this bitch is a bigger poser than Lauren Southern.
This bitch is a bigger poser than Lauren Southern
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I want her to preach to me while she rides my dick
You seriously can't find ten pornstars in two minutes who are almost identical to this twig with stupid inflated lips and tits?
never seen one like her.. or Lauren :(
I immediately ejaculated
Anyone have age on her?
I saw her at one of those larping rallies and she had super leathery skin and giant injected lips. Looked pretty good for her late 40s, then heard shes sub 30.
Answered my own question, she's 28
Here's her pre... whatever she's done to herself.
Is she really Eastern European? She looks extra swarthy...
put on makeup?
Skin looks less leathery and lips look in proportion to face
Alls I know is where I saw he she was constantly smoking on parliaments. Tells me she loves coke and cock
Wiki says: "Goldy was born in 1989 in Toronto, Canada, to a family of partial Ukrainian and Greek origin."
Nice lips.
Post nudes, friendly merchant.
any feet pics?
>lips look natural to me
are you a fucking lizard?
you got it wrong i was the one who came here asking for pics
If she's in Canada and has Ukrainian ancestry you can bet its the kike variety.
Yea she's probably a kike.
I'm not sure maybe we can ask her on twitter if they're natural
I don't even car either I just want to fuck her really bad
fine leaf exports
Her lips are almost comically huge.
She's still hot though.
That's a shame merchant-kun.
>Her lips are almost comically huge.
>Doesn't like bimbos with fake lips.
What's wrong with you?
kekest of keks
About a year ago she looked really weird.
Now, she still looks weird, but more attractive...
she's ugly desu
the lips that could suck a golfball through a garden hose...
Jesus, those lip injections
>becoming a "HOT_FEMALE" hacky conservative journalist
Is this an optional career path for bimbos these days other than being a stripper/pornstar?
she aged like fucking shit I thought she was some 40 year old MILF
>is there any rule 34 on her?
No way I'm older than her. She looks 40.
But she's christian
faith goldy's 28 . i am older than she is and i look younger than her
white women age like milk
Shes hot
“Fash Goldie“
That doesn't make her not one of (((you guys))).
>Israel trying to push this disgusting tranny on us
She looks like a man
Looks like a fucking annoying cunt, to the oven you go kike.
Not a bj guy desu, but she can blow me anyday
I was genuinely shocked she was under 40, let alone in her early 20s
28 isn't early 20s mate.
Regarding the lips issue, I think it's over-extended lipstick.
Yeah. That's some grade a tranny.
Why do all Rebel news babes have mouths that look like they're stroking out when they talk?
>he does it for free
lockjaw from gobbling dongs whenever they can.
You're retarded. Sask. was like half Ukrainians in the 1800s. Farming, so you know they weren't jews.
Is it the botox injections paralyzing the nerves?
Is this real?
She is so fucking hot. Looks like the milf nextdoor while I was growing up that was a greek othadox sexy loud bitch.
10/10 would breed
She is objectively more beautiful than Lauren Southern.
here ya go
Just further proof that the alt-right will never have attractive females as part of their movement.
Faith is in her 20's and looks like she has been abusing botox for years.
A white male programmer pretending to be a trans lesbian in order to save/advance his career is a great idea for a comedy. First episode he finds out there is going to be a culling of all the non-jewish white males so he comes up with his scheme while drinking at a San Francisco bar with his fellow on the down-low shitlords/ladies. And not only does it save his job, it advances his career -- all the sudden he's in the club, on the inside track, part of the Good Ol' Jews network, getting promotions to do-nothing executive positions.
post hot lauren southern sister pics nao.
why the FUCK is this thread filled with so many israelis?
why is her skin so sun damaged
yes she is, but id rather mix with lauren. whiter blood. except i heard lauren has some ib*rian genes.
>You're such a great, fashy guy, user. Can we go back to your place?
feet me up famalam
She looks old because she doesn't eat food. Being underweight is shitty for skin and gaunt face make you look older.
I want to face fuck Faith, that mouth must feel amazing
Ya when I first saw her I thought she was late 30s. Then earlier this year I read she is like 1 year older than me.
She looks better and younger in this photo
I want to worship her ass
>implying you can believe what people claim their DNA test results were online
The simple fact that Southern felt insecure enough to take a test and post about, tells you you probably shouldn't believe anything she says about it. Same with Mike Enoch, anyone who is confident in their heritage doesn't need to send in their best friend's pure Nordic DNA swabs and make a big deal about the 100% pure Nordic test results.
best I could do ,senpai
Even with not tiddies, she is fuckin smoking.
>that fucking jawline
she has more testosterone running through her veins than 80% of the males on the west coast
LIPS 106, Home of the short hot mix. Cause music should be short and hot
I voted for Trump and I work for Google.
I have to hide my political affiliation from everyone I work for. If it ever became public knowledge that I voted for Trump at Google, I wouldn't be employees there for very much longer.
It's an extremely hostile workplace for people who have the audacity to be against equality of outcome.
Faith Goldy is Ukranian and Greek. She's not Orthodox just for memes
>Even with not tiddies, she is fuckin smoking
I was wondering if she had tits...
Have you been around women that are 25+ ? Very rare for women to look very good past that age... Faith Goldy is doing alright for herself if you ask me. A women older than 25 with kids usually looks 35-40
I wanna lick where her ass cheek meets the back of her thigh. hnnnggg
They stopped teaching phonics decades ago which was partly taught to encourage proper lip/mouth/tongue movement so you didn't look like a total goober when you talk and you pronounced words correctly. Nobody seems to give a fuck about speaking decent english though. That is one thing I can appreciate the Quebecers for...they really protect their dead language.
our girl?
Who would you bang, Sup Forums?
Boi it's all about the lips
Venti's tits are fantastic
why are christian memes so poorly photoshopped? I mean you don't even need the helmet, but if you're going to add it at least put in SOME effort outside of "import to new layer"
I've always wanted to bang Julie Borowski. Cute face and probably a nice body to boot. I remember she used to get posted here when libertarianism was a thing.
I'll be honest I want Ann Coulter to gentle femdom me.