"The alt-right was a big step back for right-wing politics. A mistake." - Me
"The alt-right was a big step back for right-wing politics. A mistake." - Me
No one is buying the alt right narrative.
alt-right =/= Sup Forums newfag
so piss off
don't you have some dark skinned dicks to suck justin?
What's the alt-right?
Sup Forums is not alt-right. Kill yourself faggot.
>Mediterranean man breeds Nordic qt
Nothing to see here, everything pretty normal
>The alt-right you have to go back
some shit made up by the media
Alt right=anyone not a cultural Marxist.
Good thing we're not ((((alt-right)))), we're NAZIS.
That bitch is fucking hispanic and needs to be thrown over Trump's big fat beaner wall.
this. Nordic women were made for Mediterranean dick
"faggot" - Me
nah. it brought new blood.
You're right. Alt Right is not the future of the right wing. They brought Richard Spencer out to turn him into the next David Duke.
Spencer talks about the nazi salutes at his speech like it was a controversy. It wasn't a controversy. It was a disaster that immediately lowered his numbers.
Even the lowest ranking members of the media -- Youtube talking heads -- have turned Spencer into a persona non grata.
Milo Yiannopoulos has 636,000 Youtube followers. Spencer has 13,800. The Alt Right is going no where. MAYBE more moderate guys like Jared Taylor because he is trying to de-nazify the movement, but that's it.
Men like Charles Murray, Jordan Peterson, or Tucker Carlson are the future of the right wing. They can talk about race issues without having to immediately dog whistle and screech like angry pimply faced teenage boys autistically spamming nazi, hitler, lets gas the jiiiiyyyyeeeeeeewwww!!!!!
Sup Forums was a mistake.
bitch looks Mediterranean, too.
It's like two Italian people fucking.
You suck big cocks. Youre going to choke on one. RIP
These are bad predictions. If you think an underground movement of buzzwords can be founded while there's people going around saying "gas the kikes" you're wrong.
>Greek man cucks anglo
seems about right
Alt-right pseudos are the newest iteration of bronies. You guys ever wonder where the bronies all went, and where the newest wave of quirky self-assured beta tweens came from? I know multiple people from highschool who underwent this transition in the last 5 years after graduating. Makes perfect sense when you think about it:
Their fandom is unshakable, and ultimately serves as a communal attestation to their superior taste and sensibilities. It's less about the content or substance, and more about how identifying with - and feeling they belong to - an enlightened few makes them feel.
This accounts for why they're completely immune to reason, and perform staggering mental gymnastics to explain any factual incongruity with their orthodoxy. But ultimately, it's primarily a superiority compex wrapped around an inferiority complex. I wonder what form this hilarious phenomenon will take next?
Define right-wing politics
>the alt-right is actually a thing