why am i seeing more and more white men dating and marrying asian women? what has caused this?
Why am i seeing more and more white men dating and marrying asian women? what has caused this?
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They're acting like white women should
White women are vapid whores?
Whites males seem like alphas to beta asian females.
They are submissive and ugly, so easy for betas to get laid with. I have one for a fuckbuddy but I'd never date her
I'm waiting for that 0.1% of white women that are still decent. At least being able to spot the signs of cancer makes the process less time consuming
Didn't you read the manifesto? Asian women are genetically better than white women. And for some reason, the longing of the cultures has lead to Asian women preferring what white men (especially non-liberals) being to the table.
Mingling* not longing
Bring... fuck! This is why I'm single!
you must live in a heavily asian area. Asian women hate asian men and marry white men for status. white men who are betas or huge controlling assholes like asian women. In reality, asian women are boring as fuck 90% of the time and it would be like marrying a post.
it's easier to find an asian girl who be good a wife
>obvious phone posting is obvious
tyrone, jose, and ackmed is busy with the last few remaining beautiful white women and all the rest are too fat.
China started letting their people leave the country.
Sadly, yes
This is good, but its more than that. I spot body language, facial expressions. When you know a decent number of feminists, you can spot the rest in a crowd. Inversely, you look into the eyes of a woman you know isn't a feminist and her eyes sparkle, full of life and laughter. The feminists' eyes are cold and miserable
Betas cant get get white girls so they settle for chinks. So many of them here
Women like tall men, men like petite women.
You think that lizard is attractive?
>Asian women hate asian men and marry white men for status. white men who are betas or huge controlling assholes like asian women.
This is super fucking annoying and I absolutely despise the asian women and beta white men who pull this shit.
The numbers are so skewed that I've never dated a woman of my own race and only end up with white girls instead, but I don't want to make an Elliot Rodger.
Because white women aren't worth the effort.
This, it's not rocket science
They also tend to be more feminine and submissive.
No theyre not. Theyre just not complete self centrered assholes like western women
I love asian girls, they are so much nicer to talk to even if they cant speak english well id much rather talk to a thai girl for an hour than some white roastie whore.
Asian women are the best and also really beautiful. They have the BEST hair. They can grow it long and silky with no curls
>rather talk to a thai girl
never been to thailand but they seem chill
at least the prostitutes
>what has caused this?
Asain women have more traditional values that white women generally so they make better partners, even if their spawn is hideous
what has caused this?
Asian women are women. White women are psychotic harpy roastie slam pigs.
White girls are more whorish. Something about their upbringing probably.
Most thai girls are conservative and nit prostitutes, they are lovely women, this dumb meme needs to die >:(
They are beta males and cant find a decent white women who likes them. All guys with a asian waifu are literally autistic beta males who look like shit are fat and old.
They are the worst.
I dont know OP. Saged
Best women are short enough that you can pin them against a wall while fucking them and their feet don't hit the ground.
I'm a pretty handsome white guy and my wife and kid are asian.
Pic related: me and the family
I don't have the sauce, but already saw the vid.
Is in pornhub.
Search by girls do porn in pornhub u'll find it.
Stupid question.
proxy pedophilia.
Fuck off with your slide thread
Isn't that a social issue, not a political one?
Most WHite Males are Beta CUcks that have lived their lives pampered by Mommy, Daddy and the State. They have no gumption, no force or vigor and are unattractive to everyone minus third world asians and latinas. It's quite sad.
>what has caused this?
ohhhhhh man...I saw the vid too. She has a GREAT ASS!
>pointy elbows 0/10
That's an objectively attractive girl, don't be dumb.
> woman has sex
> use it against her
Nobody here is going to fuck a virgin you are going to stay a virgin if you pull this crap on social media.
Race mixing is wrong
But the left HATES WMAF for some odd reason
Pic related
I never had social media bro. Of any type.
And I have a girlfriend for 4 years.
Same shit as having children with Niggers or Mulattoes. DEGENERATE.
Chink lover. Fucking disgusting.
