

well what, anime poster? dont you have a bull to prep?

Megumeme is dumb

You re(v)publicans dont have any argument huh.

Your post is re(v)tarded.

3/10 slide thread

Dont use the word retarded. Its really offensive to the differently abled.

Is "intellectually and existentially challenged" better for you?

I didnt say "retarded". Cant you read?

That's a really flat boy

yes thank you sweetie


Please don't vandalize my waifu with shitty leftist memes. Thanks.

That looks like an anime I would not watch. All the new shows are so gay and terrible. Restaurant to Another World is the only good show this season. Also, sage.

RepubliNEET incoming

Did your mom drop you when you were a kid?


>tfw I was unemployed and voted for Trump
That put me in a unique category, but I have a job now.

At MCburgers, right?

A little better than that. I'm a lab monkey.
