degenerate shit and for gay perverts to hook up.




Fuck off with the constant islamist psyop. No one wants to join your backwards death cult.

She's not. Only shills and leftists get upset by her.

They know they can't attack her from the left here, so they come up with all these bullshit reasons to attack her.


Im here for hot pics of Lauren desu

>London Developers Told Apartment Complex must Include Gay Bar

>Airline promo for gay simply doesn't ckick

There's no endgame for gay activism. They can already marry, their shit is being pushed in schools, they're propagandized in almost every piece of media.

It's literally just a Jewish excuse to let people accept degeneracy for a day, weekend or in some cities a whole week, and expose children to it.

It's like feminism, a joke that went out of control and that everyone now struggles to justfiy the existence of today.


Lauren has really come through for me guys.

At first I thought she was just here for the hungry, virginal male publicity by riding the Alt-Cuck sentiment, like that cunt Tomi Lahren.

But she's actually alright.

Everyone loves Lauren. You can't contain it.

Because she's hot


Who fucking cares why she hates gay parades.

Probably because she cares about Western civilization and doesn't want this to happen to her children.

Eastern Europeans don't know how bad we have it in the West, especially in Canada with Trugay (where Lauren comes from)

They're teaching our kids to become faggots and trannies, celebrating it, and sometimes using our tax dollars on it.


She's a complete fucking autismo

What about her sister?


Surprisingly good.

Dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

O know gay people are lowering are population !!!!! this world needs more KIDS !

FUCK every one ! we need to destroy this fucker in my life time ! kill all gays ! fuck the planet


I'm a bisexual degenerate, I've had boyfriends. So obviously I think that people can do whatever they like in the privacy of their own home, but where did we get to the point where this disgusting public display of sickness is acceptable? Especially when they bring kids into it, fucking disgusts me

seriously why do we hate gay people ? people not having children makes it easier for your kids in the long run ? not like you have to fuck a shemale or get aids ? that is up to you if you are weak/heterosexual and are insecure .

Serious Islam has a very high rate of gay porn . . . . . . . . .kind of pathetic . . . you a sand nigger ?

Well everyone needs to make money somehow. Still Lauren must be very disappoint that she is promoting cultural marxist degeneracy. She doesn´t know better though.

Why does she talk out the sides of her mouth like Stefan ? Fucking canadians

Do you have a source on those statistics? Just looking through google results I'm not seeing anything showing the same disparity


Jesus, Canada.

>London Developers Told Apartment Complex must Include Gay Bar

literally state enforced homosexuality

How do we replace Lauren with her sister?

Situation will stay that way because large majority of western kids are influenced by these so called e-celebs, youtube and other streaming queers.
Your entire day is based on what some teenage boy or girl said on his/hers twitter account.
At the end of the day, they earn money of it, and where are you? Complaining about same problems every day, doing nothing.
Regarding Eastern Europe, my country have gay woman Prime Minister backed by USA, with mandatory 2 gay parades every year.

Reviewbrah has 360k.

if 0.03 % of the population make you is upset . . . well you

1. have a tiny penis
2. are a fag in the closet with a lot of self hate

why is her ass so fucking big?

Why do you faggots keep making thread about this dumb whore?

people bring their kids to these events where there are faggots dressed like this


They are societal parasites reveling in hedonism and enjoying all the benefits of society without doing anything to ensure our continued existence.

A lot of times no tits means nice juicy ass and vice versa.

>as Lauren makes her creamy brown gold, you take a spoon
>you lick your lips at the tasty delicate meal she is making from her butt
>you stick you spoon in her poop soup and get a taste of it
>you take a sniff of this smelly joy and put it in your mouth
>you let her creamy bottom chocolate melt on your tongue before you proceed chewing it
>Lauren looks back at you with shame, disgust and arousal, as she proceeds to make ass pudding
>after a few spoons of Lauren's creamy, steamy, sweet, brown ass candy, you lose control and bury your face in it
>now you are eating her bum sweets all up
>half of you face is covered in brown, but you almost had the mess cleaned up
>but Laurens face was red and she proceeded to make her tasty cocoa mass
>you had to take care of this at the source
>you come near her cream stained buttcheeks and spread them
>you take a few licks of her twitching poophole
>you lick it clean and shove your finger up Lauren's smelly asshole
>Lauren puts her hand on her mouth to contain her moaning, but you know she is enjoying every second of this
>as you move your finger around her anus you finally know what is to be done
>you gently press your lips against her anus and proceed to suck on it, with some tongue penetration
>Lauren started to moan out loud, she couldn't contain it anymore
>you knew what was coming next
>you were sucking out a brown steamy sausage from Laurens bowels
>it was going down you throat like a big black cock
>soon Lauren's nigger ass cock was all down in your tummy
>you put your nose against Lauren's pooper and took a nice sniff of it
>Lauren let out a wet fart right in your face and covered it with poop drops and crumbs
>you grinned and told Lauren this dinner was the shit
>she passed out and fell asleep
>you smiled and put your head on her big butt pillows for a nice scat nap

perfectly normal, you bigot.

why wouldn't you want to expose your children to this?


