Confirmed White Privilege in Upstate NY

New York State Police just stand by and watch as violent gangs of white people roam the streets, drinking alchohol and even laughing in the faces of the police while they do it.

If 200 black people gathered around and had a house party of this magnitude it would be declared a riot and the police would be sent in to pepper spray and arrest everyone.

White privilege is real. Do something white people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump, white privilege cant go ignored

Address black on black crime in upstate New York

No one cares.

Jouvert, any nigger block party in harlem or south bronx. Nobody cares.

>drunk people at a party are violent gangs
>drinking on a private property is an open container violation


long island fag here
some places upstate are even more uncivilized than the backwoods of mississippi
theres probably more nascar watching rednecks upstate than in missouri


Yup. Syracuse checking in. I've lived here and down south and for some reason I see more stars and bars outside of Syracuse than anywhere else on Earth.

allright fella wanna know something about white societies when they were stil almost 100% white.

People diddn't even lock there door niga

It's because whites are good people and get along with cops. Niggers don't. plus they are in their front yard, not in the street so fuck off you stupid fucking nigger.

Last interaction I had with the police was on the 4th of July. We were in the front yard drinking and playing cornhole, and an officer pulled up and yelled out of his car to shotgun beers the next time we swung by. We did, he laughed, fun was had by all.

>If 200 black people gathered around and had a house party of this magnitude

There would be 10 dead bodies within the first 10 minutes

White people may laugh at cops, but generally they don't kill cops and respect them to some degree. When Black people get drunk in groups they kill and hurt people because they're told that it's all whities fault.

I grew up in upstate not far from Rochester
Let me break this down for You:
Nobody cares about the opinion of butthurt niggers in upstate if you want sympathy go to your overcrowded downstate shithole with the other spooks and Jews
Go fuck yourself Downie there is no civilization in Jew York City or long nose island only queers, Jews and urban apes

Kill all niggers.

Yes. And young white men earnt their privilege by not being 3 fucking % of the population and committing over 50% of violent crime. Stop bitching at others and sort your own out, nigger.


white niggers. bunch of isis terrorist

White guy in a white community here, my garage door has never been locked since the 80s, and since our cat sleeps in it we have never bothered to fully shut the thing since the early 2000. It just sits half a foot open, filled with gardening and power tools, furniture, etc. Never had anything stolen from it, because i know all my neighbors and they know me. Diversity kills communities and fosters anti social behaviour.

I wonder why comments were disabled on the vidoe, oh cause maybe the guy who filmed it realized he was wrong but didn't want to be called out on it, honestly people like you are retarded and ducking saged

Saratoga here. I fuckin love upstate NY.

>Do something white people

Agreed. How about a race war to end all these nigs crying about white privilege?

Where bouts you live?

Doesn't it feel great to be white?

To be able to joke around and have bantz with police, and not only that, but to have the police reciprocate

Because they know they're not going to get sucker punched, shanked, or have their gun snatched from them.

Do you know why that is user? Because we act civilized. Because we're not niggers. You can complain about white privilege when the crime/race statics start to even out.

>Do something white people.
Okay, I will vote for whoever guarantees me more white privilege.

>woke up
>realized i was white

best day ever

Who /Utica/ here???

At least upstate NY has some good niggertunes

Create your own advanced civilization, built and populated by your own people then you can make and enforce the rules however you want. Until then, shut the fuck up or leave.

>bouncy castles
>violent gangs

pick one


nigger detected

Nailed it.