Why is the Father of Europe a christcuck (Charlemagne) instead of Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson who's nicknamed literally Skullsplitter? This is why Europe is cucked.
Why is the Father of Europe a christcuck (Charlemagne) instead of Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson who's nicknamed literally...
>Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson
Literally who?
Fuck off you larking pagan nigger
Because all skull splitter did was split skulls instead of doing something productive
This. What a silly premise of OP.
>why are things the way they are and not like in my fantasy world.
We have Charles Martell "the hammer"
Oh look, a Scandinavian cucking his ancestors-what surprise
because you don't develop architecture, mathematics, physics, or the internal combustion engines by splitting skulls you nord-cuck. Nords = niggers of the north
They're both fags who probably bathed in their own filth
>Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson
>be pagan cuck
>get cucked by mudslims
>oh noes who can help us?
>alpha charlemagne and his family expell sandniggers
>charlemagne cucks you into christedom
fuck off nordcuck
>because someone who acts like a muslim is somehow good
enjoy living in your huts, faggot. literally no better than a nigger
You don't know about the Earl of Orkney? Holy shit, being this new..
>improving where your ancestors failed is cucking them
Your pagan ancestors didn't have jobs at Mcdonalds or managing a retail store, is that why you refuse to work?
Well he was obviously a shit statesman because nobodies ever heard of him. Neither did you until you became a nordicist "white" larper
>Have been in the Navy
>Have had several jobs since and now
>In college
>user calls me jobless
Right, just deflect that cuckery. Face i, that traitor ass comment got btfo and now there's nothing more to say on the topic.
GG, Team Skullsplitter beats team cuck 3-0
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
Lurk moar
It was oakenshield you illiterate twat
>pulls open Heimskringla pdf.
>Let's check this Spaniard for mistakes
>ctrl+f "splitter"
>Holy shit, it's Thorfinn's son's nick name
Well done user.
>Charlemagne united most of continental Europe for the first time since the fall of Rome
>Why is he the father of Europe instead of this other guy that didnt
Are you literally retarded
because the father of europe is and always will be Christian. D E U S V U L T
>Unites France and part of Germany and smaller part of Italy, just the northern tip really
>"Whoa Charlemagne was the fucking shit! Rome part 2: Enter the French Badass"-the post
I mean, Charlemagne was ok. But as good as Rome? That's not even most of Continental Europe, it's just the parts you think are the most important.
>Unites France and part of Germany and smaller part of Italy
So the only relevant parts of continental Europe?
>Father of Europe has to follow a religion that did not begin in Europe
>Said religion is no longer going to be Eurocentric or mostly European
I like Christianity, it has a place and I defend it, but I mean [insert 555-come-on-now.jpg]
>"So the only relevant parts of continental Europe?"-He says
>"That's not even most of Continental Europe, it's just the parts you think are the most important."-I said
muslims never put a scratch on a viking
they asked us for help when they got raped by other sand people because snow niggas are big niggas
>muh viking heritage
go back to your ice hut snow nigger
We'll call you when we care about the opinions of muslim rape babies
Because while Charlemagne too was a illiterate warlord he had style and some semblance of civilization.
>implying I'm a filthy portuguese
Seriously cannot wait for the masculine Church to reassert itself. Christianity hasn't always and won't always be so damn feminine.
555 kill yourself
boo hoo moor rapebabies waah waah
>Christianity hasn't always and won't always be so damn feminine.
Gnostics and later Cathars taught that women and men were equal since we have the same soul it only depends on that live we're in at the moment. And Gnosticism is closer to Christ's word then the church of the Saul.
see image for actual map, not that retarded shit
Dodged. Well done user.
>he had style
It isn't, and that's the saddest thing user. Go to the Christian channels on youtube or even some of the threads here. It's all the pacifistic interpretation of the sermon on the mount bullshit. It's all incredibly bluepilled. And those fuckers just ignore the verse about buying swords,coming to bring the sword, or Heaven allowing violence.
The worst part isn't even the pacifism- it's the universalism. The reason the religion got so big in the first place. Few Christians will ever embrace the fact nearly everyone they know will remain blue pilled. What happens is they come on this site, see each other go "deus vult" and think that's the Christian culture. That Christians are able to differentiate races, even though the nations separately are spoken about in the Bible. This place has become an echo chamber completely ignoring that their fellow cuckstians will never be fully redpilled, even if them and a couple other dozens are.
Why should I go pagan if I don't believe the God's of Europe weren't real?
Savages die obscure violent deaths while Knights and Paladins die for honor and Christ.. blah blah blah those legends persevere a lot longer then vikings slaughtering monks.
>fights for almost 800 years
>kills more mudslimes than the rest of Europe combined
>"How will our ancestors fight their wars, Nicolas?"
>"With honor and dignity, just like us"
>Flash forward 1300 years. Soft power has replaced hard power as the medium of conflict, charisma has replaced strength in this society.
>"boo hoo moor rapebabies waah waah"
Honor them. That's my only takeaway this thread.