Yeah can you back that up ?

Go after john podesta pencil dick if you have any balls and care about kids.

Here is a trans person that has done shit .

Seriously this anti trans shit is a distraction that the government uses to cover up their own degeneracy . notice the bathroom bill came up when the panama papers came out you half wit ...

0.03 of the population is really scary you shrimp dicked pussy

Dyke kike hypocrite. That is all. Her gender enables jews and she has a shitty gender :). Nothing is worse. It's people like this and anybody else who agree. Who doomed man and ended it like they fucked it. With another species. Nukes. Paganism. Eclipses. Sept 23. Elitist pompous assholes have to steal and dictate everything

sick tranny faggot.


only sand nigger kill their own family because they are fags.

you a bunch of sand niggers?

gay people do not have kids and do not overpopulate this shit hole planet even more . . .how can that be a bad thing ? do not want aids ? do not be a fag !

Or is that hard for you ? faggot ?



> Lauren Southerns
> one of the most redpilled, outspoken alt-right


Unfortunately she's also jewish

that the best you got pencil dick ?

no point ! no BALLS !

Get a sex change you pussy or back your argument up !

Trans people are a fucking waste of time. pol never shuts up about them because they are a tool to the government .

if 0.03 % of the population make you is upset . . . well you

1. have a tiny penis
2. are a jew in the closet with a lot of self hate

I am going to make a video called: Why I have whiny self-entitled cunts.

Who gives a shit what this stinking twat thinks about anything? I don't care if she agrees or disagrees with me. Just look at her, she looks like your typical dumbass woman who hasn't experienced shit or done shit in her life but thinks the world revolves around her. The only thing this cunt is good for is sticking a dick in.

Fuck off with this shit. Shes got nothing significant or unique to say.

Look up the famous John Jay Study.

lol you sound like a faggot doing damage control. I don't actually follow Twitter much, just saw this video here and wanted to give my thoughts on fag parades.


> Be me
> Have two flaming faggot cousins for bosses
> Be hit on for months, told you're hot, unwanted touching, requests for pictures of your penis, invitations to dates that you repeatedly deny
> Tell them you're not interested, they say you're confused about your sexuality
> Blow up, make it very clear you want no homo
> They threaten to cut your hours and treat you like shit compared to other employees
> Call HR, file a sexual harassment complaint
> Get fired

Sounds about right, doesn't it? Fuck faggots.

i love lauren

Trans people 0.3 % of the population ! SCARY SHIT ~~~~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John podesta fucks kids and that is okay ! cause you do not have the balls to help deal with pizzagate

Even if all those views were Canadian... Congrats on her .4% viewership rate. If all those viewers were american... congrats on the roughly .04%. She's not famous.

Sex without procreation.
Defining your character by what genitals you like to fuck.
High levels of STDs.
Anonymous sex

It's pure hedonism protected by the boons of modern society and modern society that requires a family unit to survive into the future.

Homosexuals are utterly disgusting, rivaled only by abhorrent trappings of transexual lifestyle and objective.

she browses /pol definitely

she could even be reading this thread right now

hi big boy

Sup Forums


? Boring !

Fuck kid you are BORING !!!!! I have read your comment before on pol ! can you not think for yourself ? make a creative thought up by yourself ! fag = bad !!!! how many people you know that got aids ?

seriously if you fuck trash you are going to get aids ! it is your own fault. Strait or gay !

>Shes got nothing significant or unique to say.

Do you? What are your thoughts on pride parades?

So now you went from 0.03% or 0.3% and you went from talking about gay people to trannies?

Why the fuck would anyone defend these parades?

>makes a new video with a sponsor from a VPN company
>has a hired lying shill pretending to be Finnish despite the fact that several Finns have confirmed on multiple occasions that he speaks Finnish like a foreigner nigger and who also typically uses other IPs such as a UK one
>is jewish
What did Lauren mean by this?

T. I am a beta orbitor and she makes my dick hard so I should defend her. She can be Jewish, make the same topic points that have been said over a million times but she is the best because we said so.

Reminder that the kind of faggots who participate in gay parades don't deserve any sympathy.

Millionaire Gay Couple is Suing to Force a Church to Hold Their Wedding

Mozilla CEO resigns for being against gay marriage

New Mexico Supreme Court: Christian Photographers Must Shoot Homosexual Commitment Ceremony

Air Force Sergeant Claims He was Fired for Refusing to Endorse Gay Marriage: Faces Court Martial

Ashers Baking Company: 'Gay Cake' Row Could End Up in Court

Chaplains Group Investigating Claims Army Threatened Chaplain Over Facebook Post on Homosexuality

Denmark Forces Churches to Perform Same-Sex 'Marriages'

'Duck Dynasty' Star Suspended for Anti-Gay Remarks

Gay Couple Suing Church for Refusing Wedding

>I'm a bisexual


Time for archive
>cnn com/2013/12/18/showbiz/duck-dynasty-suspension

she's not jewish though

Did I really need this extended dick flopping scene?????