Native Americans

Will Native Americans go extinct? Their population is low, life on reservations is awful, and there's a lot of inbreeding going on

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bumping for my people

op posted sicilian wopahontas

fredo's people

They fine, don't come to steal land.

0.1% native here

i think we deserve that fate

They got bleached


Iron Eyes Cody (born Espera Oscar de Corti April 3, 1904 – January 4, 1999) was an Italian-American actor. He portrayed Native Americans in Hollywood films. He also played a Native American shedding a tear about litter in one of the country's most well-known television PSAs, "Keep America Beautiful". In 1996, Cody's half-sister said that he was of Italian ancestry, but he denied it.
Cody was born Espera Oscar de Corti on April 3, 1904, in Kaplan in Vermilion Parish, in southwestern Louisiana, a second son of Antonio de Corti from southern Italy and his wife, Francesca Salpietra from Sicily He had two brothers, Joseph and Frank, and a sister, Victoria.His parents had a local grocery store in Gueydan, Louisiana, where he grew up. His father left the family and moved to Texas, where he took the name Tony Corti. His mother married Alton Abshire and had five more children with him.

We know the guy in the commercial isn't actually Native American, anons. Now answer the damn question in the OP

They're history's latest losers. If you think they were granola and peaceful like they're portrayed in books and media, you're wrong. They were warriors that fought against one another before Europe found them. They didn't take kindly to whitey either. Broken deals between Natives and the white man are fair play as far as broken treaties go. Shame on US.
The only way they can make it now is adopting the major culture of the country.

I came to say that.

Fucking native Americans are all too drunk to even look/act like a native American in front of a camera

More important: how to we facilitate the extinction of the Negro now that we have them are record population levels and more dependent then ever. I have some ideas.

Genetically no since most Mexicans are native Americans. Culturally maybe.

they aren't full blooded native americans though, they are mixed with spanish blood. and culturally they don't practice their native faith, but rather catholicism, a middle eastern religion.

that's like saying mulattoes are white people since they have some white ancestry

WHo fucking cares.

>wahhhh, the white man took our land.

You're god damn right we did. People have been conquering eachother and taking land since time immemorial. Deal with it you fucking alcoholics. The sooner you people go extinct the better. Maybe then we wont have to listen to you fuckers whining anymore. If you don;t like it put up a fucking fight, until then sit on the fucking reservation and collect your casino money.

I work at an Indian casino and the Cherokee are fucking based. Christian, not politically correct, ask "dot or feather" when you are talking about "the Indian guy" from the story you're telling.
My supervisor is Cherokee and he jokes about Andrew Jackson being on the $20 and how the casino rakes in all that money with his face on it, and how he needs to take a walk to Oklahoma to clear his mind.
It's a shame about the alcohol and drug abuse, though.

Kek nobody's full blooded anything.

The modern concept of race is just a simplified version of the tribalistic version we ran with for most of history.

You dumbfuck

Constantine created Catholicism in the Roman Empire. Catholic comes from the Greek word Katholikos and means universal. That's not really middle eastern.


Why are they called Native Americans when America didn't exist back then.
The current age is the age of cucks, the weak get conquered and thats how it always should be

you guys gotta quit the drinkin' and get a kinkin'

Man, I feel pity for them. Their ancestors got fucked over by what they probably thought of as nothing more than interesting strangers, and 3.000 years of culture (and actual city states, if I may add) got reduced to a bunch of ugly clichés.
And they still are more ignored than fucking niggers, the ones that didn´t got massacred, the ones that didn´t have to take the Trail of Tears, the ones that got fucking freed. Still, the fucking pavement apes, whose "culture" was, even in its prime, a joke compared to the Appalachian city states and the various tribe cultures. I would know, we Germans are huge Nativaboos/Injaboos(?).

Burgers, if you have the chance to help somebody, to lift them up or whatever, don´t help niggers or spics. Help an injun, they really deserve it. They are really the most in need.