Richelieu and Father Joseph ruined Europe and the Catholic church forever.
look at those numbers, yet leftist are trying to push the "your people cant fight" narrative
except we fight good against communists. 1936
Don't. A heathen doesn't find religion because someone merely suggests it, or brings it up. They do it because it's integrity.
Reminder, Psalms 82 says there are multiple gods, and they are capable of dying. The "no god comes before me" is establishing a hierarchy, not exclusion.
Scandinavians had already been trading and fighting since long before.
It's incredibly ironic you talk about paladins and knights while posting pictures of Pagans, who defined our society in the European reawakening of the Renaissance
>inb4 there were no dark ages
There was compared to Roman achievements and those later on.
12 Paladins, named after the Palatine hill in Rome. The area was famous for as a marshal center of training and holding the brotherhood clergy of the war god Mars. They were represented in ceremony holding the 12 shields of Mars, one allegedly the real deal, the other 11 as decoys in case of theft.
Tell me more about how your Christian motifs aren't just jacking off to Roman paganism first.
>inb4 hold my hand I can't find anything
Try first, then I'll help you if you swore you did.
Archive please archive.is
I just like the artwork user.
Which was ba btw
From what I recall that Psalm refers to the Godling we can become but we can get back in the cycle of reincarnation at any point. And its nothing new Viking reached all the way to Persia but failed every time. Some had the power to sack Constantinople a few years before the Great Heathen Invasion. And that's some nice information history repeat itself so all that Pagan shit was probably taken from even older nations and cultures as well.
I'd say the father of Europe and the west is more so Augustus, regardless of any Christian or Pagan debate.
>killing commies is bad
Vikings were the most advanced seafaring society in their time, and discovered North America 400 years before Columbus. They weren't some primitive hut-living tribe. They built stone structures, and had advanced agriculture, and considered women equal before everyone other culture. & at least their God wasn't a pacifist kike who embodies the tenets of communism. Paganism is about conquest, and honor
Vikings were the most advanced seafaring society in their time, and discovered North America 400 years before Columbus. They weren't some primitive hut-living tribe. They built stone structures, and had advanced agriculture, and considered women equal before everyone other culture. & at least their God wasn't a pacifist kike who embodies the tenets of communism. Paganism is about conquest, and honor
tell me what they conquested LMFAO
yeah that dang pacifist kike like how they genocided the native americans and conquered the entire world those dang fucking CHRISTKEKS
>killing commies is bad
you fucking autist retard, no wonder you worship a mud hut religion
U mad leaf?
ba stands for badass.
What kind of shill fuck do you take me for?
The Scandinavians never tried to conquer Persia. That was raid or trade territory only.
Solid evidence for a solid argument lmao
And no, it uses the word god/gods and refers to them as a congregation, being advised specifically by the creator God. How did you get reincarnation out of that? Or the Bible at all? duh fuck
no you fucking tard.
90% of pagan arguments on Sup Forums are derived from Varg's weak arguments, most of which only attacking strawman arguments rather than legitimate ones. The other 10% is the small amount of creativity the pagans need to backtrack when actually scrutinised about their Cachetism.
It's almost like a cult has been created surrounding this smelly schizophrenic man who shits in the dirt.
Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus) reorganized a continent plunged into utter darkness following the collapse of the western (((Roman))) empire of Ravenna;
The Carolingians would essentially establish the modern political and ethnic boundaries (for the most part) and left a political legacy that would be followed by its successors and even Slavs who would take control of lands south of Pomerania.
Charlemagne truly established what is modern Europe versus some snownigger who cracked a few skulls open.
Augustus did not worship sandniggers he crucified your prophets rabis and fucked your shabo goys masters wife and daughters.
Vikings were white slave traders you fucking larper.
Forgot a comma there, stupid nigger.
>when the first one to bring up Varg in every thread is a Christian
Why are you being the girl in this photograph?
The fact that their DNA can be found all throughout Europe shows they at least did a lot of raping. And they still would have had a substantial Pagan stronghold in Scandanavia, and permanently in England and Central Europe if the viking leaders didn't become christianized traitors. After that, the modus-operandi of Europe became converting as many people to Christianity and importing them regardless if they're subhuman
Anti-Varg pagan here
They just enslaved the lesser christians
So do you know why it happens? I've not seen one of his videos, but it's the first thing Christchan fags throw out there
>discovered North America
by those standards north american indians discovered north america. Show me the map the vikings made showing the way to the continent.
>They weren't some primitive hut-living tribe. They built stone structures
yea some big advancements there
> considered women equal before everyone other culture
>God wasn't a pacifist kike who embodies the tenets of communism
pick one
Viking "raids" were always testing the waters to see if a land was possible or worth conquest. Since most of the timer they got their asses handed to them fairly quickly in land engagements between real government forces most expeditions turned into little more then "raids". And Gnosticism is nothing new read a book nigger.
because he is an easy target to attack because hes such a fucking moron like every other pagan.
stuff that pisses me off is that all of you larp and don't really believe in your gods and call it """cultural"""" or that EVERY pagan god existed even shintoism.
its so fucking mind-bogglingly retarded
>stuff that pisses me off is that all of you larp and don't really believe in your gods and call it """cultural""""
That's funny. They never imperialize or colonize anything outside the north sea and it's immediate periphery. They did raiding from what we know about historical texts, so it's almost like they never tried to conquer areas thousands of miles away, like a sensible human being. Weird, it's almost like you made shit up.
