Femanon here

Femanon here.

I'll give each one of you 30 seconds to give me a short logical explanation of why Trumps pro-war language against North Korea is a good thing. Because in my mind, which has a background in ethics, law, and political science thanks to my university, has woke me enough to realize how terrible of an idea it is.

I mean, unless you imbeciles like dying on a planet that's destroyed by nuclear warfare..

girl btw

did you know im a girl?

the discussion is a waste of time, there are more important topics at hand, if you do not want to focus on more important subjects please take a seat in the next room

did i mention femanon

Because it shows Norks that we aren't fucking around unlike the last two presidents who killed sand niggers for "muh WMDs" but let an actual threat develop nukes

>Femanon here.
>thread is not about gender issues

Tits or GTFO

TT or GtFO!!!!

>femanon here
totally deserves its own secetion.


I am seriously a fucking woman.

Shut up whore.

Post tits to prove you're a femanon plox.

>background in ethics


The only redeeming quality you have is that hole between your legs. That's all we care about.

If you wanted a discussion you should have just shut the fuck up about it.

>femanon here
>I'm so smart
>I learned stuff
>your wrong
>don't ask me to tell you why

I know this is bait but mfw women actually think like this

Nuclear proliferation.

>I mean, unless you imbeciles like dying on a planet that's destroyed by nuclear warfare..
Anyone who threatens to use a weapon of mass destruction or owns a weapon of mass destruction needs to be shot. It's necessary that these people die.

1. Fuck off nobody cares that you're female, read the rules
2. Its not a good thing, he is being influenced by his international financiers who want NK and other dictatorships taken out of the picture

t. National Socialist

>BTW im a girl lol XD

Like flies to shit. Every fucking time.

NK dindu nuffin!



So, how am I in the USA going to die if NK bombs fucking GUAM in the middle of the pacific ocean?

Another sensationalist SJW faggot talking about shit they know nothing about. All those degrees and you can't read a goddamn map. You're pathetic

I can't stand all the idiotic Trump posters on here as well. Glad to see an educated woman speaking truth to power. By the way, I know this might seem a little strange (I don't normally say things like this but I might as well give it a try), but do you want to go and get a coffee some time? I can give you a throwaway email if you want to get in touch.

>Trumps pro-war language against North Korea
He's been trying to get them to negotiate peacefully for over a month now. If he was really pro-war, he would have acted by now. It's not his fault NK wants no part of it.

Also, if you doomshame me again, I'll have your tits on a meathook cunt.

>starts thread about Trump
>first line is "i'm a grill, boys", which is a completely unneeded information
Bait or retard.

You could have just deleted the first line of your post and got legitimate answers in a timely manner. But you just had to post the fact that you're a woman, you shot yourself in the foot there. Now please indulge us, tits or gtfo

It provides a distraction from the investigation/russia connections etc that is plaguing Trump. Its a good thing for Trump, not for the world or the country, but you didnt specify.

>Because in my mind, which has a background in ethics, law, and political science thanks to my university, has woke me enough to realize

AYOO NOW HOOOL' UP, GURL. See, if you had an education in political science, you'd know that India and Pakistan have been frequently engaging in a war of words for decades now. Both nations have nukes. Both nations have threatened each other with pre-emptive strikes.

Both nations have even engaged in conventional warfare at one point in the 70s or 80s.

And nothing of note has happened.

>I have a moist hole between my legs, give me (you)s

Tits or GTFO.

No one cares about your opinion. They only care about gaining access to your slime hole.

tits or gtfo

>Be female
>Expect to get a Legitimate response on Sup Forums

Tits or gtfo you cum hungry cockslut.


Because decades of handling the Kim dynasty with politically sensitive language, a nuclear deal (W J Clinton), red lines with no follow up, and sanctions that don't affect the power structure of NK has led to a nuclear armed NK capable of employing thermonuclear weapons thousands of miles from its borders.

Now show us your tits or get the fuck out.

Would you rather wait 20 years when they have even more advanced weaponry and are able to do even more devastation? Fuck them, take em' out.

Because NK has been an atagonistic threat since the 1950's, long before Trumps rise to power you stupid bint.

Girl here >_>

I'm proud of Daddy Donald Trump for manning up and showing Kim-Jing-Jong he isn't going to take any shit XD!

Are you still there, OP? Please reply. I only said this because I like to meet interesting people. Hope you didn't take it the wrong way.


Because Global Politics is chess,sweetie
>not tiddiley-winks

Congrats on your VAGINA,tho...

>1 post by this ID

Hey I'm a girl btw guys look at me

Actually. don't worry about replying to me. I was wrong to have said what I said. Sorry.

Bitch, I am a lawyer and I know how to speak the English. You are a LARPin' neckbearded faggot, just like the rest of Sup Forums
college, you Rusky
>has woke me
>how terrible of an idea
what a terrible idea

You must have gone to WVU if you went to college at all, you toothless fuck..

Threat of violence is often the best deterrence of violence.

Jesus Christ dude, kill yourself.

Are you retarded?
We've been pussy footing around for several decades with regards to North Korea. Why do you think the same old bullshit is going to work? Why not shut the fuck up and let the guy try a different strategy for a little while. That or we can try it your way and watch leftist-utopia California get nuked in a few more years.

are you registered for the draft?