I studied Mexican and Native American Lit and learned that the Germans have a hardon for that type of history. I head that ya'll study it because you have current immigration and cultural minority issues that you have to deal with and America is a good place to learn from when it comes to that.

>industrial society collapses
>mfw whites die off in a few days and i never have to see you filthy mutts ever again.
Best of luck to you full blooded europeans!

European diseases essentially brought the apocalypse to American Indians. In America, nearly nine tenths died due disease when Europeans arrived, and they still fought like hell.

> Obviously hasn't seen Mexican Catholicism.

>I head that ya'll study it because you have current immigration and cultural minority issues
Lol wtf you talking about? We study it because of this guy and because his books were literally one, if not the, most read german book series of all time. We even have the "Karl May Festspiele" here, where they play his books in a large open air theatre, and his movies run on tv all the time.
Don´t delude yourself, my man, it got nothing to do with politics, it´s just a cultural thing,

Amerindian religious practices varied between different villages so they didn't have a unified native faith. But most of them believed in a single supreme spirit who created the world.
The church was called katholikus by Ignatius of Antioch who was a bishop in the 1rst century.

didn't fight hard enough. fuck em.


THERE is a FUCK LOAD of indians in america, they just eat tacos and call themselves Mexicans now.

Basically any hispanic that isn't a white spaniard is an indian

Still sticking by my post. Although I concede that the Native culture hardon in Germany probably stems from that guy, the fascination with Mexican and Mexican-American Lit. stems from a prevalent issue with German immigration.

Native Americans also choose to make their own lives shitty on reservations.

They choose to live in shitty housing, get free money, live off food stamps, native medical and dental care, free hunting and fishing license and refuse to get a god damn job to make it better for themselves. They still get all that free shit even with a job.

They just don't want to do anything. Fuck those blanket asses.

Maybe their reservations wouldn't be so shitty if they all got jobs and worked to afford nicer things and stop doing drugs and put their fire water down, they could have nice reservations.

Fuck out a here with that shit, OP!

Lived near a res in Scottsdale, AZ. Was a smoker, so was down there often for many years. Last native Pima speaker might already be dead. Was teaching at SCC when I was there last. Girl my age tried to give a presentation in class about what it's like to watch your culture die. Really sad shit.

Still... I can see the dysfunction. They have the only legal Casinos in the entire state, and they do good business. Alcohol is illegal on the res, so the natives leave the res on welfare check day to go get shitfaced and stumble back home at midnight.

Their genes don't seem to handle alcohol or processed sugar very well. Lots of diabetes and obesity. Cultures of honor, pride, and deep in-group preferences. And there is a welfare benefit to living on the res. So many of them never blended in with the world they were born into.

Incompatible immigration. Naive notions of diversity and coexistence. Real loud fucking echoes.

It's another "north america thinks everything revolves around them" episode.

There are no jobs on reservations, nigga

i know of this native american tribe in washington state and visit frequently. everyone there looks very european and some admit to only being

Most Mexicans I know look more native American than people who actually claim to be native American.

Im pretty conservative but I do feel bad for Natives. Spent a month on a reserve last summer for work and damn life is rough especially the more north you go. Overweight alcoholics wondering the streets begging for cigs. At the end of the month when I left 2 12 year olds killed themselves at the reserve I was at. That really got to me.

Hahahhaha are you serious ??? you'll die from DT's after your listerine runs out chief sleeps in gutter

Nah, I'll die of old age with a belly full of moose meat. You on the other hand will die with a mouth and asshole full of nigger cum.

Who told you life on the reservations is horrible? Let me guess, you've never been on one, and don't know shit about which you speak. The one I'm familiar with does just fine, user.
And inbreeding? Give me a break.

