I dont understand how you could possibly think drugs should be illegal after watching breaking bad

I dont understand how you could possibly think drugs should be illegal after watching breaking bad.
Is breaking bad basically like the game of thrones for non-faggots?

Cause more people die from drug overdoses than drug violence; the drugs themselves are deadlier then their dealers

Hello mister bull, your shit is extra crunchy today!
The overdoses happen bc we dont have proper narcan distribution/drug education.
Almost everybody who overdoses has nobody to blame but themselves. Harsh but true. The dealers are doing a service thats well appreciated by the users.

You won't find the answer on Sup Forums, everyone here is a bootlicker on the topic of drugs.


>muh drugs

Muh "im a little bitch afraid of the law so i only use inferior drugs like alcohol and nicotine"

If you had actually watched the show you would know that it doesn't end well of pretty much anyone.

But hank dies, and its a good death, because piggies fry like bacon.

I've seen alcoholics destroy their gastrointestinal tract who end up wearing diapers at 50. I don't know how cool you're gonna be with a shitbag attached to your waist.

Eat/drink a bunch of experimental and contaminated shit all your life and get cancer. Ruin thousands more lives by selling a bunch of poisonous crap in order to transfer the money to big pharma and the medical industry. Be a cool "anti"-hero for the public to look unto, even staring in google's yearly zeitgeist video.

Well yeah man, because the drugs are illegal, duh. It would all be grooovy if you just legalize it man.

>Is breaking bad basically like the game of thrones for non-faggots?
No, but they are similar in that they're shit but everyone pretends to like them.
AMC ain't never put out a good show.

I do drugs which dont harm you like alcohol does. That was the point of my sarcastic quote.
Youre not a smart one are ya canada...

Fuck off nigger.
You're a fucking embarrassment.
Is this an attempt at making me cringe away from weed?

Best show of all time probably, and meth probably ain't that bad. Heroin dealers and users should be shot on sight

What drugs are you talking about then? Fentanyl? Meth? Crack? Cannabis? Long term they're all going to destroy your body or your mind.

>for non-faggots?
oh, fucking come on...
it is an erastes/eromenos story (because we are in the fag ages) taking place among cardboard suburb "sociopaths" (so that monkeys watching it can get a rush at the idea of telling their real life bosses to bugger off, even though they won't, ever)

"barebacking dad" is gay as can be

The lifespan of alcoholics seems to be highly dependent on genetics. I come from a long line of them, most of which die long past the average lifespan. Currently my 84 year old grandfather is in the hospital and is about to die. Drank all his life, but it looks like a car crash is going to be what kills him.

Shit. Hank dies?
Maybe I should have kept the satellite a week longer.

OP is some weed dealing faggot who imagines himself a heisenberg when he's just an even shittier first season jesse.