

Well they finally did it senpai. They pushed be past the point of no return by fucking with my fun. 12 hours is so it took for the cancer to Ron a perfectly good app and source of endless entertainment.

Press F to pay respects and post your dankest blackface.

Other urls found in this thread:


Archive please archive.is/QUR02


[email protected]

Forget about archiving N0rdbot, we need to email them to bring the ethnicity features back.

>LeRichardtronius Spencer


Oh so they did take it away. That was fast.

Post your /niggaselfes/

If you go on Twitter, as you'd expect, the only people getting offended are the typical white nu-male faggots that take it upon themselves to be the voice of everyone. Social media was a fucking mistake, has just encouraged a generation of fucking crybabies that take it upon themselves to be offended at every turn.

i fucking missed my chance to change my race because these cunts, they are transracialphobics

>These are the sorts of pathetic cunts getting outraged at FaceApp.

Seriously, just round all these cunts up and end them all.


Norway bro, the warrior we don't deserve

yo muh nigga, wuz gud?

I looked pretty badass as black, and surprisingly, I looked pretty pimp as Asian. I looked like Genghis Khan. But I guess it's broken now.


>the fact that races exist is now racist

I looked like a really cute half-Black boy. Unfortunately I didn't save it, and now it's gone...

Yo WuZ VEreeeeee TYghT manE
whAYY DeAYy taYk da FeatuR AwAayy FRm us?
wEEE Dinduu Notin FuckIn $jw MutHafUCkas

Look at the playstore ratings, people are really mad the filters got removed

I promise you that all of the brown people LOVE making themselves white on this app. LOVE IT.

>not ok
these same phrases, every fucking time. what is wrong with these people?


fuck twitter

Already that way in France. Not only the concept of biological races is considered racist, but using the very word "race", even for antiracist purpose or with another definition, is considered racist.

to anyone writing the app creators, please frame your argument along the lines of pic related.

What version had the race filters?

Can we download the apk for Android?

By (((Megan Friedman)))


what the fuck is happening

alright I send a mail to them complaining and calling the ones who caused this racists.

everyone here please do the same

[email protected]


can someone please make this monkey white before it gets shoahd

Posting for good luck


dont give up hope guys, read these reviews

>why did the universe ever have to happen and birth racism

Please see this picture to help frame your argument.


IT was Shoah’d this afternoon


[email protected]



white obama looks like a cross between Dubya and Wesley Clark

They removed the feature from all versions. I didn't even update my app

can someone just make a copypasta

What did Michelle O look like as a Woman?

the white version is surprising Bushlike

I hope we get the filters back.

now its time to fight bros!

I send multiple emails with multiple email accounts.

also please someone help with this

The Android store reviews are just page after page after page of nonstop 1 stars for removing the app, they're going to be forced to have to re-add them if this keeps up

No, they have to be original emails to be believable.

>Go figure—the Internet isn’t happy about it.

A few black people bitching about fake racism is the internet now? This is why we can't have nice things.

It was a server update that removed race filters, not an app update
Unless the developers bring them back of their own accord, they're gone forever

black kim looks like biggie smalls lel

Thanks as always for saving us from retards like OP.



>Lyin Ted
>doughy in all races



i cant figure out how to do it?


>tfw tried on myself
>tfw more attractive as white

Nigger Bogdanoff is really fucking scary.


Why banning this?
How the fuck is this even racist?


Blame white leftists who, in a more dangerous world, would already be dead.

Digital blackface

Fucking burgers. This is their fault. This kind of shit is only considered racist in their retarded fat country.

I didnt even get to niggerfy my gf

Niggers got ass blasted when they realized white Rihanna was hotter than original negress.

>tfw I'm sexually attracted to my alter egos

Tay's mom?!


I'd let her annex my territories, if you know what I mean.

oriental tucker is too much lolol


I cant believe they released it in the first place, they must have known what the reaction from the regressive left was going o be like

Holy fuck, did anyone do a white beyonce?

Top fucking kek


>obvious Sup Forums troll accounts
>"Seriously, just round all these cunts up and end them all."

Theyre russians

Loli Putin

why do you think she puts all that skin whitening makeup on

thinking emoji1 ? i have a collection of thinking emoji's can you drop yours thanks

Rihanna's pretty hot for a "black" girl but it's all due to her white genes. Look at the abomination in the lower right of your pic. Now THAT is a black girl.

The android reviews are restoring my hope in humanity

they probably thought something along the lines of

Indian rihanna's the hottest though




Guys, you know what to do


Damn, i'd hit it.

They should tell the filthy capitalist pigs to get to fuck then


checked, refer to for inspiration.

Completely looks like Bush. Isn't there some conspiracy theory that they're related? His mom and GHWB were both in the CIA, maybe they are family

Can we go full-circle and start doubleniggering again? That shit was hilarious.


Dumping selfie and some of my best

More Bogdanoff please! It has potential.