You are an utterly humiliating example of the human race.

Whatever you say, mrumphfkin.

Not awoken?

Weak b8.


>thinking north korea has more than one nuke
The female mind never fails to show just how little it knows.


Tits or gtfo


1 post by this ID. No tits. It's time to sage this shit.

Hey guys just making sure you know I'm a girl

>Trumps pro-war language against North Korea, a country who has routinely expressed a hatred and wish to obliterate the US is NOT a good thing

>Liberal America's Pro-War Stance with Russia, a nuclear-armed superpower country who doesnt want a nuclear war over something that didn't fucking happen is just common sense.

>My modern University

Neck yourself, but dont forget, tits with time stamp before the trip to eternal darkness.

All the good people in the world are what you call "leftists." Academics, people in the technology sector, people in the media - basically, anybody who isn't a prejudiced, bigoted redneck that stands on the wrong side of history.

>why Trumps pro-war language against North Korea is a good thing

Femscum shove your strawman up your diseaseridden cunthole. U scum.

Shut up, cunt. Noone asked you.

Aww are anons rawr angry because a girl invaded their pwecious wittle safe space? Get a life losers.

I have no idea. Trump is where he is and I am where I am for a reason.

>Femanon here.
That is why you don't understand. I don't even mean it as a dig, it's just the reality. Women don't speak the language of force, with good reason. This is nothing all that spectacular and is absolutely a good idea. All he did was tell the truth, if you push us far enough we'll kill all of you.

Good people don't defend Islam and advocate white genocide

>I mean, unless you imbeciles like dying on a planet that's destroyed by nuclear warfare..

The thing is you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, NK is not Russia or China.

>Because in my mind, which has a background in ethics, law, and political science thanks to my university, has woke me enough to realize how terrible of an idea it is.

Either your university has failed you or your mind has. Pick one.

>I mean, unless you imbeciles like dying on a planet that's destroyed by nuclear warfare..

If north korea were invaded, and if they launched nukes, we have the technology to shoot them (the nukes) out of the sky. Nuclear warfare avoided.

However, with people like yourself dumbing down the soft sciences I couldn't wish firey death upon you any sooner.


fucking sage, stop larping you faggot

"the media are good"
You mean the informationalists who go after innocent people for thinking the wrong thing?

The people who incite race riots with their biased, skewed, and ironically, racist sensationalism?

Boooooy if your post isnt ironic, all the anal lube, and monkeys on tightropes in the world wont prepare you for what i'm going to do to you.

>mind, which has a background in ethics

what is it doing outside the kitchen?

Tits or BTFO

Fug korean waifugee pucci

hey i always wondered how warm is an american pussy ?


> femonon
> mind
pick one

So you've outed yourselves so far as Islamophobic, lunatics who believe in "white genocide," racist, and violent. That pretty much puts an end to this argument.


Alrighty then, where do you want your balls to go after i rip them off, trollfag?

Islam wants to put an end to everything that you hold dear. Homosexuality, Women's rights, Transsexualism. Islam is not your ally.

I'm not a Democrat (Jill Stein voter here) but I completely agree with you.

Finally, a shitfucker that understands.

Tits or GTFO you stupid fucking cunt.

Because what the fuck is NORK gonna do? Those slant eyed gooks have been half steppin like pussy bitches for decades now. They threaten nuclear war so much but no one takes them seriously. Their industry is shit, their bombs are shit, their worthless lives are shit. Everyone, even China, is tired of their autistic screeching.

Lol. Same old namecalling

I'd rather live under Islam and in a fair and equal socialist country than under the redneck theocracy which we have right now.

Are you a gril? No. You are not..
Image related.

They're used to getting free gibs after each fit. Let them eat returned threats instead.

Nobody's stopping you from leaving

North Korea can't actually do anything. Their country is in shambles, their economy is shit.
If this is anything like Iraq, the army will just put down their guns and walk if there's a real war. There hasn't been a large scale nation invasion since the Soviets failed to invade Afghanistan.

NK doesn't have the nuclear capability to do any real damage. The US defense system will blast anything out of the sky in minutes, no nuke will ever hit the main land. It won't make it to Japan. The absolute biggest threat (assuming they even have a nuke and it's not just BS), is the back of a truck or a boat beside a major city.

There's a bunch of old artillery pieces aimed at south Korea, but the US Airforce could probably destroy them all overnight. Their crappy military equipment isn't going to last long, and they will run out of fuel and food within a week.

North Korea is a shitty country. As much as I don't like war, that country really needs to disappear. Even China has modernized to a point of being a country you can actually visit, yet North Korea still exists like a museum piece.

North Korea is not a country like Iran or Russia, where you can actually go to the UN and have a constructive conversation about something. They are the only semi-industrial country that's completely disconnected from modern society.

So you learned how to repeat back what you're told? Good for you

30 seconds isn't much time if your a slow reading hambeast.

Islam isn't socialist. It's the conservative Red Neck religion of the middle east.

Thirty seconds is about the time it will take you to read this sentence, so I probably have no time left to make an argument. But if I do, tits or GTFO

Samefagging now? How fucking new are you?

Femanon here. Tits or gtfo.