She will love you long time.
i want those girls to suck me off
God damn. You can still hear the sound of her flushing her life away.
IDK Why this is. Here are so many good looking white men and they date our women.
because they're the only real women left. they're not into this feminist bullshit. I am going marry an asian girl some day.
>what has caused this?
White women are cancer.
Yeah totes the exact same thing. LOL
it's my noodle slurpers.
>and this?
Your instagram says that you're either normie-tier garbage, or really good at masking yourself as one
your kid already looks like he's preparing to shoot up the preschool
>white man gets stable employment and starts thinking about family
>sees white woman
>"family? lol dweeb first i have to ride the cock carousel for the next ten years, maybe work on my career etc. come back when im 30 years old and my pussy is wide enough to drive a truck through it"
>meanwhile, asian dad teaches asian daughter 'whitu manu gretu whitu manu strongu muh family muh honor etc.'
>white man sees asian girl
>'family? sure when do we start'
>white woman 10 years later "ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR REEEEEE" and buys a few cats to live her lonely life
lmao stfu you fucking jap, even your own women won't date you.
Based Nippon. Betas already getting triggered and replying.
>hy am i seeing more and more white men dating and marrying asian women? what has caused this?
White men are noticing the treachery of white women, makes them ripe for the yellow con.
You get elliot rodger from an asian mother and white father
This is my kind of girl, I like asians too but to me this is perfection.
Im currently on vacation in the US and I see lots of interracial couples and children and the asian-european hybrides dont look good really. They all look like weak nerds.
You feel so akward if there are only 30% white people around you. We have to stop this shit.
>why am i seeing more and more white men dating and marrying asian women?
White women don't want to preserve the white race, some men will just go to plan B, the new hapa master race.
99% of white women are unmarriable trash
Because so many white women are choosing their shitty meme careers over relationships and families.
Then killing themselves.
It's an innate desire in our DNA lineage to heal the trauma inflicted during the Atlantian/Lemurian Wars
Men prefer women that act like women, always have, always will.
There's nothing more to "yellow fever" than that.
Conversely I would assume the same is true about women.
At what age should a man start a family?
OP must not have grown up in or around the military. All my friends were half Asian.
Also white women in the US are less likely to marry a member of another race than white men.
If you cant find a decent white girl then maybe try to look for them at the library and not at the fcking strip club.
If you cant find one youre a beta male, a cuck, a nerd, a fatass.
Lift, groom yourself, behave like a men and stop browsing Sup Forums 5 hours a day.
>wanting to be with white vaginal jews destroying white culture and nations
>asian women are superior in every way, admiring white culture and nations
>Asian men/family are overly controlling
>Leads to high class girls shunning them because of the annoying behavior of them
>Go to anyone else but their own kind
>Poorer asians/ones born in cultural degeneracy just fuck everything
>Watch the last season of Hotel Hell
>Literally the oldest surviving married couples (both in age and marriage) are White Male/Asian Female
I literally thought that FOX was pushing a Jewish race mixing agenda until I realised the truth
>At what age should a man start a family?
As soon as you can.
After you finished your studys and have a job.
25 is optimal.
You can easily make 5 children then.
late 30's
5 kids to pay child support.
yeah no thanks
they worship white cock.... when something worshiping your cock its hard to stop
Nope. Chinks just hide their crazy until it is too late.
It's happening because of a simple lack of standards. Asian women are easy and will do anything to be taken care of. But once you get serious with them they go crazy.
Find decent white women with two good parents. It's not that complicated.
Because third wave feminism has turned all the other women into massive cunts
>late 30's
Then youre 60 when your children are 20 wew.
>When you pop a cock, you can't stop
>5 kids to pay child support.
>yeah no thanks
Still a better life than yours.
What it like to have a son that looks nothing like you?
>but I don't want to make an Elliot Rodger.
Don't be a shitty jew parent then
>They have the BEST hair. They can grow it long and silky with no curls
It still feels like steel wire
>what has caused this?
The world is less racist now. The next generation of people that will call themselves white will be half Asian and half white and everyone will go along because the whole concept of white is stupid and racism is on the decline.