>Tells the guys who goes on every Gnostic thread and posts literal lines from the Nag Hammadi's, the Bible, Manichaean information, and stuff on the Cathars to read a book about Gnosticism
Ok. I'll get right on that. I'll be sure to get on your level from now on.
>all of you larp and don't really believe in your gods
I'm not heathen, nor pagan. I only speak up because Christians don't on the internet, especially here, don't realize how bluepilled modern Christianity is. They don't realize how few redpilled Christians there are. Christianity is a pacifistic, universalist religion. Invented by a non-European no less.
I'll take Pagan people over the echo chamber crusader larpers anyday.
Also, a lot of pagans admit their gods were either:
a)symbolic, but filling a archetypical niche
b)were people who were deified and actually existed
In either sense, they would be real. Not counting Orphic Mysteries type pagans, who believe their gods are literal forces of nature given anthropomorphic qualities.
Because he spouts whatever the fuck his autistic wife mumbles about, and that wouldn't be so bad if he didn't sperg out on anyone who argues with him. He's known to be jewey and block channels, and when said channel points it out Varg unblocks them and continues to sperg. He's unhinged.
So he triggers Chriscucks? Or maybe he's just a real life strawman?
A few things we can take away from that.
Thorfinn was made fun of because when he was an adult he didn't kill children on raids. Basically he didnt act like a nigger so his fellow vikings thought he was a pussy. Pre christian norsemen where savages.
It's not even Christcucks he does this to, it's actually hard to find any in his comment sections. It's other nationalist/pagan channels that he blocks and spergs on. I personally believe he wants to get get rid of all similar, but different voices by making them look bad. Essentially he's trying to become the Manson of right wing pagans no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
>Defended Europe from Muslims
>Had anti usury laws for Jews
>United Frankish Empire
>ay yo mufugga snownigger who lived in islands that did nothing of relevance except pillage and kill
>Romans rape a women
>Romans rape her daughters
>Romans killer her husband
>They leave her
>She get's a chariot, raises an army, and leads a campaign that kills countless Romans
Mercy was rare for a reason user. We live in easy times where we don't have to think twice about consequences like they did.
>She get's a chariot, raises an army, and leads a campaign that kills countless Romans
And committed suicide along with her daughters afterwards, just before her army was crucified. Blind rage never works out in the end no matter how much we want it to, user.
>Viking helmets had horns meme
There's a difference between simply walking across a frozen landmass which was the case for America's indigenous people, and actually building ships and traveling thousands of miles away and establishing settlements and coordinating subsequent arrivals of goods and provisions from mainland scandinavia and iceland.
And all of Europe was living in stone structures af that time, so I'm just illustrating the point that they weren't behind the curve. They certainly were ahead of their time in terms of weaponry with Ulfbert sword which was the most advanced sword of its time, and they were also the first to use chainmail.
& it's not a pacifist position to have women as equals. It increased the size of the viking's fighting force and defenses to have everyone able to defend themselves. Women still had traditionalist roles, but weren't seen as property like christians
yeah they carried mead in horns, but it certainly wasn't an adornment on their helmet. That would have been dangerous in such close quarters traveling on their ships.
>Blind rage never works out
The lesson here was mercy. Who's to say she didn't prevent more rapes in her wake? Being a pussy never works out in the end no matter how comfortable it makes you feel, user.
It's legit pretty funny. It all comes from one archaeological find
>Reminder, Psalms 82 says there are multiple gods, and they are capable of dying. The "no god comes before me" is establishing a hierarchy, not exclusion.
Isaiah 45:5 "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:"
Psalm 86:10 "For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone."
Are you serious ? The bible is pretty clear that there is only one God.
what the hell was dangerous about them?
that's because most vikings didn't wear helmets.
The people who could afford helmets didn't need to become vikings.
>Boudica is someone to brag about
lel. By Pagan Roman standards she was given mercy and her chimpout caused the genocide of her people. Christianization is what civilised the western world post Rome.
>that's because most vikings didn't wear helmets.
>The people who could afford helmets didn't need to become vikings.
Oh really? Thanks for your input on the vikings that you know nothing about, random nobody on the internet.
Trying to find a single canonical "father of europe" is quite silly because there have been many great men throughout history.
More probably happened, all of the fighting aged men were dead.
>butthurt norske
get fucked by a fjord
We don't know that for a fact. Hypothetically, hitting a skull hard enough could possibly lead to an atom getting split. It's more of a lack of trying than anything else.
You call Kiev immediate? And the only reason they could conquer anything other then those immediate areas was because thats fucking dumb and difficult. Why take somewhere in the Mediterranean filled with Christians when you could kill other Pagans or disorganized Islanders? And why the hell would you say there is no reference to reincarnation in the bible then act like you are some expert? Get your head out of your ass.