>live on reserve
>maximum profit from a box of 30-30 is $40,000
>reservation live is awful

It honestly depends on which tribe, what state it lies in, and what kind area it lies in as well. The Eastern Cherokee Reservation is actually several patches of land spread over a few counties. The main res (Qualla Boundary) is where the big casino and all the touristy shit is. You move away from the downtown area and it looks just like any other town in western NC. You move into the surrounding areas still on the res and it still looks like any other place. The Snowbird Reservation in the next county over is indistinguishable from the surrounding off-res areas. The only thing that makes it apparent of whether you're on the reservation or not is if the roadsigns have Cherokee writing on them or not.
I've been on some reservations out in the Midwest and they seriously look like bombed out meth villages. The tribes west of the Mississippi had a worse time about dealing with expansion, though.

Being from Arizona, most injuns I've known have been jerks.
The Hopi on the other hand are pretty chill. I would hate for them to disappear.

Life on the res is pretty horrible. Grew up around it during summers where our cottage was. 13 year olds huffing glue, rampant alcoholism. Im not even one of those people who will defend their alcoholism and drug abuse saying the white man took it but you have to realize that substance abuse is everyday life on a lot of reserves. Have a native friend who is pretty successful in life and moved out of the res as soon as possible and refers to the drunk natives on res as just dirty Indians. As for the incest thats not true.

whites are the jews of none whites

t. white man

t. Crying pussy

t. Cletus Mcbuck

Anyone born in America is a native American.

*Indigenous American

I have no pity for them. My company did work for the housing dept for the tribe. These people live in absolute shit squalor. Dog shit all over the house, rotting food, week old dishes. And this is even grandmas and families, not just drunken 20 somethings. Their housing and property upkeep is all provided for, and they still decide to trash the place. It's not like they're 300 miles from civilization like on the Navajo res, they're 15 minutes from like the 4th biggest city in the country. They probably have more opportunities than I was ever afforded and they still squander it. Fuck them.

Lol this

Yeah... Fair points. I knew a guy who was from the tribe with that same basic opinion. He told me once he didn't really feel at home in either place.

The Hopi are the best Indians in Arizona , period.

Actually there are several full blooded native american groups who are untouched in Mexico and speak their native language and still have the same customs more or less.

Enjoy being minority

No, they won't die out. Here in the Pacific Northwest, they're doing better than they've done in over a hundred years. Buying back the land, developing some of it, and protecting some of it. And they're draining old white people and Asians of all their extra money. They've survived worse.

That's funny. But, if industrial society collapses, the only white that will survive are the rednecks with tonz o gunz and food. All the white, city liberals would be gone. Sounds kind of nice, actually. Will trade pelts for tobacco with you.

They keep their women unfuckable (maybe inbred, idk). So at least they probably won't leave the reservation.

That is an Italian actor in that picture.

why don't we mate with native americans and create a new super breed?

They are highly intelligent and follow customs of their people, something whites used to do. They have Casinos. Perhaps us bleaching them and them blacking us will give us a fighting chance. Native american girls are also qts desu. White girls will probably go for their guys too. It all makes sense

Sopranos veteran I see.

"In this house Christofuh Columbus was a hero, END OF SUBJECT!!!"

Have you ever met a native-white who was somewhat attractive (Warren doesn't count).

Of course they will die out.
During the early neolithic period the capoid race was the dominant race on planet earth. Now there are probably less than 100,000 of them on earth

Native american girls are hot af. I'm not just gonna start downloading pics to prove it to you, DId you check those trips?
Native Americans have very strong resemblance to whites besides color. They would mix well.

Agreed, Cherokee are in fact based. I love their cigarettes too. They have someone cool hiking trails up in North Carolina. I bumped into one of their elders or leaders or whatever once at their movie theater and he talked with me. Cool guy. Rather deal with them than a nice any day.

.. God I hope so.

I grew up near a rez. It is a cesspit of endless working american tax dollars flushed down the toilet. The fort McDowell indians get 100k just for graduating high school, as an incentive. And the vast majority of them don't bother and drop out. They get free healthcare, free food stamps regardless of income level, and BIA checks for the Payson highway running across their rez that they themselves use for any trip anywhere. All of this is tax free. And that doesn't include their casino dividends.

