European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama'
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Like any American gives a shit what foreigners think.
i don't think anyone cares about european diplomats
the world is laughing at you
how does it feel to be a global laughingstock because you elected a retard for president
>maybe I'll be reelected if I attack someone the mainstream media doesn't like
Wow Euros don't like America color me shocked
a fair amount of the USA unironically think Trump is a dictator and he doesn't care. why would he care what smelly foreigners think?
They will buy American natural gas and they will like it no matter how much they throw a tantrum
>Conveniently ignoring we gor another fucking Trudeau you fucking cuck
>diplomats consider his vocabulary to be limited to so few words and phrases that they play a type of "word bingo" whenever he speaks.
And we should care what Europoor diplomats think because?
Nah mate Trump is a fuckin boss
>mfw Canada elected a $200,000 duck with fun socks and millennial appeal to sell off all their gold reserves to pay for gibs while the budget balances itself
Nobody thinks Trudeau is a laughingstock outside of the echo chambers that genuinely believe "If you kill your enemies, they win" is a quote he said.
>according to a BuzzFeed report
fake news
As he just finished telling you, Americans dont give a shit what you laugh about.
>obsessed with Obama
Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle black.
Thanks for going through that for me. Your service is appreciated.
Make image.
Then read it's a leaf. Oh well...
>unpredictable twitter use
Why do I feel that absolutely no one in the European Foreign Services gives a flying fuck about this particular obsession of the American Left.
You're I dont. I just so happen to agree in this case.
>according to a BuzzFeed report
Let me guess, "Sources say"
you retards said the exact same thing when another right wing retard was your president, George W Bush. It's all fun and games until Republicans crash your country with no survivors.
Says the European cuckolds obsessed with committing cultural suicide and watching their wives, sisters and daughters get raped, acid attacked, blown up and ran over. Give me a break. I bet this fucking faggot is German too. Round 3 when?
European diplomats are most cucks, women, or Muslims in this day in age.
So... fuck 'em.
French diplomat Congolo Mustafa Mohammedon can suck a dick.
Keep taking our illegals, faggot
>european diplomat
We consider you a laughing stock, who is obsessed with Trump.
"Bruhuhu...Trump took our toy (society) and doesn't let us twist it and transform and torture it. If we pretend that we won, then it will be so much fun"
This is why the European markets are shitting themselves over NK while today's S&P was only -0.04%.
We knew this already.
Nobody cares.
>implying Justin from Canada isn't a global embarrassment
Everyone is meeting right now. To discuss this brand new information. We'll get back to you.
>my feet hurt
>reportedly consider
Who says journalism is slagging.
>maplefaggots' sexual fantasies are supposed to offend me
This, they'll make a big stink about European independence and cooperation, start a bunch of ambitious EU projects (which will ultimately tank because western europeans all hate each other over petty, nearly ancient shit) and then go right back to buying from the US and complaining about it.
Europeans consider their diplomats overpaid scum who are obsessed with Trump
>obamaleaf this triggered
>obamaleaf this mentally ill
european? you mean eu? eu diplomats consider anyone else laughing stocks?
Remember that time farage roasted the fuck out of them? Ayo hol up I'll find the sauce
>tfw you have to sift through all the times he roasted them to find the right video
Do bots have feelings?
Its the (((media))) with the obsession. Next they'll say he has one testicle and genocided faggots (Jews).
Cant barrage the farrage
I love this man, if I could I'd vote for him
American's isolationism is what made them strong.
fucking hell why dont we have this in USA??
no one argues like this
Who cares what a bunch of degenerate lefties think?
>check flag...
Oh never mind.
I feel terrible. Obama was such a great president and we elected some internet meme.
>If you got people of their identity if you rob them of their democracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence
Also I accidentally hit the audio CAPTCHA and am 100% positive this chink is not speaking english
>55% cuck queen
>Europeans diplomats
Literally, who?
>Obama was a great president
Id be totally cool watching right wing death squads execute people like you on the streets
Probably just mexican intellectuals
They wouldn't say this about black trump.
it's the UK system, the exact opposite of what the US wanted lol
Western Europe is pathetic.
Muslim terrorist stronghold is in Belgium where EU headquarters are.
Nuke as along with Korea thanks.
here here
>most powerful nation on the planet
> giving two iotas of a fuck what a leaf faggot thinks about US
>European diplomats also told BuzzFeed that they think Trump's foreign policy doctrine is driven primarily "an obsession" with undoing former President Barack Obama's initiatives."It's his only real position," one official said. "He will ask: 'Did Obama approve this?' And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: 'We don't.'"The official added: "He won't even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama."
Because he prefers safe bets.