And they are completely useless and dumb as rocks. Not as violent as blacks or mexicans but easily as stupid and vegetative.

This user speaks truth.

You're retarded or used to "1/16th native/Cherokee princess" type fake native americans.

Full.blood indian women are all morbidly obese and terminally drunk. Literally like fat gin smelling jabba the huts in acid washed jeans wearing smoke shop baseball caps. You prolly never met a real Indian in your life.

They multiply like rabbits in Canada. An ex f2f of mine who traces lots to the US said they were like the niggers of Canada. Her words not mine

Your telling me you don't want to bleach her?

Good question, similar in importance I was wondering whether convenience stores will ever finally standardize the lid sizes for coffee cups. Wouldn't it make sense if every gas station sold coffee cups that could all use one size lid?

Not at all.

Most are already a tad mixed actually. There are few puries left.

Tbh this but if you ever run into an Indian and call them Mexican they'll be mad they hate Mexicans.

Remember the native american girl in Shanghai Noon? I rest my case.

they need to stop the drinking. Highest rate of retardation are on the rezez. so yeah north american indians are going to die out, the south and central american indios are going to take over this shit.

>one size lid

Stop it please


Well, you've obviously never been around real 100% indians before then. As I said..."cherokee native americans" just like I thought.

There's shit tons of pure blood 100% indians left in arizona. Pimas, navajos, havapais, havasupais, apache, oodham, etc etc. The women are invariably gigantically fat and gibbering ly stupidity from booze or fetal alcohol syndrome.

And the guy who said indians are the same as mexicans is fuckin clueless too. If you spent any time near a rez with real indians you can tell them from mexicans instantly.

P. Sure they still have real indians in other areas too, just not in many other states. They got indians in the Dakotas and montana, as well as in canada...just not along the coast in either country.

shes been bleached. Pastel eyes - yuck

I hope they do, they're like a rare almost extinct specie of animals, almost removed off of the face of the earth, they will not be missed.

I want to poca her hontas.

when was the last time you saw one? they have been effectively exterminated for a 100 years

That's how my family survived. We bent the knee.

I was in Arizona last year on a road trip. Nice state. But there has to be attractive Indians in North America. JEEZ you make it seem like they are all 2/10. Most are mixed these days.

This is power for your nofap.

This i s what real indians look and sound like:

There's a bunch of vids of this guy and his buddies. To hear the accent clearer look up "Romulus pinners" on youtube.

To see what Indian women look like just picture the guy I this video with less facial hair and a higher pitched voice.

Now you know you coastal non Indian having idiots.

Bleach her some more and what do you thing will happen.

Black you never go back is by the jews. Bleach every bitch you find. Were all gonna be mix but eventually enough of one thing will overcome the other.

Besides these North American Indians look kinda like Italians. Win-win faggots.

Manitoba? I had a friends who had a cottage there and man that family hated the indians because of the glue sniffing, lysol sniffing and so on. The girl I was friends with wanted to come to the US to work with inner city blacks because she felt so sorry for them, when I mentioned, 'help your own', she freaked.

They are brutally fat and ugly.

Real talk.

Like aboriginal Australian almost in the ugly and fat department.

I am sure there are ok looking ones. But sure as fuck not pure blooded. Mixed to high hell sure. But that's like saying tyra banks is hot so Nigerian black women must be hot. Jus sayin

Makes sense. But what about the girls in those pics? I know no one wants to fuck a fatty.

Also almost died in Arizona by my own stupidity. Chased a deer in a canyon because I thought I could persistently hunt it. Then I got lost for 3 hours. Surprised I got out

the latin americans did that. Horrible. Ours died out by the thousand due to disease, and they didn't have the civilization the southern types did.


im from the zapotec tribe in mexico, mexicans hate us, yet we outfucking everyone

I don't understand. Are you telling me I like latinas?

There has got to be some left


Navajo here. Gas the drunks, wannabe gangbangers and druggies.